10-09-1946 - Regular ., - y v u J~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN THE V.I.A. HALL ON OCTOBER 9,1946 at 7.30 P.M. ------- ------ ----------- ---------------- --------..------------ ROLL CALL. MR.yor- Counoilrmn - BR.umgartne r - Present. Counoilman - Patoh - Pre sent. Counoilrmn - Lohman - Present. Attorney Frenoh - Present. Clerk - Godward - Present. M11rshR.ll Thomas - Present. St. Supervisor Moore - Present. READING OJ!' THE MINUTES. ---------------------- !he minutes of the regular meeting of September 25,1946 and of a Speoial Meeting of September 27,1946 were read by the olerk. It was moved by Counoilman Lohman ~nd seoonded by Counoilman Patoh that these abovementioned minutes be approved as read. By Vote the motion was oarried. . Vote; Mnyor-.Counoilmnn BRumgartner - Yes. Councilman Patoh - Yes. Coun6ilman Lohman - Yes. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. Salaries:- JRmes r. Godward SIl.lary for October 1946 - 75.00 D.A.Thomas " " " " 75.00 Harry Moore " " " " 99.10 J.J.Baumgartner " " " " 6.25 E.H.Lohrmn " " " " i 4.16 I A.R.pntoh " " " " 4.16 ---- ----- Total Salaries ---- - 263.67 Bills:- City of New Smyrna Beaoh St. Lights 73~95 - Hall Lights 2.04 ------ 75.99 Bell Tel. & Telegraph Co. Highland Ave Phone 6.03- Conn Av~.Phone 4.70- 10.73 J.S.Bates - Gas & 011 3.86 J.O.Biroh - Printing and furnishing 250 Post Cards (Cards 2.50-Printing 3.50 6.00 D.Sanohell - 76 yds. of shell delivered 121 .60 ~ 1.60 per yd. ---.------ 218. 18 Grand Total -- $ 481.85 It was moved by Councilman Lohman and secondJd by Councilman Patch that the above and fnrementioned bills be .Approved and Paid. By vote the motion was carried. Vote:- Mayor- bouncilman Bau~artner - Yes. Councilrmn Lohmnn - Yes. ~ouncilmR.n Patch - Yes. I L_ r:;; - -- ~ u J V .-..J \ L-.~ '-"'" 1_ .- . ~ .. Regular Moeting of Oot.9,l946. Pg. 2. t REPORTS. ------~ -St. supervis~r Mooro reported tha~/the six trees on\R~vorsdde Drive near the roperty of Mr. Wilkinson and the Rob~t Fee nro- porty had been removed by tho bull<<ozer nnd that he ~as oleaning up the premi~es~' I .. MArshall Thomas rendered a report in rogard to the electrio light poles whioh had been paid for by the people of Edgowator. Fla. COMMUNICATIONS. ---...--------- - A letter foom Mr~H~rry H. Sonders protesting about the destruct- ion of his sign at his Subdivision of Riversido Aores was read. STANDING COMMITTEES. ------------------- / Mr. Robert Fee reported as Chair~n of the Committee appointed to investigato ways and means for inoreasing Town Revenues. This report wns submitted in writen form and refered to Attorney F~enoh for oonsiderntion. RESOLurrIONS. ----------~ A RESOLUTION ORDERING"" ANNUAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORfDA IN THE YEARA.D.< 1946 !PRESCRIBINl:! THE TIME AND THE PLACE FOR HOLDING 'SUCH ELECTION; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY WHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL 'BE COVERED ,AIm PRESCRI~ BINGTHE TIME THE POLLS SHALL BE OPENED AND CLOSED, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICES OF SUCH ELECTION. It was properly moved by Counoilmn.n A.R.PAtoh and seoonded by Counoilman E.H.Lohman that the above and forgoin~ Resolution be ~dopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florid~, and be spread upon the minutes of this meeting held at the V.I.A..... . L or Town Hnll, in said. Town, at a regular meeting of said Counoil held this 9th day of Ootober,1946, the vote of the Counoil upon sai~otion being as follows: MR.yor- Councilman Baumgartner - Yes. Councilman Patoh - Yes. Counoilman Lohman - Yes. It was moved by Counoilman Patoh and Seoonded by Councilman Lohman that a meeting to aocept petitions of Candidates be held in the V.I.Hall on October 16,1946. By vote the motion was unanimously carried. The clerk was instructed to send a letter,whioh was to be drawn up by Attorney French,to Mr. Henry Kuhlhoff. Copy attached to these minutes. It was moved by Counoilm~n patch and seoonded by Counoilman Lohman that the meeting ~e adjourned. By vote the motion was unanimously oarried ( I Counc.ilman I J I Cou!.1cilmn.n < \ I ~ " ATTEST: ~Zf..