02-13-1946 - Regular f' n G y ~ " v J -& ~ ~ -- ...:. 0; .. /, - ~ R.n:GULAR 1f.tj;'j;TING Oli' TH'~ TOliU COUlifCIL OF ~DGEWATER FLORIDA.,FJEill IN THE V.I.A. HALL ON J!'EBRUARY ~3,1946 7.30 P.M. ROLL CALL. 1~~yor-Councilman Baumgartner If Lohman " Fatch Attorney French ~lerk :~Godwnrd Stroet Supervisor Uoor~ 1furshnll thanus - Present. -Present . - Present. - Absent . - Present. - Present. - Present. U!f)ING OF 'mE 1ITlHJTES. The minutes of the rQ~ular ~neeting of Jan.23,1946. and the minutes of the Special Meetings of Jan. 24.1946 and of Fob. 8,1946 wore read by the clerk. It was mov,:;d by ~ouncilman Putch und seconded by ~ouncilman Lohman that tho minutes be approved as read . By vote cnrricd. V(J)t\:. Mnyor-Councilmnn Baumgartner - Yes. " Patch - Yes. " Lohman -Yes. MONTHLY R.u.~ORT OF CLERK. The Clerk road his ~nthly Report and tho Budget Report. for the month of Janunry 1946. It was movod by Councilman Patch ~nd seconded by Councilman ~ohnmn tha these reports be approved and made a part of tho minutes. By vote the motion was curried. fhe ~~rshalls report rind the Str~ct)Supervisors report were then read and approved. Vote. lJr1.yor-Councilmnn Bnungnrtncr - Ycs. " Patch - Yes. " Lohman - Yes. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. , The f~llowing bills were rend by the clerk; Ci'ty of New Smyrna Beach. Streot Liehts' ------$-73.95' r> Hnll Li~hts ----------- 2.04- Bell Tel. & Tolegrrtpp. Go. Highland Ave. ---------- 6.03/ Conn. Ave. ---------- 4.70-. Truck Insrnnce. ---------- 23.95"~ ~ruck licence Ex. -------- 5.25 v R~venuo '':i tholdinc; TIl.X -------- 8.16 v Office Supplies ------- 14.11 v Gasoline -------- 4.85' v Koad work ------- 4.00 ~ Vi.L Robcrtson J .J!' . God w:::trd Collector of Int. Skinner & Kennedy Joe Bates &'lY Bnllan tyne G ..,.~ . u v ~ rr: ,~ " .c..6 .! 1 ..I 'i '{ 6 . ~~LLS AND ACCOUrl~S CONTINUED. James F. Godwurd so.lary for Feb.1946. Do.vid 'l'holl1.'1.s sn1:1ry " It It Harry Moore If " " " J.J.Bnumgnrtner " " It " E.H.Lohmo.n " " " " A.R.Putch " " " " . David Thomas Fees fill' six wurrants IfLnyo I' ct. J.F.Godwurd " If " rt " II 01 ~ 75.00 75.00 99.10 6.25 4.16 4.16 18.00, 12.00 / J. J .Baumgnrtner " It tI " " "12.00 S~larios of Mayor and Couoilmen to be deposited in the Par. Im~.Fund. 1I"'~yor Cou..t f....es of ].f~yor Doposi tad in" " n. uOMUIITCATIONS. l~~. ~ U ~~ :; - ~ . -If-~- -- - ---- --- All letters and n resoiliutien in regnrd to the Electric Lieht j and Power question were rend in full. After a discussion and a complete explnination of the situation given by the mayor there was a hearty applause by the citizens present. A letter by Attorney Gillespie in regnrd to the manner in wfhich other cities adjusted delinquent taxes was read. It wns decided I1fh ".... that no action would be talcen until"cousulting our Attorney, Mr. F~ench. at the next regular meeting. .New Business Mr.(fl1.rmnn ns Chairman of the Electric LiJ;ht COlnmi ttee was as- ~ D'(,~. ked to prepare a petition asking nl~~tQ~S in fuv@r ef having Florida Power & Light tJo.tnke over our Electric System,to sign their names fQr publication. It was decided that the Town ef Edgewnter should ront n Safty and other important papers. Deposit Box at the Bank of New Smyrna fQr the deposit of Honds It was moved by tJ~uncilmnn Lohman and sQconc1cd by tJouncilrm:m Patch that the meeting be adjourned. By vete the motion wns un- nnimQusly carried. ....." M..'l.yor;..Csuncilmnn Ceuncilmnn Attest. / 4wwuA' 1" flp-~d , ( T~~-~l~~k--------- 1~ J3~ /1'11:,< Counctlmnn