05-22-1946 - Regular r ... G v w v REGULAR ME~TING OF THli: TOWN COUNC'IL OF ]:DG~\iiAT~R J?LOrlIDA HELD IN T~ V.I.A. HALL ON MAY 22d, 1946.A.D. ---------------------- ThQ mooting was cnllcd to ordor by ~~yor- C~uncilmnn Baumgartner at 7.30 P.M. ROLL CALL. Mnyor-CQuncilaan - Baumgartner CounciL~~n - Patch Co un c i l1ll.an - Lo hm.':tn Clerk - Godwurd AttornQY - FrQnch Uk~r5hnll - Thomas St. Supervi~or - Moore - Presant. - Present. - PrliiSQnt. - PrQscnt. - Abni.&nt. - Pr~sent. - PrQscnt. IU:ADING OF MINUT:ii:S. ------------.------- The Cl~rk rQnd thQ minutos 0f the m~oting of MAY 8,1946. It was mevad by Councilwan LohrJan and 5C1condcd .by Councilman Patch that the minutos bo approvQd as rQad. By VGto the motien was carriad. Vote. Mnyor- Councilman Baumgartner YQS Ceuncilman Lc~ - Y~s. Councilman Patch - Yos. ThQ ClQrk's monthly RQPort was also rQud and approvQ~. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. --------_._-------- W.L.Rebcrtson ----------- Lns. on To\vn Truck ( Tablt:d) J.S.BntQs ----------- 10 gal. Gns( M~oro) --------- 2.30 J.J.Baw~urtnor --------- OnQ cnsa in lfuygr's Court.------ 2.00 ( To be deposited in Per. Imp Fd.) David A. Thomas ----- One ca.se in :M,.'l.yor's Court ---- 3.00 Jamos F. Godward ----- Ono Caso in Mnyor's CouJ.t -____ 2.00 J.~ompton Fronch --___ Three month's Attorney ~ce ---- 62.50 It was move~by Councilman Patch and seconded by Councilman Lohman N];'i/ BUSINJi:dS. that the abovo mentioned bills be approved and Paid. ------------ By voto the motion was carried, unanimously. May~r Baumgartnor, pursuant to a nGticQ published, calling for n a public moeting to nscQrtain th~ will of the community regarding tho issueing of a li~c~cQ for a Liqucr Package Store in the Town cf ~dgo- water, Florida., ~pcndcd tho Regular Routine ~f the meeting and call- ed for n discussio~ and n vote on this questio~. . After n frtandly discussion a raising vot~howed as foll.ws ; 26.00 For Liconce --- Fiftoen ( 15) Against LicancQ-Twcnty One (21) The Application wns.tablod. Vote. The question of collcctin a Dog Licence in the Tom1 of Edgewnter , Florida was discussed and tabled for futuro considerntion. OFFICERS REPORTS. ~~--------------- Street Suporviser made his semi-monthly report and advised the Council fhnt on account of a lenky radiator on the Town Truck he could not at p~sent haul any Shell. Maygr Baumgartner in answer to the question of moving the Toilet Rooms declared himself in favor of placing the toilets in the V.I.A.Hall building , the exact posiotio~to be decided Upon by the Town Council. Unfinished BUSINJJ:SS. ------------------- to G -{' t.I u v PG. II. Mny,22,1946 UNFIIITSIUID BUSINESS.' ThQ clark presented to the Ceuncil applic~tions for trunsfer of licences of Rowona Craig ( The Ship) as follows; Resturnnt Licence - . Approved. BGer & Wine Licence Dissapproved. (p A.' C k 4.. ,.. eL Beauty Rest Cabins. -- ~/f and .(ilbcrt Honsem Resturant Licence -- Tabled until approved by State Hetel Comm. Filling Station Licence - Approved. Store Licence - Approved. By Vote the above and foregiong disposition of~ the above men- tioned applicationf> for transfer of licenc~s;.. ~il..s approved and mn,de n. parD of the minutes. Vote . M:J.yor- Councilman Bnungnrtner Councilman Lo~~an Councilman Patch - Yes. Yes. Yes. The following Building Permit Applications were prescntedl.and approved. \~.E .Moore Parmi t MQ 282. Mildred V. & l!'el bert G Barker Permit .NO 283. ...,. ,t It was moved by Councilmn.n Patch and seconded by COilllcillll.nn Lohmnn that the meeting be adjourned. By Vote the motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST. rJ"".. ~.., 7" ~d.-.-/ {OVrN CL1i:RK. ~- J€f,"~~ R~ CO tmCil.1w{~q-'- ~~H 0.- COUNCILMAN. -COUN~~---~------- -~ '--- "'- "- \.- ........ - ,. --