03-27-1946 - Regular {, '-' .. :~ u J v - ..... . REGULAR }.ill:~TING OJ!' TH.!!.: TO\fN COUNCIL OF EDGE .lATER FLORIDA HELD IN THJii V.I.A HALL Olf 1[A.r'1CH 27, 1946 n t 7.30 P.M. -------------------------------------------------------------- ROLL CALL. Mayor - Councilmun II II Buul1.1gurtner La hmn.n Patch French Godward Them..'l.s Moore --Pres Gmt . --Present. --Present. - ltbsent . - Present. - Present. Present. Attorney Clerk :M..,1.rshall Stroet - Supervisor RtbADING 0]' TH.s.C MINUT~.3. The rending of tho Elinutes of the regular meeting of Murch 13,1946 were read by the clerk. It was movod by Councilman Lohr.J.c.'l.n and sec- onded by Councilw1n Patch that the minutes be approved as road. By vote the motion was illlanimouly'cnrricd. BILIS ~ID ACCOU1ITS. Joe Bates 10 gnl.gns\by Harry Moore. David Mc Ginnis - Payment for broken glass 2.30 10.00 It was Doved by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Loh~1.n that thG abave, rra.cntioned bills be approved und paid. By Vote tho motion was 'carriad. Voto. Mayor-CQuncilm~n II " Ba umgurtner P n t ch LohPJ<.l.n Yes. Yes. Yes. C01w1:i,lUHI CATIONS. 1!r. Robert Foa reported that certain letters of June 22,19~5 and of some date in July 1945. addressed to the To\Vl1. of Edgcwatcr,Fla. s in regard to Drcdgoing and Spoil Dispo~l Aroas had not boen honored by an answer. The clerk was asked to write tho Chamber of Commerce of Hew Smyrnu Boach in rcgurd to this lrIntter uncl to furnish tho in- formation requested. UEvr BUSIUEdS. Mr. W.E.Moore was given a contract to paint three NO DU~~ING SIGNS to bo placed at tho rivGr front. Vote. ~1.yor-Councilmnn " " Baumgattn~r Lohman Patch Yos. Yes. Yes. Mi~. Harry Mooro ,Streot-Suporvisor asked Tho Town Council for u 1'l mo",ths vucation bQgining April 2,1946. Tho vacation wus granted wi th the understanding that ]Jr. Meora would first pick up garbage for the month. ~ '-' u \j . -.... r."'EVl BUSINESS. 1~. Robert Foe gave the Council somo interesting information in regard to the drainage of the canal in Highland Shores. Also he asked for infor~~tion in behalf of Mr. Zoss of Detriot Mich. concarning permission to build cabins and trailer courts on Ridgawood Ave. 1~. A. Hussey discussed tho matter of fire protection for tho fawn of Edgewatar. He advised that we ahould have more protecti~n of our own instead of dQPcnding on New Smyrna. The Light and Power Situation was again discussed. The ]~~yor and the Councilman were of the opinion that it would be advisablQ to wait until after the April 1st meeting of the new Smyrna Council bofoirc :.tnk:i:ng I any further action. \1.E Moore presented n receipt from The Tax Collector of Volusia County showin8 that he had beon exempted from taxes i'n the State and County ) on the following described property. for the year of 1945. s. 59' on River of Lot 1 and N. 30' of E. 200'of Lot 2 andS. 42'on Di:{ie H'!s of I,ot 11. Assr's Sub of Hatch Homestead & Rip. Rts. Ycr. walter Biglow and wif~ presented a letter which they claimed entiteled them. to homestead exemption on the following dG:scribed pr6- J. property: Year of 1945. ~ I L Lots 27 & 28 i~lk. B. of Soo.2 Highland Shores Sub. It was moved by COilllcilman Lolli&~n and seconded by Councilman Patch that the petitions for ho~tead C~~Ption above mentioned be granted. By vote the motion was carried. Vote. 1byor - Councilm~n " " B aumgartne r Patch Lohmnn Yos. Yes. Yes. It was moved by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman that the meeting be adjourned. By vote the motion was unanimously " Council:ll.an carried. lmyor - Council~~m Attest. _-f-~~2__t~~~..L . Town Clerk. C ounc i llTh"tn ; ~ \-,.I ....., '\wi ~ -- CHl1RLrS UIINSION 5mITH llTIODNfY llT WID NEill SIDYDNll REllCH, fLODIDll March 27th 1946 J TO: The Honorab Ie ~ or and Members of the Counci 1 of the TCNfn of Edgewater, Florida. Gentlemen:- Within the proper time last year