11-05-1947 - Regular " ~ \..., \.J ~ ~ ~ J I .' HEGULAR MJ.tll!:'i'I.NG OF THE TOWN t.;OUNt.;IL OF THE 'i'OWN OF EDGEWA'l'EH, FI.ORIDA, HELD I.N V. I. A. HALL ON NOVEAWER5, L947. Meeting called to orded at 7: 30 by JL.'1.yor vouncilrnnn .Lohmrm. .t1.0LL L.:ALL. .Il4.nyor LiGuncilmnn Counciibmn,n Councilman Ccr..erk Attorney Mn.rshall l!:. H. Lohman A. Hussoy Olen 0 Matthews \G. t.;. Spargo J. L.:. French j) . A. 'J.:homns .J:o'resent. .present. .J:o'resent. Present. Present. Present. READING OF .MI.NU'tES. lfimutes of the regular meeting held October 22 and the bpecio.l meetings held uctober 27th, xmbdiavember lst,and ~ovembBr 3rd, 1947 were rend. vouncil~'1.n Matthews moved they be approved as read seconded by vouncilmnn nussey and by vote declared L.:Alirtll!:il. 1tEPOR'rS 0 F 0]1' JfI CEflli . ~he L.:lerk read the Certificate of ~lection . fhis vretificate is attached and forms a part o~ these minutes. lilil:iOLUTIO.N . A .Hl!iSOLU'.L'ION DRCLARING '1'HE HESUL'J.: OF THE ANNUAL ELEL.:'l'IO.N l.Nt'.L'HE TOWN OF JJ.:DGEWA'l'.ItR, ~'LOHLIDA, ON 'tHE 4'.rH DAY OF .NOVEMBER A. D. L94-7, ~D fjROVlDItig ~R THE ISSU~L.:E OF v~TIFlvATES OF .u:LEL.:TIONS '1'0 ~~ '1'OWti OFFIL.:EHS t.;HOSE.N AT SAID ELEL.:TIO.NY the above and foregoing .t1.esolution was introduced by t.;ouncilnuu1 oaeID~uO~ ~~tthew6, which motion was duly srconded by vouncilman A. liussey and upon a roll call vote being tnken the same was declared adopted this 5th day of aovember, A. D. 1947, the vote of said vouncil on said roll call being as follGws. ~. ti. Lohman Yes Mnyor Councilman. A. Hussey Yes Ceuncilman ulen o. Matthews Yes Councilman ~his Hesolution is attached and forms a part of these minutes. BILLS AND At.;COUNTS. The foll~w1ng bills were read; Dwight~s Office l:iupplies Bond Howell Lumber Go. vity Gf New bmyrna ~each J. O. Jjerch Violet ~ckhardt .,l!;lmer L. li00Ch $lorance ~. l:iwiney narriett M. Walla Jessie \.i. :1.'homns Annie L. Wippe~'1.n Southern .!jaIl ~el. & tell. vo. .$ 4.95 5.38 75. 99 22.50 10.00 1.20 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.10 '-..,. -. v ~ ~ \ f-::J ~ minutes of meeting of ~ovember 5, 1947. o ,b1J!' ll.il!:HB MPO .H'.l'S ~he l.ilerk rend his l.insh statement and budget rteport for the period from October 1 to October 31, 1947. vouncilmnn tlussey moved these reports be nccepted"seconded by vouncilmnn Matthews abd by vote declared vAH~~D, vouncilmnn tlussey moved we ndj0urd, sine die, seconded by ~ouncilman Matthews nnd by vote declared vAHHL~V. ~ime 8.00 ~.M. .Ml\yor vouncilmon l.iouncilman a t~~ Cf ctr ~ l.iouncilmnn A.rj,' J5ti:1: . Ar~~o -' ~ .. -:-- \. .. I V ....., , "- \.., ~--J -- BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOB1UL1st ~O OCTOBBR 31st, 1947 I ACCOUl~ T APPROPRIATION. EXPENBED. UNEXPENDED. STREETS. $ 1200.00 11.61 1188.39 STllliET LIGHTS. 950.00 73.95 876.05 SALARI.I!lS. 4620.00 259.00 4370.00 LEGAL & ELECTIONS. 750.00 125.00 625.00 OFFICE EXP.I!lNS.I!l. 400.00 215.47 234.53 MAYORS COURT. 850.00 5.10 244.90 EMERGBNCY. 1500.00 00.00 00.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 200.00 50.00 150.00 PER~ENT IMPROVEMEl~TS. 100.00 00.00 00.00 10020.00 731.13 9288.87 EXPENDED $ 731.13, UNEXl'BNDED 9288.87 T<Y.rAL 10020.00 - - "' ATTEST: Ar~~ -.:.- .' '"' -~ I. V '" u- ~J ;"r ~/ \.I TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK'S CASH STATEMENT FOR THE ~RIOD OCTOBERlst TO 31, 1947 Total oash ,on hand and in Bank $ 6457.67 COLLECTIONS. Butsinoss Lio~ns8s Boor & Wine Lioons~s Bldg. pgrmits F~.s Wi thholding 1'nx 242.50 160.00 6.50 3.25 11.40 Total Collootions 405.65 Total to be Aooounted for 6863.32 DISBUHS.EMENTS. StrQQts StrQQt~ Lights StHarios LQgal & Eleotions Offiofi Exponse Mayors Court FirQ DQpartment 11.61 73.95 250.00 125.00 215.47 5.10 50.00 "- Total DisbursQmQnjs_ 731.13 " Balanolil 6132.19 ... Cash in the Bank Cash on Hand 6059.21 72.98 6132.,19 Of tha Gengral Fund in the Bank thQrQ has bOliln sot asidQ for a ForQolosed Property Fund tho sum of f 1017.01 ~ : ATTEST: - -. ", 4~i:((70 \...,r \wf ~ u STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA TOWN OF EDGEWATER On this day personally appeared before me, a1~4~tL 13. tv~ , to me well known, who, being by me first duly sworn deposes and says that the key to the ballot box to be used in the regular municipal election on November 4~h, A. D. 1947, has been entrusted to his care by the Town Council, and affiant further says that he will perform his commission as custodian of the key to the ballot box faithfully and impartially, without favor or prejudice to any political party. ~/3.L~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of November A. D. 1947. j(~tl- ~ Notary Public, State of Florida My Commissjon expires: !'i,,~~:y 1',,'f~<':. 1~~'1t ~ "D,14" lit ~ . c.- ..'..... _. '. ,. :)',n1 >.~~f(;h IS. i~"'. ~ .::.:.._."<t:.....: ~,~:t A_I",.-; .-;, ~"""9otV Ce. ..' f;L 1: