Senate Bill 363 - Chapter 23266, No. 752 ~v Q . u . u .. . CHAf'fER 23266 NC. 752 3ENATE BILL NG. 363 AN ACT Authorizing the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to Compromise, 3ettle and Adjust Oelinquent Taxes which Are or May Become Unpaid for a Feriod of Cver 'rhree Years, and frescribing the Method Whereby 3uch Adjust- ments May Be Made. BE 1'1' El'!AG'rEO BY 'rHE LEG13LA'rURE GF 'l'HE 3'1' A'l'E GF FLC Rl OA: 3EC'flGl'J 1. 'fhe 'rown Council of the 'fown of Edge- water, Florida, be and it is hereby authorized to compromise, settle and adjust taxes of the said Town of Edgewater, which are or shall be hereafter unpaid for a period of over three (3) years preceeding the date of such compromise, settlement, or adjustment. 3ECTICN 2. That all of such compromises, settlements, or adjustments shall be on a uniform basis either as to property valuation, or as to the period of delinquency, and if made on the basis of valuation the last assessed valuation of the pro- perty upon which the taxes are sought be compromised, settled, or adjusted as the S8.me appears in the Assessment Roll of the said Town shall be adopted as the basis thereof. 3ECTIGl'! 3. It shall be the duty of the Town Council of said Town Council to establish by Crdlnance or Resolution the said basis upon Which compromise, settlement or adjustment shall be made for the ensuing year, Which such Crdinance or Resolution shall be adopted not later than the 3econd Regular Meeting of the Town Souncil following the date upon Which pro- perty in said Town shall be sold for such delinquent taxes in each year. 3ECTIGN 4. This Act shall take effect upon its ~ u Q . Q J .,.. -. passage and becoming a law, and upon its adoption, ratification, and confirmation at a Referendum Election in which a majority of the electors voting at said election shall vote in favor of such adoption, ratification, and confirmation. 3uch election shall be held within one (1) year after the date that this Act shall be approved by the Governor, or after it shall become a Law without such approval, and such election shall be conducted in the same manner as other elec- tions are conducted in said Town, and may be held at the same time as the annual election for the selection of (~ouncilmen in said Town shall be held. If a majority of the Electors voting in said election shall vote in favor of adopting, ratifYing, and confirming this Act, then the same shall fully become a Law, but should a majority of said Electors voting at such election vote against the same then this Act shall not become effective. All ballots in said election shall re ci te the ti tIe of this Act, after which shall be printed the following proposi- tion~.~ to be voted on: Mark an IlXIl before or at the left of your choice ll\! FAV0R 0F' RATIFICAT10N AGAIN3'I' 8.A'I'l Fl GA'f10N All ballots marked in favor of ratification shall be taken and counted as being Ilin favor" of the adoption, ratifica- tion, and confirmation of this Act; and all ballots marked against ratifi cation shall be taken and counted as "against" the adop- tion, ratification and confirmation of this Act. 'rhe returns of such election shall be canvassed by the Town Council on the day following the said election and the results thereof shall be certified by sald Council to the 3ecre- tary of State, of the State of Florida not more than ten (10) days thereafter. v u u o . . SECTION 5. All laws or parts of Laws in confliction herewith are hereby repealed. Became a law without the Governor's approval. Filed in Office Secretary of State May 21, 1945. , -. '-' . \.J \.J \J ----- ~~~ ~~- ,~""~~~",,,~ ~ /~ _.. . ~ 1 r If - ~ 1-. ...-..~~...~.~~1..' '\ ".f.. . . <\,!1>>'..1 II~it-'- -, . .' I..J, . ~,~.~.." -- ~~'{i fliIiJrh ~ · ~'~ ------... ~ ~"'C... ~~ -~" ." '--~ ,;;ilj,..- # ~J\. (t5t~nr, 3"Cffddf"#~~5fQ/@~~ ~1l11tlrl\b~ (~t1ifl1dl"~lT~/~r~tl'~~I/@!f:zJ;~b~~q4t~CI/;l7~C~~:Y<</ Chapter 23266 (No. 752), Laws of Florida, Regular Session 1945, as filed in this office. ~/-Hl/ff4t~$;P~$dd#td-I~~~atf~ap Jk2fa~~$huk/;:I'~1/c%?d~~>~~~~;fa~ ~~d;~ 16th ~h~;'l4- November $ Ji?4~1945. ~cr~