Mr. Walter J. Bigelow and his wife Edith M. Bigelow, made application for Ho~e8tead Exemption upon the following described property: Lot s 19 to 30 inclus ive in Block B of Secti on 2 Highland Shores subdivision, in the Town of Edgewa ter t Flori da, and this applicati on was granted by the County, but seems to have be e n denie d by your Honor ab Ie body_ Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow have made Edgewater their home since 1923, exercising all the rights and privileges of Florida citizens during all of that time and there should be no question as to their right to Homestead Exemption as is provided by law_ When we inquired of your predecessors in office regard- ing the disallowance of this Homestead Exemption last fall, we were advised that Mr. am Mrs. Bigelow were residents of Massachussetts and not entitled to any exemption. Thereupon we obtained certificates from the authorities at Northborough, Massachussetts, the former home of the Bigelows and where they have a summer home and insisted that these good citizens of Edgewater be permitted to continue the exercise of their fran- ch is e in Edgewa ter where they had v oted for so many years and after much del~ and bickering around, they were finally per- mitted to vote in your last Town election held last November, but no action has been taken to aflow their Homestead Exemption as was requested. No notice has ever been extended to the Bigelows that their exempti on was dis allowed and the reason therefor, as is required by law. Immediately upon their return last fall they sought to paw their taxes in November as is their custom, but they have refraired from p~ing their taxes on their Homestead property, hopi ~ that this manifest error might be co rrected and that they may be accorded the rights guaranteed to all ci tiz ens of Flor ida. "wi '-' ~ :\..., c Page 2, Mayor and Members Counci 1 - Town of Edge\Vater. o the r taxes due to the Town of Edgewater, have been paid, and the Bigelows are ready, wi lling and able to pay whatever taxes may be justly due on their property, but they feel and I join with them in the feeling, that they have been discrim- inated against and deprived of their rights am that they should only be required to pay taxes upon the excess of valuati on or area of their property, over and above their homestead exemption. I am attaching to this letter copies of the certificates that we obtained from Massachussetts, last fall, having to do With the BigelONs citizenship status in that State and the originals are in the file in my office, in case their authen- tici ty should be questi one d. Since the time of delinquency for the payment of taxes is approaching, we respectfully request that your honorable body consider this matter at tonight's meeti ng and direct the Town Tax Collector to accept the amount of taxes that would have been due by these tax payers had the exemption been granted. Yours very truly, ~/{~.~ C- ~. Wins ton . '- I '\L' l .... --~ L ~ U '- - OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK Narthborough, Massachusetts. 'ID vmOM I T MAY CONCERN: This certifies that according to the records of the Registrars of Voters of the Town of Northborough - the name of Walter J. Bigelow was stricken from the voting list August 23, 1924, cause being removal from town. He has not since been a voter in this town. sl HARRY F. ALLEN, Town Clerk, Clerk, Regristrars of Voters. Nor thborough, Mass., October 15, 1945. :" r V '-' . --:'lo\. -- 'wi TOWN OF NOR T H B 0 R 0 U.G H Office of BOARD ASSESSORS. OF Northborough, Hass., Nov. 7, 1945. TO WHOM IT l!.AY CO~JCERN: Accor di Xl!: to the As se ss or's records of the town of Northborough, Mass., Mr. Walter J. Bigelow has not been assessed a poll tax and has not been a resident of this town since 1923, which was the last year he paid a poll tax. sl HERMAN L. PEIUZE Clerk Board of Assessors. ~