12-26-1945 - Regular r I - ~. , v , V n- U . .......... \...) I V .. v lillGULAR MEE'l'ING OF THE TOVlN COUNCIL OJ!' EDGEWATER FLA. HELD IN THE V.I.A. HALL ON DEGEMBER~:26, 1945 AT 7.30 P.ll. The meeting was called to order at 7.30 P.M. by Mayor- t;ounci1mun Bnumgartner. ROLL CALL. 1~~yor-Gounci1mnn " " .tjmungartncr Lohman Patch Godwnrd Gillespie 'l'homns Moore Present. PrQscnt. Present. Present. Present. Present. Absent. Clerk Attorney IJ1rtrshn11 Street Supervisor Reading of the lfinutcs. ~hc minutes of the Hegu1ar Meeting of Dec. 12th, 1945 were read by the clerk. it wus moved by t;ounci1m~n Lohm~n and seconded by t;ounci1mnn Patch that the minutes be upproved us read. Hy vote the motion was carried. Vote. Mayor-t;ounci1man Haumgartner " Lohmafi " Patch Yes. Yes. Yes. BILLS. Hond Howell Lumbar t;o. t;emcnt. $ 2.70 65.00 -------- 67.70 D.W.Browning lbteria1s for ~oi1ct . $ OFFICERS REPORTS. ., The t;lcrk read and presented to the Gounci1 his Monthly ~eport for the month of ~ovcmber 1945. . . It was mon~d byGounci1 m~n Patch nnd seconded by t;ounci1mnn Lohmnn that the report be approved and ~~dc part of the minutes. By vote the motion was carried. Vote. 1fuyo r- t;olmci1mrm Baumgartner " "Po. tch " Lohmun :ics. Yes. Yes. The clerk was instructed by the t;ounci1 that in the future he should notify tho M.~rsha11wh~n ~~TEC TANK PER1ITTS werQ issued. The Cl~rk wus instructed to sccur~ a Poli~ for Liability and Property Damage on the town truck in accordance with the motion passed at the Dec. 12,194~ regular meeting. COMU.Jnt;A~IO..NS . ~hQ t;lerk read all corraspondencc in regard to the ~lectric Light and Power Situation. The Petition of the people to the rown Gounci1 ro this matter was also read in full. Mr. H.Garman reported for the t;ommittcc on the the progress of th~~r work nnd read tho rates of thQ ~la. Power and Light Uo. ~hcre followed a discussion of tho question by the citizens of the town. Mr. J.U.Gi11Qsp~a , Mr. Robert ~cc ,]Jr.Goncau, Mr.Rhienho1d and other voter sp~aking. Mr. J.U. Gillespie stated that sincQ he was Attorney for the t;ity of NQW Snyrna Bonch and also for the town of ~dgcwnter and that since it was thQ opinion of some of the voters of ~dgewatcr th~t it was notprop~r for him to r~prcscnt both parties in this Light and Powor Questlon that he would would either rQsi3n as Attorney for the ---' L, I L, v I ~ ,. ~ J ~........ Pg. 2 Dcc. 26.1945' Town of l!:dgowntcr or b~ glad to h~ve The Gouncil :4ppoint some other attorney in this this c~so whilQ ho continued to SQVC in all other co.pacties . ~o action wns taken by the Gouncil.. It was moved by l;ouncilman Lohman und SeconclGd by l;ouncil:nan Patch that Attorney Gillespie write n lotter to the City of ~ow dmyrnn HO:itch, 1!'1~1.. asking for o.n extension of time for the o.greement in regnrcl to thG Power and Light ,b'ro.nchise . This letter was to be presented to the commission ofF'the tlity of of new Smyrna Hench, Jj'llJ. . :1. t their regular '!looting on Dcc, 27,1945'. Hy vote the motion wnG curried. Vote. 1~YQr-Councilman It Haum~artner Lo h.>n::m Putch rose Y(,;s. Yes. " ORDINANCE ;::---135'. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLiSHING '1'J:f...lG SALfI.RY OF 'l'llE TO\."N MARSHALL OF THE 'I'OV;.N OF EDGEWATER FLA. the above ordinance wus road in full. n;ouncilnln.n Lohman moved and vouncilmun Patch seconded that Ordinance flo. 135' be passed upon first rending. Hy vote the motion was declared curried. l;ouncilrru.l.n Patch moved that thl1 requirement of rc:.:tdin Ordinance .NO .135' on second rending be vm.i VGcl and thut said Ordil11:mee be placed upon finul j!<1ssnge, seconded by Councilman Bnumgnrtner and by vote declared unanimously carried. l/hereupon it v;ns moved by CJuncilmall Lohmun and seconded by counci1111:;n Pntch that Ordinance ~o. 135' be passed nnd ndoptcd hp.d u1roallcull being tnken on this motion resulted us follows; M;l.yor -Councilmnn Councilman Councilm:~.n Bnume;n.rtner Pa tch Loh.rnnn - Yos. - Yes. _.. Ye s. t..ORDE:- 'lTCE - NO--136. Ordin~:.ncc: No, 136. en ti teled AN ORDI}lANCE A},f:I:1IDING SECTION 1 OF OHDINA'~Cli: ~,l04 OJ?THE TO;T OF EDGE', ATER,F.L0RIDA AB AMEnDED BY ORDINANCEl,lJO. u.28 A..1f1.J :b'URTP...J.~H. Ai\n.!.a'.j1J~D BY OrtDr{A'ifCE }.TO .132 SO .AS '1'0 ESTABLISH THE DT~Pl'R OF THE RESTRICTED AREA ALONG RIDGEiOOD AVE~i1JE. ',AS READ I!-r FULL. eounci~ann Patch moved that Ordinance Yo. 136 be pusGed on first rending, seconded by Councilman Lohmrm und by vote declared C:.:1.ITiecl. Councilman Putch Y>loved anclCouneilrnan Baumgartner seconded th:~.t the requirement of reading Ordinance No 136 on secend rending be waived and that snid Ordinance be placed on fin::1.1 pnssnge. By vote the motion was declared lli1nnimcusly carried. '; hereupon it was moved by l;ouncilmnn ::'ohmnn ,seconded by Councilman Putch that Ordinance ~o. 136 be passed and adopted nnd u roll cnll being taken on this motion resulted us follows; ___d..~_'ff~. tO~~CIQrk. . M~yor-Council~:.n Baumgartner Yes. Council~;1.'l..n Lohmnn Yes. Couneilmnn Putch lese It Vias moved by Councilmnn Fatch and seconded by councilman Lohman that the meeting be adjourned. Unn~imously carried by vote. J.._ __. ~.!~_____~ )k( r 'OU" m<1l1 \.) , ~~;,~-~~~:--------------~ JJtlt~~L--____lWA c')uncilrn~~~--- \j . Attest.