11-14-1945 - Regular ~~ . L, ~ u u~ , I ~ " REGULAR MEETUNG OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA, HELD IN'. V. I. A. HALL NOV. 14,194,5. Meeting oalled to order at 7.30 P.}~ by Mayor Cotnoi1man. Baumgardner. Rm.L CALL: --------- Mayor Counoilman Baumgardner Counoilman Lohman Counoil-mlUl Patoh Clerk Godward Attorney Gillespie Marshall Thomas St~eet Supervisor Browm Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Persont. Present. READING.OF MINUTES -----------------~ The minutes of the regular moeting and the minutes of the organization meeting ,both held on Nov. 7,1945. were read. Att.rney Gillespie made oertain ohanges in the form of the minutes and asked that they be oorreoted and presented for signature of the Counoil at the next regalar meeting. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. ****************** Cathrine Leddin - G.C.Spargo Mrs Woods - Joe .Bates Bond Howell Lumber Co.- Big Pine Cabins - City of New Smyrna. - J.C.Biroh Southern Bell Tel. Co - Fay. Cory Ray. Ballantyne - $6 . 56 y 1.76 I 10.00 .38 ~ 23.1'" 4.50......,. 76.99 1--, 36.60'/. _ "" }2..23/" j&/rf] 2.60 ....... _ 33..25., Df/%'?~ ;,' --it rtA~~ t3D'~- Ib/~ Counoilman Lohman moved that bills be approved as read, pai4,and made a part of these minutes. Seoonded by Councilman Patoh and by voted deolared Carried. OFFICERS REPORTS. ---------------- Mayor Councilman Baumgardner reported that he had contaoted the Bank of New Smyrna, Fla. and found that the funds deposited by the Town of Edgewater Fla. were c overed by the amount of 1,10,000., in S~o~fi t~ Bonds. et U ' 5". -r~ __"" C ~l.. ~ ~ COMMUNICATIONS. S .f. ,. I tL.s ~ / 11"6 - j" ~ C)- "'q, I f ~ - C .) l' ------- --- ---... A letter from the Munioipal Sup~ly CO.was read stating that Traffic Signals were not ye~ available. ' A request was filed by Mr. Peroy Loveland to have lots on the Blair Property cleaned. No action take>>. The resignation of Marshall Thomas was read. It was moved by Councilman Patoh and seoondad by .':Mayor Counc ilman iumgardner that this resignation be held over until the next regular meeting. Upon vote the motionfas carried. Mayor Councilman ;iaTimgardner- Yes. n Lohman Yes. n Patoh Yes. ........ -. L . L ~ u I ~ .~ ~ Communications, (continued). -------------------------- The resignation of Mr. T.C. Brown as Street SBSPB<<%B% Supervisor was read by the clerk. It was moved by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman tha~ said resignation be accepted. By vote the motion was carried. Vote: Mayor Councilman Baumgardner 1f Lohman ""'"'1, :Patch Yes. Yes. Yes. A motion was made by CouncilmanPatch and seconded by Councilman Lohman that Ha'7Y A. MOD~e be appointed as Street Supervisor for the Town of Edgewater, Florida.Effective Nov. 15,1945. By vote carried. Vote: Mayor Councilman. Baumgardner Yes. t' I Lohman Yes. " .."~ ~ ;.tPatch Yes. Moved by Councilman Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patch thatA Attorney Gillespie be authorized to get certified copy of Special .cts from the Sec. of State.of florida.By vote carried. Vote : MayorCouncilman Baumgardner - Yes. Councilman Lohman - Yes. Councilman Patch _! Yes. A resolution designateing the Bank of New Smyrna Beach Bmorida. as the Official Depository for the Town of New Smyrna, Florida was presented by the Attorney Gillespie. It was mo.ed by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman ~hat the resolution be passed. Vote: Mayor Councilman Baumgardner " Lohman " Patch Yes. Yes. Yes. It was moved by Councilman Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patch ~hat the meoting be adjourned.By vote carried. Vote: M~or Councilman Baumgardner Yes " Lohman Yes. " Patch Yes. Mayor counOil~~~~ ;;;'v'~~_ ---------------------~- Councilman Counoilman --~~[~-----~ ATTEST. t(~7af.,L.---/ . (T~wn Clerk. ~ \