10-23-1946 - Regular ~ J t' t , -I U ~~-----J . \...." '..J ~~ ..... REGULAR MEETING OF THE ~OWN COUNCIL OF EDGE WATER , FLORIDA,HELD IN THE V.L.A. HALL ON OCTOBER 23d. 1946 at 7.30P.M. ---------~------------------------------------------------~ ROLL CALL. --------- Mayor- Counoilman Counoilman Counoilman Attorney C Ie r k Mnrshall St.Supervisor B~umgartne r PR.toh Lohman Frenoh Godward Thomas Moore - Present. - Present. - Present. --Present. - Present. - Pre sent. - Present. MINUTES OF MEETINGS. ------~------------ The minutes of the regular meeting of Ootober 9,1946 nnd a special meeting of Ootober 16, 19~ were read by the olerk. It ,~" was moved by Counoilman PR.toh and seoonded by Couno ilman Lohmn that these minutes be approved as read. By vote the motion was oarried. Vote; M~yor- ~ouncilman B~um8artner - Yes. Counoilman Lohman - Yes. Counoilman Patoh - Yes. OFFICER'S REPORTS. ----------------- St. Supervisor Moore reported that the Bulldozer had removed nine l C nin~ trees on New HRmpshire Ave. and that he and Mr. Wilkinson were oleaning the premises and plaoing the shell on the road. M~rshall Thoms reported that the Road Traffio Offioer had asked that tho proper stop signs be painted on ~idgewOod Ave. The Mayor instruoted the St. Supervisor and the M~rshall t~see that this work was dono as soon as possible. . BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. -----------PeniT;'nd & RObertson, AnnuR,l Audit David Thomas - 5 cases in Mayor's oourt,fees J.J.Baumgartner" II "ff " " J.F.Godward " " II II II II J.S.Bates 4 gal. gas-.96 - 1 qt. oil .25 D.Stanoell 32 yds shell ~ 1.60 ______ Collector Int. Revenue, witholding tax for quarter ending Septomber 30,1946 _______ Bond Howell Lumber CO. 7 jts.sewer pipe 230.00 - 15.00 10.00 10.00 1.21 51.20 2.70 12.60 ----------- $ .332.71 It, was moved by Councilman Lohman and seconded by Councilman Patch that the above and foregoing bills be approved and paid. Bt vote tho motion was carried. Vote: Mayor- CounCilman Counoilman Counoilman Baumgartner - Yes. Patoh ~ Yes. Lohman - Yel. - ---- ~ {', " . \ JI ~ ~ .J u Regular Meeting of Oatober 23,1946 Pg.2. RESOLUTIONS. ------------- A RESOLUTION APPOINTtNG A CLERK AND INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE ANImAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN .QF' EDGEWATER, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, THE 5 TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1946. It was properly moved by Counc ilman A.R. Patch and seconded by I,. Councilman E.H.Lohman that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by tho Town Counail of the Town of Edgewater, Florida and spread upon and mado a part of the minutes of this Meed51ng, held ~n the 23d day of October A.D. 1946. The motion was carried, tho vote of tho Council on roll call being as follows: Mnyor- Couna ilmn.n BR,umgartner - Yes Counailman patah Yes. Councilman Lohman - Yes. I oJ'..;.....; i. A RESOLUTION ACCEPrING A PROPOSAL MADE BY THE LEEDY,WHEELER CO. OF ORLANDO ,FLORIDA. ( Copy attached ) It was moved by Councilman E.H.Lohmn.n and seoonded by Counoilman A. R. P$ltch that the abovo and forego ing Re solut ion be adopted by the Tovm Counai1 of the Town of Edgewater, Florid~ and be spread upon and made a part of the minutes of this meating held th e 23d day of Oatober, A.D. 1946. The motion was carried . Tho vote of said Councilmen upon roll call being as follows: Mayor- Councilman Bn.umgartner - Yes. Counoilm~n Patch Yes. Counailman LohIDfl.n - Yes. NEW BUSINESS. The Auditor's Report for the period of Ootober 1,1945 to Sept. 30,1946 was read in fu~l by the auditor from the firm of Pentland and Rob~rtson. It was moved by Counoilman Patch and seconded by Counc ilmnn LohmR.n that the report be acaeped and approved as read. By vote the motion was was carr ied. Vote: Mayor*Councilm.'ln BaumgR.rtnor - Yes. Councilman Pntch ~ Yes. Counoilman Lohmnn - Yes. Buildin~ permit~-were approved for Harold Mc ~qno and John Wood. L160noes were approved for W.E. Moore. Hn.rry De1baugh and Wilber Hanson. It was moved by Councilman Lohman And seconded by Councilman Patch ...; that the moeting bo adjourned. By vote tho motion was unanimously carr iod . MAyor- CounoillMn f- Counoi1man ' ~ - , ..... ATTEST: Councilman dQ0?