08-28-1946 - Regular to .... L, '-' u '--' \ , llliGULAR MEETING 0]' r.J.1HE TOIVN COlJNCIL 0]' EDG~V~Nl'~R, FLORIDA, HELD IH 'l'H.~ V.l.A.HALL ON AUGUST 28~1946 at 7.30 P.M. ------------------------------------------------------------- ROLL CALL. ---------- Vice-Mayor-Councilman - Lohman - Present. Councilman - Patch - Present. Attorney - French - Present. Clork Godward - Present. Marshall - Thomas - Present. st. Supervisor - Moore - Present. RZADING OF MINUTES. The Clerk read the minutes of the Rogulnr Meeting of A~gust 14, 1946, Also the minutes of tho Special meeting of August 5,1946. Also the minutes of the Eaualization 1woting of August 21,1946. . It was moved by Councilman Patch and soconded by Vico-Mayor- Councilman Lohman that the abovo mentioned minutes be approved as read. By vote the motion wus c~rriod. Vote. Vice-Mayor-Councilman Lohman-Yos. Councilman Patch -Yes. The minutes of J1. ~nocia1 Meotin.lt: held on Au~ust 21,1946 were read by tho clerk. A correction was mado by Attorney French and the clerk was instructed to make corrections and present thes minutes at the next regul:..l.r meeting. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. G.W.Mills, Two days work on streets,-- J.S.Bates, Oil .25- gas 2.40 10.40 2.65 ---------------- 13.05 REPowrs. Street Supervisor Moore reported that he had graded the stroot on the west side of tho railroad on Park Avo. and done some other needed repairs on tho streets. COMMUNICATIONS. A latter from tho City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida dated Aug. 24,1946, answering a communication from the City of Edgewatcr dated Aug. 14,1946. regarding the Electric Ligh and Power Question was read by tho clerk. These communications are attached as a part of these minutes..The clerk was instructed to answor tho lottor from tho City of How Smyrna Boach after getting advise"'from Attorney Fronch as to the proper wording. -'-- , G u u " J Pg. 2. Minutes of Regular Meeting. Aug. 28,1946 A letter from Leedy,Wheeler & Co., Investment Bankors of Orlando, Florida, offering to finance the building or buying an electric dis- tribution s~stom for the Town of Bdgowater was read by the clerk. Tho clork was instructed to answer this letter, with the aid of Attorney French as to the propor w01rding. ORDIHAHC3 lH).- 143. AN ORDINANCE AMMgNDING ORDINAIWl!; NO. 141. BE IT ORDAIlBD BY TH1~ TOi'lN COUNCIL OF 'lJIU .TOW.N-LQF EDGSWA'l'~R ,FLORIDA: S~CTION 1. That Ordinance NO. 141 be amendod by adding after --------- Section 3 thereof an additional section roading as follows: " Section 3 A.- No building or other structure shall be erected or constructed loss that five feot from the lines of the property of adjacent land ownors.Provided,however, that this does not apply to buildings erected for business purposes." Scction 2. _________ All ordinancos or parts of ordinancos in aolflict hero- with be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passago. The above Otdinanco was read in full and passed by the unanimous voto of tho Tovm Council of the Town of 3dgewuter, Florida,at a Regular Meeting on the 28th day of August,A.D. 1946 Upon Moti on duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the re- auirement of reading said ordinance upon its second reading waS waived and this ordinancn was ordered put on its final passage. Passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of tho Town of Edgewater. Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council hold this 28th day of August A.D. 1946. and approved as provided by law,the voto of said Council on roll call being as fo ows: CiV: ~ ----------------------------- V1ce- Mayor- Councilman n__J\D~>~~--~--- Councilman. It was mov'0d by Councilman Patch and seconded y Councilman Lohman '- - tha~ te meeting be adjourned. By vote tho motion was unanimously carried. ---~~~---'--~-- Vice*Mayor -Councilm2n - -------~~~ _~G\'~\~-n- Councilman ATTEST: e" ~ - '\ <4 o ~~~~ LOOMIS C. LEEDY, PRESIDENT HOWARD S. WHEELER, VICE PRESIDENT F. MONROE ALLEMAN, SECRETARY-TREASURER Investxnent Bankers Orlando, Florida August 31st 1 9 4 6 Honorable Mayor and Town Council Edgewater, Florida Gentlemen: It is our understanding that Edgewater desires to acquire, or if necessary build, its electrio distribution sys- tem, and in this conneotion we submit the follolring proposal. 1. We are to be appointed fisoal agents of the town. 2. In this capacity we are to negotiate with the City of New Smyrna Beach, to the end that the distribution system now existing in Edgewater may be acquired by you at a price mutually satisfactory to you and the City of New Smyrna Beach. 3. If you~n~ New Smyrna Beach are unable to come to a satisfactory agreement and you prefer not to acquire the exist- ing distribution system by condemnation, we will, if you desire, furnish you with a competent engineer who will provide you with plans for an adequate electric distribution system. When these plans have been approved by you, you agree to authorize under our supervision, Electric Revenue Bonds to pay for the cost of installation of this system, engineering fees, and other ex- penses that may arise in connection with the transaction. 4. We agree to supply you through nationally known bond attorneys, and subject to the approval of your own attorney, all legal proceedings neoessary for the authorization and issu- ance of these Revenue Bonds, which bonds are to be an obligation solely and payable entirely from the net proceeds of the eleotric system. You agree that you will at all times, unless contrary agreement be reached between you and the holders of 75% of the securities, charge rates that will guarantee a coverage of l~ times debt service during the lifetime of these securities. 5. When these bonds have been duly authorized and val- idated under the direotion of your City Attorney, we agree to buy, and you agree to sell, said bonds at a price of 96 and accrued - interest. bonds to bear interest a~ 4%. Respectfully submitted, LEEDY, fJEEL~~ANY BY~C ~od11 The above proposal is hereby accepted by duly adopted resolution passed by the Town Council this ____ day of September, 1946. City Clerk Mayor -" \ ~ G ~ "fill' I l. ~ (3i1r of JVew Smrrna $eac/z VOLUSIA COUNTY :7Lorida PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY: ATTENTION August 24, 1946 Town Council Town of Edgewater Florida Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your communication of August 14, 1946, relative to the purchase of electrical equipment owned by the City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida, located in the Town of Edgewater. Since this communication does not contain any concrete offer, you should therefore advise, in writing, your specific proposal in order that the same may be properly considered by the City Commission of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Very truly yours . ~.M~