05-04-1946 - Special r G v u ~ SP];CIAL ~ETING OF TH.E TO\.'N COUUCIL OJ!' ZDG~...ATjj;R,J?LORIDA IillLD IH THE V.I .A. HALL ON MAY 4,1946 ;FOR T1U PUr{POSE OF INSP.tllCTING THE C~RKS LIST OF D..u:LINQ.U~HT TA.2C.6S HOR 19406. JU1tll: 3,1946 TM SA.LE. ----------------------------------------------------------~------- The meeting was called to erder by Vic~- 1~~y~r-Councilllk~n ~.H.Lehnk~n ;;J. t 7.30 P.M. ROLL CALL. M.'1.yor-Councilman J.J .Baumgartncr VicQ-I~y@r-Councilmnn E.H.LGhman CQuncilmnn A.R.Putch CIQrk Godw;;J.rd Godwnrd Attorney French l~rshull Thomas St. Supervisor MlDorc Absent. Present. Present. Present. Absent. Present. Absont. - -. '" BUSI1~3S OF THE 1~~TING. After :J. rauding of thQ Dclinqucmt Tnx List ef tho tUXQS of the year 1945 A.D. which arc tc be SQld on Juno 3,1946. the Councilmen present llJ.:::l.dc un exmninntion of the said list which is I.l.ttnched hereto. It was moved by Vicc:-M.uyor-Councilman Lohrfu.'1.n and seconded by CCluncilmnn Patch thut the above mentioned D~linquent Tux List be approved U~ rend, be posted nnd mnde u part of these minutes. By voto the motion was carried. Vote. Vice-M~yor-Councilman E.H.L~~~nn Yes. Council~'1.n A.R.Putch Yes. I twas moved by Councilman Patch and seconded by Vicc-Mayor- CCHlnc ilrnrl.l1 Lo~mnn that the meeting bo adjourned. By vote the motion wns un- nnimously carried. ~ VIC~-MAYOR-CODNCIL1VU; -~------------~:_-- ATTEST. rr~, / / g.~. /': :f~~t... VTOWN CL~RK. COUNCILMAN ~:.~~--- ... ~