06-12-1946 - Regular G Iv . f , I " ~ u .. v REGULAR JlIAi~TING OF Tl{~ TO',iN COtHWI L Ol!'mG.~ ./AT~H :B'LORIDA, li.n;:) LK TH~ V.I.A. HALL ON JillrJi 12,1946 nt 7.30 P.U. ------------------------------------ ROLL CALL. Un.yo r-tl 0U11C i l!'1n.n COtillcilrnn.n Councilmnn Attornov Clerk I.!n.n shOo 1 1 St. ciupervisor BnUI:!gnrtner Lohman Pa tch French - - Gocllmrcl ThoT.1r1.s Moore ~~I:m OF T:~ ULnITES. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. The ~nutes ~f the re0ulnr illeetin3 of ~~y' 22,1946 \,ere rend by the clerIc. I twas I:I.oved by Council.Jmn Loh~.'ln.n nncl secended by councilmnn Pntch that the rllnutcs be approved ns read. By vote tne 'lotion vms carried. Vote; l:<1.Yo 1'- Coune i Imrm CouncilIll..':l.n Councilrqan Bauragartner Pn tch Lohmnn ::IONTl-ii..Y .rl...i:PO.i:1T. Yes. Yes. Yes. The clerk rend hi3 monthly report and the bud~et np~roprintions. It "r..s loved b.) Councill,.n Patch find seconded by Councilman Lohl"lan thnt the report be <i'.i.1J.)r'}v~d :'nel 'lade ;~ p:,rt ol the l"'J.inutes. By vote the lotion" us cnrried. Vo te: :rn.:yor- Councilmnn BrnL~artner - Yes. CC1l1I1C i l~.lnn Lo h~J.r..n Yes. Council~~n Patch Yes. BI~ A:ID ACCOillITd. Snlnrics. Dnvid Thof1fts - ~Jnrsh;;l.ll - ( June J.F.Godwnrd - Clerk - ( June Harry l:.1oore -.3t. o:iUi)t 1'- (. June J.J .Bnur1sartner I,byor - ( June E .H . Loh.:c'w.n Cow1cilI."lrn - ( June A.R.Pntch Councilman - ( June 1946) - ~ 1946) - 1946) - 1"46) - 1946) - 1946) - 75.00 75.00 99.10 6.25 4.16, 4.16 !fote: :.t~yor and eouncil::1'1.n snlnrics to be deposi ted in the Per- mnnent Improvc':1.ent Puncl. Bills. ..hi tney Hnrchm.rc Co. Hnrclwarc ( Moore) H.C.Colee - Repair of shell fork (Moore) C.& 1.1 Motor Co. -. ,lOr1c on 'fown Truck (.lliIoore) Jacobsen 1&~ntng Co. -Supplics for mo>>ing machine ~I .S. Durley& Co. - Repair of trnffic It.;h t Ci ty of Ne\v Sm.yrnn Bench - St Lizht 73.95 Hall Lt~ht 2.04 Bouthern Bell Tel. & Tele~raph Co. Conn. Ave.4.70 Hi6hlnnd ~ve.6.03 J.S.Bates. Gas & Oil f~r To~n Truck Russell Chn.p~"1.an- Radiator for to\1l1 Truck - J.J?Godwnrd- Express on Tra.fftc It,;ht 3v,itch - F.C.Norclr~~n- 15 yds.8hell( Boore) u.L.Robcrtson- giro & Theft Ins. Truck. "\I.L.Robertson- Fire Ins on Town Gnragc. Harry Moore- Inner Tube flir l!oYfcr 1.71 ~ · 65 . 4.55 7.36 7.50, \ 75.99 16.70 6.07 . 40 . 7 5 .46 15.00 5.00 4.62 1.25 ~ v u "'- v n Minutes of June 12,1946. PG. 2. It VntS moved by Council~n Patch and secnncL:d by Councilm.:ln i,ohr.1i;l.l1 that the above listed bills be paid. By vote _the Llotion \,f'S cnrricd. . --' Vote: Mn.yor- Councilm:ln Bn.uDgnrtner COill1ci11nn Pntch Councilro.nn Lohman \ Yes. Yes. Yes. .;.. "" fuGPJRTS. The re.Jorts of the :aarshull nnd The Street .suvervisor were rend :lnd accepted. c 1':1'. Allen as ....onin;3onrd Inspector reported the he hnd inspeted the buildin6 of Dr. Fredrick Tho"'lpGol1 nnd found thn.t the buildinG vns not beint:!; constructed nccording to the n.pplicution for permit on c.ccount of shortnge of l~~terial~. He r~~ortc:d that the foundation was correct and t11"'..t Dr. T' 1T:l.pson ~ro"lised to cOrlpleta the' building accordin~ to the plan shown in the n.PIJlicn.tion. Councilmrl.l1 Lowan reported that he hn.d agreed to interview Mr. ~.'il- kenson in reGurd to proper plnce