~ f-~.7 ~;~ ~ /- ,. ~- '-' ...,; .. . . w . CERTIFI CAIl'E I, James F. Godward, Town Clerk of the TO\\tTI oof i!;dgewater, Florida do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by~e Town Council of the Town of Edgewater at a regular meeting thereof held Oct- ober 23rd, 1946. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said to\Vll this 23rd day of October, A.D. 1946. ~_7;rcL-u-L. ovm Cl erk ~ '\ \ ~ ... V:. - ~~~~ u ,- v 0 LOOMIS C. LEEDY, PRESIDENT HOWARD S. WHEELER, VICE PRESIDENT F. MONROE ALLEMAN, SECRETARY.TREASURER InvestInent Bankers Orlando, Florida October 18th 1 9 4 6 Honorable Mayor and Town Council Edgewater, Florida Gentlemen: It is our understanding that the Town of Edgewater is desirous of acquiring its own electric distribution system. Ac- cordingly, we propose that we be employed by the Town of Edgewater to act as its Fiscal Agents, and in such capacity we will render the following services: 1. We will employ, at our own expense, a qualified electrical engineer to appraise the electric distribution system now located within the town limits of Edgewater, said appraisal to include the present depreciated value of the existing system, the cost of reproduction new, and a statement of estimated annual revenues and expenses. 2. We will, in behalf of the Town, negotiate with the City of New Smyrna Beach to the end that the distribution system now existing in Edgewa.ter may be acquired by you. 'at a price mutually satisfactory to you and the City of New Smyrna Beaoh. 3. If you and the City of New Smyrna Beac~ are unable to come to a satisfactory agreement and you prefer not to aoquire the existing distribution system by oondemnation, we will at your request have our engineer prepare plans and speoifications cover- ing the construction of an adequate electric distribution system, it being understood that you will be responsible for the payment of the cost of any detailed plans and specifications prepared, but the cost of this service to be predetermined and mutually satisfactory. 4. It is agreed that the cost of acquiring en electric distribution system, together with engineering fees, finanoing ex- penses, etc., will be paid through the issuance of 4% Electric Revenue Bonds maturing annually over a period of not to exceed fifteen or twenty years from date. As soon as the amount of such bonds is determined, we will employ nationally known bond attorneys who will assist in the preparation of all proceedings incident to the issuance of the desired Electric Revenue Bonds. It is mutually understood that you will execute all instruments necessary to the proper validation and issuance of these securities. ~ v o u Page 2 Hon. Mayor & Town Council Edgewater, Florida 5. When these bonds have been duly authorized and validated, we agree to buy and you agree to sell bonds issued hereunder at a price of 96 and accrued interest, our purchase being conditional only upon the delivery to us of approving opinion by nationally known bond attorneys, our re- ceiving adequate assurance that the proceeds will be used for the acquisition of the distribution system. Likewise that adequate provision will be made for the operation of the sys- tem and the establishment of electric rates sufficient to pay, when due, interest and principal on bonds issued hereunder and all sinking fund and reserve requirements as provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds. Respectfully submitted. LEEDY, WHEELER & COMPANY BLfc fJLfJ-~ The above proposal is hereby accepted by duly adopted resolution passed by the Town Council this ~ 3t day of ~, 1946. dWJa~ () Mayor d~.7f,~ f~ Town Clerk v