~-/. f~~-Ci;rk. Mnyor- Councilman \ --ruQ~------- ~ \ '--' ~ \"",J '- J ..........-- .. . .. . NOTICE OF .ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida under and by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Laws of the State of Florida, and the Ordinances of said To\~, has ordered an annual election to be held on Tuesday, the fifth (5th) day of November, A.D. 1946 at the Town Hall (otherwise kno~m as the Coo~unity or V. I. A. Hall) for the purpose of electing ONE COUNCILMft~ for the terra 0'1' three (3) years, and ONE TOVlIN CLERK for the Tc-wn for one (1) year, or until their or each of their successors is or are duly elected and qualified. The polls f'or said Election shall be open at the hours of Seven (7:00) o'clock A.M. Eastern Standard. Time, and shall close at Seven (7:00) o'clock P.M. on the day of said Election. Said Election shall be in substantially conformity with t~ Laws and Rules applicable to General Elections held under the Laws of the State of Florida, and subject to the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. TOWN OF EDGEWATER :~:~ I -Counc~ an ATTEST: ~~;kq~d. / u . . . ~ t.J ... J ..........- .. . l .... CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, dAMES F. C~DWPJm, Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, do hereby certify that I gave Public Notice of the Annual Town Election, as ordered by the Town Council of the Tovm. of Edgewater, Florida by posting three (3) copies of the above and foregoing Notice on theL~~day of October, A. D. 1946, said Notice being posted in three different and conspicuous pUblic places in said Town of Edgewater, Florida, one of which said places was at th~ front door of the V. I. A., or Town Hall in said To~n. ~~TNESS my hand and the seal of said Town, at Edgewater, Florida this~day of October, A. D. 1946. f;~. O/:~/ T \In Clerk ~ \,.J v ... J ~~ -""':~. .,..-.... ,. .. . NOTICE OF MEETING TO ACCEPT PETITIONS OF CANDIDATES NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida will meet at the V. I. A. or To~n Hall in said To~~ on Wednesday, the sixteenth (16th) day of October, A. D. 1946 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, for the purpose of receiving petitions of candidates for the office of Town Councill1lan to serve for three (3) years, and of candidates for the office of To~n Clerk to serve for one (I) year. NOTICE is further given that the said Sixteenth day of October, 1946 will be the last day upon which petitions to have candidates names printed on t~e ballot at the regular General Town Election to be held in said To~n on the fifth day of November, 1946 will be received. The Notice is given pursuant to action of said TovID Council of said Tm~ of Edgewater, Florida at its Regular Meeting held at the V. I. A. Town Hall in said To"~ this 9th day of October, A. D. 1946. Attest: f-:-;' ~~. own Clerk Dated this ~day of October, A. D. 1946 . '\ '-' \wi v , .... ~ ..........- ~,'f_"'~ .... . , . CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, JJI..IvIES F. GODWARD, Town Clerk of the Tovm of Edge'water, Florida, do hereby certify that I gave Public Notice of the Annual Town Election, as ordered by the Town Council of the To'Wnof Edgewater, Florida, by posting three (3) copies of the above and foregoing Notice on the ~day of October, A. D. 1946, said Notice being posted in three different and conspicuous public places in said Town of Edgewater, Florida, one of which said places was at the front door of the V. I. A., or To~~ Hall in said Town. I WITNESS my hand and seal of said Town, at Edgewater, Florida this/I~day of October, A. D. 1946. ':~,5( ~_ru~ T Clerk ...... ; - -- '-" ::.J- ~ ~ .