02-08-1946 - Special \d u u I V ~.~. SPECIAL 1mETING OF TH~ TOVm COUNCIL OF EDGBWAT~R, FLORIDA. HELD IN T:--ru V.I.A. HALL ON Fn.a'~1946,8.oQ}]?M. ------------------------------------------------------------------- \j ~his meeting was held for the purpose of considorin3 any ~nd all mnttcrs. pertaining to the cri ~ic::tl Electric Light :.:md Power ConcH t1cm existing in the Town of .iI:dgC\\ uter lnOridn. ROLL CALL. --------- 1~yor-Councilmnn Baumgartner Present. II La hm.."n PreE)(;nt. " POl. tch Present. RESOLUTION. A resolution concerning the Electric Light and Power Situation was , rend in full. v' It W.:l9 moved by CGluncilmnn P:ttch and seconded by Councilmnn LGhmnn that the resolution be p~3sed on its first reading. By vote the mo- toin was declared carried. Councilman Patch moved and t..:ouncilmrtn Lohman seconded that the rc- quirement of the second reading be wn.ivGd and that said resolution be plnced on final passage, By vote the motion was unanimously cARRI~.. Vihereupon it was moved by C@uncilman Lohmnn nnd seconded by Cv>uncil-I1]J1.n Patch that the suid resolution be passed und adopted and n "11 cull being taken rQsulted as follows; 1~~yor - t..:ouncilman Baumgnrtncr- Yes. " Po. tch - Yes. " Lohman Yes. Copy of reSolution attached as part of these minutes. A Stntement of the lL.'l.yor (Of the ~'own of Edgcwater ,Florida in rC6ard to the Electric Light and Power 8ituation was rO:::1.d and made a purt of these minutes. I t was moved by Councilmn,n Patch and seconded by Caunc i.lm.'1.l1 Lohman that the meeting be adjourned. By vote the motion was carried. Councilman ~ 1JL'l.yor -Colincilmnn Attest. ~ rpl /J ~ ~~~~. ~:wn Clerk. Co un c i 1 nk'l.n '- . , ..."--1 ~ ~ ...... " f'! I '-" , ^ '- . I, TREZEVANT HOL~~S, JR., City Clerk of New Smyrna Beach, Florida do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida at a regular meeting of said Commission held the 13th day of December, A. D. 1945, and duly entered in the minutes of sald meeting. IN WITNESS Whereof I have hereunto set my name and ~ffixed the corporate seal of said City this 13th day of December, A. D. 1945. c?;~;-:/~ ) '. .... ... . 'i1'-'1!' .... ~' - lanuery 24, 1946 Florida Power & Light mompany Daytona :attaoh Florida Attention: Mr. Clydo Byrd, Manager Gentlemen: The eleatric servioe within the aorpornto limite ot' the Town of ~dsewater) Florida, has been very in~dequete tor ~uite Sl~$ time. Frequently tne Town end its inhabitant3 are wholly without e1eotrio1ty for twenty-four hours at a time. Ev0r. more often, the servioe 1s interrupted for sherteI' ~er- lods of timt3, and a gY"EH:'l.t dtlal of the time wben servioe 18 being :furnished, the voltage is low t\no. inadequate. As a typlofll e'AtJInple, from ea.,rly yestGrday morning until late lost night, there was absolutely no electrioity in the Town of Edge\vster. IdlJ8water does not have l'1 centr:al \Vftter eystem. In other WOI'(ls, ea.oh residenoe or busin.ess oatnbli Brufl0nt prooures water by pumping it by eleotricity from walls on the premises. As 8. result. when electric ourrent 1s ohut off. not only p.l.re the people without eleotric! ty tor lighting. oooking. f3tc., but the supply of ",-ater is 111stGntly shut 01'1'. As a result of the failure of th~ (,1 ty of NCtl' &.myrna. B~aoh 'to furnish ude,~uete electrio power within the Town of Edge- water, Florlila, e mO:Jt orltical situation has er18en--one whioh affects the healtb of the yeople, tla well ~5 the eoo- nom~e wellbeing and convenience of the people. During the past year, t.houaandB of dollrlra have been lost by bu~lne!lls66 in the To....tIl of Edgewater by reaaOIl 01' apoilage of meat and other perishable produots, enC the damage and des- truction of electrio npplialloem by reason of low voltege current. The business j)sople have been Q./';llli<iged IDeny !l.ore thousanos of dollars due to 1033 of profits 011 busineslJ whioh tilCY would have otheI'\\>1.ec dont) it 1 t hen not been tor the power failure. ,,t ~~ - - ~ Page Two -- B~yond q,uestlon, an tU1s&ni tary oono.l tion, iujurlou8to the health of the people, is created by the inability of the in- habitents to prooure water. Due to the emergenoy cree-tad by the situation whioh we have outlined above, the Town Council of tne Town ot Edgewater, Florida, uoee hereby oell upon the Florida Power & Light ~ Company, a pUblic utility, hOlding itsolf out to the ~ublla as being engaged in the bus1ne~e of furnishing eleotrio power 1 I to those who desire it, to Immedlat~ly or as soon 85 is b~nnly possible. furnL'3h electrio ,power to the Town of EagewatEtr. \ Florida, and to the inhabitants snd buelness establishments f therein in order to alleviate the grossly U11B8.tistv.otory and unsanitary condition which now exists. It is also the desire of the Town Coune1l to gran,t the Florida Power & Light Company R rr~noh!se to furnish eleotrioity to the Town of Edgewater and to its inh~bit8nts for e definite poriod of time in the future. Your attention is called to the fact that in 1926 the Town of Edgewater, Florida, gr~nted to the Elorida Power &:. Light Company li frt.nchise for the purpose of 5u)plylug Bleatrlo1 ty to the Town and its inhabitants (which franohise was aooepted by your cOMpany). Your a.ttention 1s also called to the tact that such franchise hes ap;roximately ten more ye&rs to run before it expires, end that the Town of EdgewateT has never granted any other franchise to any other compeny, or to ROY indivldu~l. or munioipal oorporation, to furnish electric power ~dthln the TOYffi of Edgeweter. The ToWIl of Edge"Feter and 1 ts inht..I\bi tents o,nd. businosa estab- lishments have ~re&dy suffered greatly. A gr~at amount of additional damages are an immediate prosp~ct. ~~ call upon you to furnish electric servioe here as Boon as is humanly possible. Sincerely yourn, TO\Ul OF EDGEYiATr.:H, JrLORIDA ( S ~AL ) M,cyor-Counollme.n / s / J. J. B~....UMGAhTN ],i.lh Co un o1J.."Il an / sl E. H. LOllil/lAN Councilman_ /sl h. h. 1?A'l'l"fi Attest: / sl J hNU:-0 J!'. GUlJVV.hldJ Town Ulerk