to place the Toilots. Mr. Gurmrm n.s Secretnry of the Z.onin2: Bo..1.rcl presented o. plnn for the n::L"Uing cf 5trcets n.nd numbering of hQuses ( Copy attached) Attorney French advised the Council that u proper mup shound be made or u complete description of the streets where the nnmcs arc te be changed should be furnished him so that he could clraw up an ordinance to mnkc these changes legal and effective. M..'1.yor Ba.unl6artner reported progress on the Li:?;ht anct:..':p,oV/er <t.uestion. Ceuncilma.n Lohm:..l.n reported that the Bulldozer nsked .wi ~O .OO-,-flDr the job of removinb the eight trees oppo~ite the "imkinson property .It was decicled to contnct lIre Geo. Becle and Mr. v/illeenson in reG:"1.rcl to this rnutter and to have:; reports I"l;"cle n.t the next m.eeting. The M..'l.y~r inst,ructed the clerk'(to ha.ve nIl who wished for transfer of licences to bring in their 3tutc licences nnd old town licences to be passed on at the next regular ~ceting. OlilEUNI CATIONS. .Attroney French WrtS :.lsked to drnw up u.nd orclimmcc covering the re~lation of resturants add hotels as rcqtiested by the State Hotel Commission. Also the l:intter of :"1.nswering a letter from the New .smyrna Camber of Ce~~erce in regard toSpoils Disposal was refcred to Attorney French for his ~dvise. ORDINANC~ NO 138. Ordinn.ncc NO 138 enti teled 11 An Ordinance of the Town Council ~f ~dgewnter, Florida Ammending The Title and Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 137." was read in full. ::ll1d pg.3scd by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, r.tt n regular meeting of Council on the 12th day of June 1946. Upon Motion d.l!,ly mude, and seconded und unanirrwusly carried, the requirement of reding said Ordinance upon second reading wns waived, and this was orddrcd put upen its final passuge. Passed by the unanimous vote of the Town COlillCil of the Town of ~dgcwuter, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held this 12th day of June A.'D. 1946, and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council IOn roll call being AS follows: ---------------------- Council 1t1.n Attest. Town Clerk. COul1cilrmn A,~ \" \ ,.. \. , n lit v v , u ~ 1,linutes of June 12,1946. Pg. 3 It was moved by Coul1cilm.an Putch and seconded by Ceuncil":n.n Loh:lr'.n that the '1eetin6 be o.dj ourned. By vote the motion was unn.nimously curried. J- , . , Yf _ ~----- ~ ---------------------------- Attest: COlUlcilnmn ___1~~Zi~~ . To;l- Clerk. ~-~-ff~~-.:------ Councilmv " ".) \4 ,) ~ , ....,.... , . A '-; ("' v June 11, 1946 To the Honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of E dgewater'. At a special meeting of the Zoning Board held on May 24th, a motion was made and seconded that the Streets running East and West or Ridgewood Ave be marked as follows: Starting at Park Ave all streets running East and West to be marked First, Second Thmrd ete north to Hamilton Road and South in the same way to the Town limits. Houses to be numbered, one for eve ry fifty feet. On the East side of the street numbers are to be odd and the West Side even. On streets running East and West the North side would have odd numbers and the South side would be even numbers. Harry B. Garman, Seety. /rJ ~/.e,'F"'(/ ~ J J J j' r ., ,