~ r'1f.;~ ~,~ - ~ .. To The Town Council of Edgewatsr Edgswater, Florida " I Gentlemen: The committee appointed by the Council at a meeting of the Citizens.of Edgewatsr, held at the Hawks Park Club and known as the Planning and Budget Committee, met at the Fee residence to discuss principally, ways and means of ~ncreasing the revenue of the Town without increasing the taxes. Ths following members of the committee were present; R. S. Fee, chairman, Mrs. M. Menard, Mr. Ralph Miller, Mr. Wm. Hanson. Mr. David McGinnis, the fifth member of the Committee was unable to be present due to illness in his family. Mr. H. B. Garman, chairman of the committee on Electrical Utilities, also attend- ed the meeting, together with Mr. Josepp Wipperman. The Committee wishes to present to the Town Council the following report for their consideration with the recommendation that the report be considered in its entirety rather than by the individual items of the report inasmuch as the general success of the following of this report would depend upon putting the whole program into operation. NmiBER 1. To work-for and obtain Florida Power & Light Co. Electric service as qUickly as possible. i I a. This will reduce cur axpenses considerably in the outlay of money for street lights. b. It will add a ta~payer to our tax roll. c. The Florida Power & Light Oo~ should be approached so as to effect an agreement whereby the Town act as the agency for collections and cut-in applications for the power consumed ih this locality. d. It is an acknowledged fact that the savings afforded our people by the use of Florida Power & Light Utitlties in lieu of that which we are at present ysing, will net a savings of from 35 to 5ry~ on the individual light bills. In view of this, it is sug- gested that the Council prepare such legal ways and means as to permit the taxing of light bills at least 10%. ,.. ~ .." ~. \.J v . ' NUMBER 2. It is proposed and suggested that a complete study be made of the rate of buEiiness licenses vd. th the __ view of a re-adjustment and equalization of the same. a. It is further suggested in this study, that it be ascertained how far it is legally practicable to demand that out of town people doing business in Edgewater be 1 icensed. NUMBER 3. It is further su~gested that a thorough examination and study of the present tax roll be made with regard to the present assessed values. a. In this study it is sugg3sted that the value of the land be seperated from the value of the improvements to facilitate a more com- plete picture of equalization. b. It is further suggested that the tax roll book form be so changed as to readily show or indicate in seperate columns, the amount of land value and the amount of value placed upon improvements. NID!BER 4. It is further proposed and recom~ended that the Town Council make a study and feasibility of putting a water system into operation i~ the Town of Edgewater as a municipal utility. a. The survey of "the same to be based upon the issuance of revenue certificates only. The same certificates not having any affect on any property other than the water system itself and the revenue therefrom. b. A study should be made on the possibility o~ savings on fire insurance that our citi- zens would be eligible for upcn the install- ation of this water system. c. It is proposed that a study of the feaSibility of the purchase and operation~f such' fire fighting equipment and the organization of such personnel as would be required by the fire Underwriters to insure this possible reduction in rates. .~ - ~ v v ...~ ~ d. It is further recommended that a study be made of the feasibility and the legal probability of a fire protection tax to be assessed against all pro- perties. .Ths amount of tax to be based upon one-half of the savings accrued from the reduction in the rate of fire insurance. s. A study should also te made of the feasibility of the installation of a water supply utility on the sasis of sanitation and a safe-guarding of the future health conditions within our town. This sug~stion is prompted by the fact of the recent boom in building construct ion. It will 1::e well to note here, that all new structures in Edge- water, are being equipped with septic tarks and almost without exception, ~ source of wat.er supply to each house is within fifty or seventy-five feet of the over-flow or field area of the said septic tank. This co~dition can develope into a bealth menancs. i, . NUMBER 5. It is further proposed that the ~own Council invest- igate the possibility of taking over the HaWk's Park Cemetary and the other