06-26-1946 - Regular , I ,/ ~ v ~ u\\~ r , 0 , ; , i \ . ,. ""-" .' mGULAR l~TING OF THE TOWN COUNCI L OF EDG];WATJm, FLORIDA,HJi:LD IN T:H.M: V.I.A. HALL ON JUNJ.ll 26,1946 at 7,30 P.M. ---------------------------- ROLL CALL. ~~yor- CouncilJ~~n C €lunc i Inl.o.n C€lunciL1'J.ml Clerk Marshall Street-Supervisor AttornQY BUun1gartner Lohraan Patch God ward Thorn.~s Mo@re .~ Fn:ll1ch Present. PrQsont. Present. Pr~sGmt . PQrscmt. Present. Absent . ~.ADING OF TlU: MINUTES. ---------------------- The minutes of th~ RQgulnr Meeting of Jtmc l2th,1946 were read by the clerk. It was m€lved by Councilman Patch nnqsecondcd by Cftl.4ncil.~nn ..u:Jl~:.n th~t tho 'unutQS bri appreved aa r~ad. By vutG. tho uoti~n "nn carriad. VetQ. ~~yor- ~ew1cil~an - ~nurnenrtncr - lOB. ~euncilmnn - ~ntc~ - ~QS. Councilman - Lohmun - Yes. BILL3 ~~~ ACCOUNT~. -----------------~- JlG I3:1.tcn 4 ~'tl. ~[l,fl.. @ 23t -----------------_ .92 Harry M€lorc ( R~muving Electric Light Poles Park Ave.) .w 13.00 R.J.~Illiarns( Repair of Switch & painting Siren) 12.00 It was moved by Oouncilman Lohman and seconded by Oouncilman Patch OF~'ICIi:RS REPORTS. that the above bills be ~aid. B:)7 vot~ the motion was unanimously carriod. ----------------- :.;ayor Baumgartner reported that h~ had intc;rviewcd CoJlmisirilner h, Gee. Bock in regard ta reneving the trcc in front of the .411:zJ.<lfJen S,," IT. . property. Mr. Beck hnse.,off'erod the sum of $ 15.00 to anYGnc who will dQ the '....ork. Bo fur tl1rc has no one been found. te, take the offer and Mr. Beck prom.ises to do the \"lork with County help in case n~ one can be hiiI!wd . Street $upcrvisQr's repvrt for the first fiftoen days of June was rend ~nd approved by the Council. ~u~. Moore also reported that various pl~ccs on Ridgewood Ave. needed repair, especially he Mentioned holes in front of the Po~t Office and tha Bates corncr. The lnyor instructed the clerk to write to the Div. ~ngincer of the State Highway Department asking him to get in touch with the lI:tyor to see wh:;:.t can be done about this concli tion. Oouncilman Patch reported that he had investigatod tho condition of 'ho ditch running along the Bi~tch property. () .. v U I v REGULAR ll~E:r.' ING JUlm 26,1946. PG.2. ORDINANC~ NO. 139. ------------------ AN ORDlliANCE REQUIRING THE TOWN CLERK OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA TO .wITHOLD THE ISSlIANCE OR TRANSFER OF OCCUPA1'IONAL LICENCES TO DISPENSERS OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES PENDING COMPLIANCE BY SUTCH PARTIES WI1'H TIi8 HEALTH MID SANITdY LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE ORDIUANC.illS OF SAID TOWN AND PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF LICENCES FOR FAILURE OF SUTCH PARTIES TO COMPLY WITH SUTCH LAWS AND ORDINANC~~l!~~~~~:~~~~_~~~~::~~_F~~_:~_~:~~~::~N HEREOF. The above ordinance was read in full an~passed by the unanimous vote of the To'nn Council of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting on the 26th day of June, A.D. 1946. Upon Motion duly made and seconded and unanimously carried, the re- quirement of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived, and this was ordered put upon its final passage. Passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Edgewater, Florida, at a Regular Meeting 26th day of June A.D. 1946. and approved vote of said Council on roll call was as Council of the Town of of said Council held this as required by Law, the follows: Mayor- Councilman Baumgartner -Yes. Councilman Lohman -Yos. Councilman Patch -Yes. OHDINANCE NO 140. ------------------- AN ORDINANCI~ PROHIBIT ING 1'HB J.<lR!<~C'l'ION O}' EJJECTRIC LIGH11 POLES AND/OR ~LEC~RIC TRANS1ITSSION WIRES IN ~ID~ TOWN OF ~DGEflATER, FLORIDA WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PSRMISSIOIJ FROM THE THE TO'NN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA,AIJD PR~SCRIBING P~LALTI~S FOR Tfn~ VIOLATION HER~OF. --------------------------------------- 'l'he above ord innnce was rend in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of ~dgewator, Florida, at a regular meeting on the 26th day of June A.D. 1946 Upon Motion duly made and seconded and unanimously carriod,tho requir- ment ofreading said Ordinanco upon second reading was waived, and the ordinance ordored put on its final passage. Passed by the unanimous voto of the Town ~ouncil of the Town of Edgowater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council hold this 26th day of Juno A.D. 1946 and approved as providod by law, the vote of said Council being as follows: Mayor - Councilman - Baumgartner - ~es. Councilman - Patch - Yes. Councilman - Lohmnn - Yes. It was movod by Councilm~n Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patch thnt tho meeting be adjourned, motion was unanimously carriod. Attest. ~7:~,.~' TO~'