11-28-1945 - Regular , \....r ~ v " v - v 'l ---- ~ ~ ril REGULAR WETING Ol!' THE 'l'OWH COUnCIL OJ? EDGE\.ATER,FLA. HELD IN 'nm IN THE V.I .A.HALL NOV.28~~945.. ----------------------------------------------------~ ~hc Meeting was called to order by ~fiyor-Councilmen Haumgertner n t 7. 30. P. M. ROLL CALL. 1myor -Gounciil&~n Haumgertner If Lo hInan It Patch Glerk" Godwttrd )I"j Attorney GiDospie Street Supervisor Moore IJnrshnll Thomas Present. Present. Present. :;l~dPresent . Absent. " Present. Present. MA1)1-tfG~ o-~:- m:~NfJTES:~t '.--.. .... ,..__., >. _...f ~~~:;.~.:.::.: :.:.;.~:;.:. ~:...:.;-;.~-~ The reading of the/minutes of the regular meeting held on Nov.14 1945 were read by the clerk. It was moved by Gouncilmun Putch and seconded by Councilman Lohrnnn that the minutes be approved as read. By vote the motion was curried. Vote . lilllyor Councilman " tI Haumgartner Lohmn.n Patch Yes. Yes. Yes. Bills and Accounts. New Smyrna Builders Supply GO. Materials for play ground and Toilet ~ 31,2.91. t 5. 50. L. 11 .89 l- 62.85 t . .66 L David ~honk~s. Hill for fire Whitney Hatdware Co "S.3. Coleo ~ Ray lJalentyne D.W. Browing Bill Tabled. Motion was made by Councilman Patoh "and seconded by Councilman Lohman ~hat bill be paid as road. By voto the motion waS oarried. Voto . Mayor-Counoilman Baumgartner Yes. " LohJ'M.D Yes. " Patoh Yo s. It was movod by Counoilman Lohman and secended by Counoilman Patah tha tho clerk be instructed to write Mr. Stevans of ~ho Flu Fuol Co . asking him to olean the wholo lot whioh surrounds his R~s.tank in Ed~ewater Fla. tho same boin~ oonsidored a fire hazard. ~\he foti.was carried by Vote. Vote. Mayor-Councilman Baumgartner " Lohman " patah Yos. YeJs Y~s. '" \ A,~i;.P~e~tition was presented By Mr Ha.rry Garman,having signaturos of 104 votors of the Town of Edgewater,Fla. asking tha~ there bo an investigation of the Elootric Light and Powor Sorvice. Mayor- Councilman Baumgartner appointed the fol~~ing committee to investiga.to. Mr. Harry Garm.~n -_J~~an. Mr. Hussey )" _.,~ 'ffl~~ rm. '6cI4kIJ _-'- ~e~ J i<' ..' " IIr I R . ., .... \) J ~ V ~/ V ,.. - Mayor-Counoilman Bau~artner appointed a Zonin~ Board as follows; Robert Mr ~ ir.. Fay. Harry A. Fuller Allen Cory Garman Hussey Chail1Dan ~!ember. " 11 " It was movod by Counoilman Patoh and seoonded by Counoilman Lohman that all future BuildinR Permits must be first passed on and signed by the Zoning Board and the "be approved by the Town Council. By vote the motion was carried. Vote . Mayo~-CouncilID!ln Baumgartner " Lohm<.ln " Patch Yes. Yes. Yes. It was then moved by Councilman Putoh add socondod by Councilman Lohman thut Tho mooting bo adjourno~.By voto carriod. Voto. Mayor-Councilman " " Baumgartner Lehman Patch Yes Yos Yos. " J- ~~ ---_._~~~ ---- - ----- --- --- --- .~ ounc ilman ~-~J1~\~~~------------------- counoil~. . Attost. !~_Xj.?J:l~1. ;;~ Clork. - - ...:----