properties owned and operated by the V. I. A. and operate the smne as a city utility. a. It is very evident that when Dr. Hawks organized the cemetary and library move- ment under the Village Improvement Asso- ciation, that it was meant to be for, and governed by the people of the community and because of the absence of a local governing body in this immediate area, the custody of this property was vested with the V. I. A. b. It, is further suggested and re commended that this particular utility be operated undsr a board of trustees to consist of, na~sly, the Mayor of Edgewater, the Mayor of New Smyrna Beach and a third mem ter to be elected by the people of Edgewater for a term of three years. ,.~ . ;"1 v ~ -.... \\J NUMBER 6. It is further recomTIlended and proposed that the necessary legislation be invoked so as to remo"\lS the office of Town Clerk from and elective office to an appointive office. a. The Town Council to appoint the Town Clerk on the basis of a merit system. The Clerk's salary to be set by the Town Council. b. c. The collection fees on various and sundry items now going to the clerk to go direct to the town. d. / The Town Clerk to be collection agent and keep the records of all activities of the Town, including those suggested in this report. It is further recommended that this legislation be so written as to prohibit the Town Clerk from participation or assisting in the election of any Town official, howevsr, hothing in this is to be sonstrued as prohibiting the Town Clerk from his or her right of ballott. "" ",. This legislation should also include protection for the clerk against possibile political vengence so that his removal would have to be based upon proven negligence,. dishonesty or incapability in office. NUMBER 7. It has been brought to this committee's attention that under certain conditions, cities and towns can participate in County funds for street work. f. a. Make application to the County Commission for a rightful and just share of expenditures of County funds be made within the area of the precinct embracing our Town. b. It is further suggested that a study of ways and means be made to stop the expending of the greater portion of the County funds coll- e ded, in one or two pre cincts in the district, to the detriment and neglect of the other pre cincts. I ~' u ....; -~ t'" \,J- NUMBER 8. It is further suggested and recommended that the Town Council inaugurate in their r~gular business, the appointment of a committee of at least five Edgewater Citizens to be known as the Budget and Planning Committee. a. The prime duty of this committee to assist the Town Cou ro il in gathering informat ion and data relative to the budgetary needs of the Town and to assist in finding ways and means of new sources of revenue, and to further assist the Town Council in fonaulating a general overall plan to guide the growth and expansion of the Town of Edgewater in it's immediate and future needs. Approved by: This rsport is hereby respectfully submitted. '~~~:an d~. d //~ . M. Manard ~ ph Miller Y~~7 ~____ 1!r. . Hanson Mr. David K. McGinnis .. .- u '-' v TOWN OF EDGEW A TER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA Octob~r 10, lO.l6 L~. Henr~t 0 _ Kub.luQt...' MGe\t~tE:r, fior1c\n Doar I4.::r:-. ltuhJ..D.of!': I hove L. 36a J.n:;~ruct ..!.~ .,:' t.hiJ 'r", I... Co"':uo......:. 01' t:UG.\)~'ut(;r, Ej.ol"~df tv ,....iv~ .)6 you 't1:" t oleotr1o ;JQtror . U" .U(,:.t #;{ ,,;:'v:'oo :)...~ u.w Flc.I"'iHf' l~U'" 191' ~c. L1GI..t GOt .Jln:f 3.~; nn'" tPl"ilnble !rj"1.' ~i"ou. It you .11:' c.\,)_;, to 1<.1.- ~l'ldL. .i>0n-or ,'l.ld Lif,ht Cow" uny ;tor eleotl'lc se.t'Vloot 1 t l.ill b~ g1 V(::!L1 larre~utGlj~. I-f" in "-,,.l.'.~-l;I\.l '-'u ,,-f.. . .... . ~.."......JII, v ,..4...., ;j... ~"..I#".. rent t..~.l. '-..' ,1.1 ",", flcn.iclc for tilla t:(~e of ervico, able by t Q FlOl"'1dtl ..)over t1t'teon Q.t4ya. "t llroo h....uu ()lectr:... c au...""- l.l,y.,-'el t..Ju. LJ.ght Com.;:"~llY it;. \'.il1 eJ6 ~"ade ovail- ....:1t: LIJIlt COlJ1~}.nlly lii t!lln V',Jry tl'l..ly yuuro, J L- .... 3 E. (}{.>d\f,..l:Q. T'''liMn Clc..rA 7~ 911 ~ ~I o.-d 12, /9 ~ ~ ,r~1 v- ;' .(