10-16-1946 - Special " ~ , , v ~ ..; '~ '" SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN THE V.I.A.HALL ON OCTOBER 16!1946 at 7.30 P.M. -------------------------------------------------------- This meeting was oalled for the purpose of reoeiving petitions for the offioes of Town Clerk and Town Counoilman for the Nov- ember 5th 1946 Town Eleotion. ROLL CALL. Mayor- Counoilman Counoilman Counoilman Attorney Clerk MR.rshnll St. SU'Dervisor BA.umgartner Lohman Pnto'h Frenoh Godward Thomns Mooro - Present. ! J?re sent. - Present. - Present. - Present. - Present. '! Present. PETITIONS. The following petitions were presented to the Town Counoil: For-Town Clerk Guy C. Spargo For- Counoilman - Robert E. Fuller A. Hussey A.R.Patoh After eXR.mining these peti tions it was moved by Counoilman Patoh i and seoonded by Councilman Lohman that tho petitions be aocepted. By voto the motion was unanimously oarried. RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NOMINEES FOR ~HE'OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCILMJnAND TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN. OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA TO BE ELECTED AT THE ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION: TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 5!194qAND PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SAID ELECTION. This resolution was read in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Counoil of the Town of Ed~ewater,Floridn at its meoting held on the 16th day of Ootober A.D. 1946, the vote of the Counoil being as follows: J.J.Bau~artner -----------------------~---- Yes. ---...--- 1 Mapor-Counoilman E.H.Lohman Yes. ------- ---------------------------- Counoilman. A.R. Patoh Yes. ------- --------------------------~ Counoilmnn. It was moved by Counoilman PAtch and seconded by Counc ilmR.n LohmAn that the meeting be adjourned. By vote the motion was ~ unanimously oarried. . , M..yor- Oouna ilfN1n ~ ~~ Councilman------~-----~~--- ...... Attest. Counailman --~~~-~~-------- f-~~7..~~ Town Clerk. " -' '1