04-10-1946 - Regular \ ' .v 'wi .f:~ .~ ..'~ --.,;i ~ o I~EGULAR M~l<:J.1IlW Ol!' THE rrOWN COUNCIL OF :?tiE NA'rEH, FLOIUDA, 1f~LD IN 'rHE V.LA HALIJ ON APHIL 10,1946. A! /.7.30 P...M. --------------------------------------------- ROLL CALL. ;!::~----_..- Mayor-Councilman Baumgartner - Present. " Patch - Present. II L ohm'J.n - Pre sent. Attorney ~'rcnch - Present. C Ie r k Godward - Present. Marshall 'rhomas - Present. St. Supervisor Moore - Absent. . READING Ol!l THE MINUTES. -------------------~- The reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 27,1946 wore read by the clerk. It was moved by Councilman Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patch that the minutes bo appro~ed as read. By' vote the motion was unanimously carried, MQlllTHLY REPORT. -------------- The monthly report of the clerk was read. It was moved by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman that th~ said report be accep- ted and made a part of the minutes. By voto the motion was carried. Vote . Mnyor- Councilman Baumgartner - Yes. " Lohman Patch - Yo s. - Yo s. II ~ILLS Ann ACCOUNTS. ------------------ Salrios. J . l!'. Godward for April 1946 $ 75.00 " " " 75.00 6.25 4.16 4.16 David Thomas " " II J.J.Baumgartner " II " A.R.Patch E.H.Lohman " " " \ Salaries of all Councilmen to be depositeo in the Permanent Improve~ mont Fund. --~ -- "'" '-' v v u . Pg.II April~10,1946 Regular Meeting. Bills and Aocounts, Continued. -----~------------------- ~if! ~flNew SwY&uulBeach. Hall Lights 2.04- St. Lights 73.95 - e e egrap Te. Cn. Conn. Ave. 4.70 -Highlands Ave.6.03- J.J.Bnumgartner fees for two cases (1myors Court) ( To be deposited in Per. 'Imp. :&'und) J.F.Godward two cases in David Thomas " " " 75.99 10.73 4.00 " " :f 4.00 6.00 " " It was moved by Counoilman Patch and seconded by Counoilman Lohman that the above salaries and bills be approved and'paid. By vote the _1 motion was earried. Vote. Mayor - Counoilman - Ba~mgartner - Yes. " Patch - Yes. " - Lohman - Yes. REPORTS. Mayor Baumgartner reported that u representative ef the Sute Board of Health had asked him for oocperation in the matter of seeing that the resturants and eating places wore made to obey the Stato Laws in the Town of EdgCl.'later,Fla.The Clerk was instructed to look up Edgewater Orninancos re Sanitation. g2I:~r:!~:~~~1:~~~.: An extract from from Tho Florida Sunshine Newspaper wus read. It stated that The Florida Power & Light Co. was lacking in many kinds of matorials fJr construction purposes. Copy attached. NBW BUSIHSSS. -----______0- The Mayor instructed the Town Marshall of ~dgewater,Fln. to warn oporatore of Bulldozers about placing trees weeds and trash on other peoples proporty and ordered the Marshall to arrest offenders. It was moved by Coune ilman patch and soe ondod by Conne ilman Lohman that Mayor-Councilman Baumgartner be given a one month's leave of absense, and that during the absense of :\1&yor-Ceuncilman Baumgartner. Vice-~hlyor E.H.Lohman be authorized to sign docu~ents and checks as Acting~Mayor of the Town of Edgewater. Florida. by voto the motion was carried. Vote. Mayor-Councilman Baumgartner - Yes. " Patah - Yes. " Lohman - Ye s . It was moved by Councilman Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patah that ta~rooeting be adjourned. By Vote the motion was unani- mously carriod. ~~~~ VICE~ MAYOR-COUNCIL1~ ------------------------ -_!~~~~----------- dc/l1ruq~ ATTEST. . / , ~~.q&~. ~WN CLERK COUNCILMAN ........ ",..,\ '-' \"J ~ "--' & SHOhrrAGES PLAGUE WORK ON EXPANSION How to secure 9tOOO more poles than usual -- or a total of 25,000 poles this year;---when poles are more scarce than ever, is merely one of the many perplexing problems now encountered by the Company in carrying out its planned expansion program. The handicaps caused by the shortages of' various kinds of' equipment and the steps taken by the company to overcome them were explained to a Sunshine Bervice News reporter by P. J. Carlin, Superintendent of Distri bution. "In the old days we secured poles and cross-arms from private firms who specialized in this field, Now, \uth lumber bringing a higher price, timber ovmers sell their pine trees to sawmills and the pole-suppliers go begging. UTo overcome this shortage, we are returning to the use of cypress poles, ~ limited number of which we are able to secure from two Florida timber men. Years ago we used cypress but the supply was too small. Along wi th the limited cypress poles now available, we're managing to get out hands on some pfune poles and we're arranging w~th a contractor to creosote them. But, we'll need more poles than ever in our history." Take the matter of transformers, for instance. Mr. Carlin's figures show that the Company vall need 3200 this year. With the manufacturers working on war contracts, this company created a back-log of orders with the manufacturers amounting to 4600 transformers: Of course, when the war ended, the manufacturers of transformers turned to these orders, but then their employees went out on strike. Mr. Carlin estimates normal deliveries on transformers ~all not be achieved until the end of 1947. Meanwhile, the smaller size transformers, the 3 and 5 KYA, highly essential for the Company's important rural electrification program, are the most difficult to pbtain. Mr. Carlin and staff have schemed and used many stop-gaps, including the use of larger transformers in order to maintain service, but there is a limit to large transformers, too: ,~, ... \~ As for wire, the manufacturers apparently had a plentiful supply of copper and a sufficient quantity of bare wire is now available. However, the vare manufacturers possess insufficient equipment to insulate all the covered wire which is now needed, .a shortage of covered wire constitutes a bottleneck in providing ~Sunshine Service" to customers. Dead-end insulators and house brackets are other items which are hampering the Company's service to customers. Mr. Carlin hopes to fill needs on these shortly as manufacturers turn into full production. UBut meters," and Mr. Carlin shook hi s head darkly, "On meters we' va been running 100 per month behind deman4. We can't get enough of them because the manufacturers, on ending war work, were immediately beset by strikes. To show that we're sincerely interested in giving our customers service, we are serving about 3,000 customers without meters they merely pay for an estimated amount of electri ci ty. " l" v l. . u v fI <---<,' TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA .EXCERPT FROM Tllii: l.r";"'::TING OF TID: Tlli: TO~a~T COUNCIL OF ":DG~\IAT~R , ]'IDRIDA HELD IJ.~ T1ill TOliN HALL ON APRIL 10, 1946 7.30 P.M. -------------------------- ------------------- --------------------- It wus moved by Councilman Putch and seconded by Councilman Lo~an tha~1byor-C0lmcilman J.J.Baumgnrtnor be granted ane month's leave of nbsensc, and that during the nbscnsc of Moyor;Councilmnn J.J.Bnumgnrtncr, ViC0 -~~YQr ~.H.LohPk~n bo authorized to sign docwncnts and chocks ns Acting Mayor of the Town of ~dgcwatcr Florida. By Vote tae rnotion was carried. V0tc . lbyor-Council~~n Baumgartner CQuncil~~n Patch Councilman Lohman - Yes. - Yes. Yes. L,Jnmcs F. GQdward Tewn Clerk of the Town of Edgcwntor, Florida do hereby certify that the above is a true and ~xnct copy taken from the minutes of the Regular Mceti~of The Town Council ef J.i:dgcwater,Florida held in tho V.I.A. (Town Hnll) at 7.30 P.M. on April 10,1946. In Witness 1hQraof, I have hereunto set my hand and seu1 of said town this 20th dny of April, 1946 A.D. _1-~:_7..'-/(~~~ Town ClerIc.