05-08-1946 - Regular .. 4'"' " ~ ~ v u llliGULAR MEETING OF THE TO'..:i-r COUUCIL OJ? EDG--i:'"ATER, FLORIDA. H.1l:LD IH THE V.I .A. HALL 1v'fAY 8th, 1946 AT 7.30 P.M. --------------------------------------------------------------- ROLL CALL. M~yor- COlu1cilp~~n - Baumgartner CQuncilrnn.n - Lohman Councilman - Patch Attorney - French Clerk - Godward lt~rshall - Th~m~s St. Sup. - Moore Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. R]:ADING 0]' MINUTES. --T~~-~~~~.~~;-~f-~~c; Regular Meeting of April' .10 ,194~ nB cerrcctcct by 'fht; Council were read. The minutes of the: meeting of theFcgular meeting Qf April 24,1946 and of the Special meeting of :::'rty 4,1946 were read by th.::.: CIQrk. It was moved by Councilmnn Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman that the.; minutcs of the above rllcntioncd mQctings be nppreved as read. By Vote the motion was carried. V~tc;; M:':1.yor- Councilmrm - I3aumgartner - Yc;s. Ceuncilm':1.n - Lehman - Yes. C~uncilmnn - Patch - res. MONTHLY fUPORT. The clerk read his monthly report ~n Funds and Appr~printiens. It was moved by Ceuncilmnn Patch and seconded by CQuncil~~n Lohm~n that the rep~rt be approved and p~~dc: a part of the minutes. By vote the motion was carried. Vote. lfuyor- Councilm:ln - Bnumt.;artner - Yes. C~mncilman - Lnhman - Yes. Councilnnn - I'n.tch - res. BILLS & ACCOUNTS. Salries. l,hy~r J.J .Baumgartner --------------- C0uncifum~n Loh~~n Counci1~~n Patch ( Above salaries t~ be deposited in Per. 6.25 4.16 , 4.16 ,'" Imp. J?und ~ ", f Clerk Godvlnrd llhr~hnll Thonl.n.s St..Supervisor Moore --------------- 75.00 --------------- 75.00 --------------- 99.10 ttj~ C." J c: Bills. Bell Tel & Talegrnph CO. -------------- City of New Smyrna Beach -------------- J.F. Godward(for pn~nent of Income Tax - David A. Thomas ( Fire on Ocean Ave) Hienzelmnn's Garage( Rndintor compound)- 10.73 75.99 2.78 6.00 2.00 '1 , :.) It vms moved by Councilman .L("Jhnan.n and seconded by Councilm.nn Patch the the nbove listed bills be approved and pnid. By vote the motion was carried. Vete. l&lyor-Coul1cilm'l.n - Baumgartner - Yos. Councilw~n - LohffiLn - Yes. C.uncilrnrm - Patch - Yes. ~ -- -- G u u f , ~ REPORTS. l&.'l.rshall 'rhom..'l.s by the Ceuncil. SupervisQr Moore reported that shell fer r~act work could be bought at Nordmnna Shell ~it. It ~as moved by COlillcilman Lehn'l.n and seconded by Council~'l.n Patch th/;i\St. Supervisor Moore be nuthorized t~ purchace form Mr, Uordman, fifty yards of shell at $1.00 per yard to be used gn the streets of Edge~n.ter,Floridn. By vete the motion was carried. cL renR~red his mon~hly report which 'Was approved Vote. M'l.yor- Council~'l.n - Baumgartner - Yes. Counc ilmr'...n - Patch - Yes. Councilman - Lohman - Yes. NEVi BUSINESS. A building permit application was persented by Mr. Percy Lovelnnd. A petition signed by ~rX~turr~ severnl adjoirtgproperty owners/asking that certain restrictions be observed in~he the grunting of the perIni't;, vms read nnd tabled. The permi t was approved. An applicntiol1 for licence of a Package Liquor Store VlaB presented. The Clerk was instructed te pln,ce notices on the town bulletin boards asking the voters and property Qwners to be present at the next regular meeting ( ~~y 22,1946) to express their opinions on the adviability of granting such licence. Mr. Allen asked the Councilmen to make a contribution to the COl1l11luni ty Church for the building of a Par3 mnge. The petition was C (llill C i 1 mrm C0uncilman _~~~_{~~:___h__ ATTES T . ,/ d~. 7~tr~ . r~own Clerk. r