11-08-1944 - Organization Meeting/Regular / \-1, . \..., . \..., ......., ..",J I '" ~' ~ ORGANIZATION ~TING OF 'fIlli TO\v'N COUliJ"CIL OF THE To\YN OF ~DG.& ifAT.il:R, VOLU'JIA COillfTY, FLORIDA, HELD PURSUANT TO LAlI, In V.I .A. OR TO.fN H.l\.LL" NOVEJ~ffi~R ~rn ,1944. I MQeting was called to Order by Tovm Clerk Olive B. Parker, D. t 7 :30 P. ~:.. The Clerk rend the ROLL CALL of tho Members ,olirenry Stalnaker, O. ..:i:. South" I'd and Coul1cilru.an lHoct .John .J. BUUIll;.,~nrtner, n.nd Guy C. SparZo Town Cl~rk Elect. Mr. Ba~artner presented his Certificate of Election and tho O",th of Office WOos adnlinistercd to :Mr. .John .J. Baumgartner. Mr. Guy C. Spargo presented his Certificate of Election lli1d the Oath of Office was administered to him by the Town Clerk as provided by Law. Certificates of Election and Oaths of Office arc hereto attached and for.m a part of these minutes. ./hereupon, the Clerk nnnounccd that Nominations werc .in OrdQr for the Offico of Mo.yor, for a term of one year. . Mr. Bawngartner nominated 1~. Henry Stalnaker, and 1~~. Stulnakar nomina t.ed Mr. .John .J. Baurngnrtl1er, and a ballot be ine. taken resulted as follows':- lv'lr. Stalnakor received one vote o.nd Mr. Baumgartner received ono yota. A second bnllot bein~ tukon was as follows:- ~IT. Stalnaker received two (2) votes and was, therefore, decln.rad , elected, IflU...llhUPON, Mr. Stalnaker took the Chnir as Mn,yor. It was moved by l~yor Stalnaker that as LIT. Guy C. Spn.r~o's credentials were in Order, that he be seated as Town Clerk, seconded by Councilmnn Baum.gn.rtncr. Upon vote, this motion CAttiUjilJ) and Mr. Spurgo took the Chair us Town Clerk. Nominations were now in Order for Vice-M:..1.yor. A bullot being taken resulted as follows :-M'r. Baum~artn(;r received tv.o (2) votes, and W~l.l3 declared elected as Vice-~~yor. Attorney .J. U. GillGspic rend a :REdOLUTION en ti tIed ItRilS OLUTI 01:[ D..i:CL..\RING TF.Jl: TO';(l{ COUNCIL OF TF..J; TOWl~ OFtl:DG.,~,/AT_CH., J?.LORIDA DULY Alm LJ:GA.:J..Y CONSTITUT.li:D A:"]) ORGA1ITZ]D tJlID~R TH~ PROVI::iIONS CJF LA\. .APP.wICAB~ Tr~H.~TO". A motion was mc.'ldc by Mrtyor-Stalnaker, seconded by Councilraun Bau.mgartnii::r that this HESOLUTION be adopted flS rend. A ROd. CALL being taken was as fOllowsi; Mnyor Councilmn.n Henry .:itn.lnn.kcr "Y.J.3" Councilm..1.n .John .J. Bt1~nrtner nYii:S II 'IIhercupon, i>aid R..i;30LUTION \lUSl declared adopted. Mayor .:ito.lnaker 1lloy.::d that the Bond for the Town Clerk be fixed in the sum of Eight TIlousund ($8000) Dollars, and the contrnct be given to Edna n. Southn,rd, Thiii luotion was seconded by Councilman Bawllgo.rtner. Upon vote, thlf. motion CA.R.:UJl::D. A Iill..:iOLUTION was read by Attorney GilleS1Jic entitled "A RESOLTUION DJ1:SIG::fATIUG TrtE OFFICIAL BANK DJilB.OSITORY 01' T"LT~ Tu.C OF .J1DGJ:.,AT.l.i:R, FiDRIDA, Alm DIR~C~IrG 3.AID Da;POSITO..~Y TO HONOR T::E SIGlIATli1U.s OF THE TOif.N CLJlRK AIID 1IAYOli. 0:: ALL ~CKS 0]' SAID TO\.N". Motion vms made by Mnyor-Stn.lnuker, seconded by Coul1cil~an Bnum..;artner, thn.t this .L\..E30LU1'IOH be adopted as rend. A ROLL CALL beine taken resulted as follows:- MLl.yor-Counc ilrJLU1 Hcnry Stalnn.kc:r n Ytl:J" Councilnan John J. Baurueartner ""'as II l~~ereupon this ~SOLu~ION was decln.red adopted. llinutcs af the meetin~s of October 25th and November 6th, were read by Olive B. Parker. Hotion was '~.J.ado by 1::ayor Stalnaker, scc,'mded by Councilman Baum...;artner, that these minutes be aPDroved as read. Upon vo te , this ~otion CAR~IED. Minutes of the meeting of 1Tovember 9th when the -Council ;met na a Canvnssin2; Board were ulso read by Oli ye B. ParleeI'. Motion was J.ndc 'by 111..'1.;yor- Stulnn.lcer, seconded by CouncilT"!an BaUlll1];artner that those ninutes be [l.llprov,-=d as ren.d. Upon vote, this motion C.ArllUED. ~creupon the regular order of bUSiness was sus~ended in order to r~ceive tho re~ort of the Auditor. Motion was made by 1l'1.yor Stalnaker, seconded by Councilm;,ln Bn.um~artner, that the Audi tor's relJOrt be accepted .~s read, and placed on file. Upon "Tote, this motion CARJ:U:m. \.,. I V I" """ I V " '-' \ ~ BIIJ..S & ACCOUNTS Tho followini(; bills vere read and presentcd:- J. U. Gillespie $37.50 City of New Smyrna 75.99 Southern Bell Tol.& Teg. Co. 4.70 J. O. Birch 7.25 Art Robertson 2.36 Hurry A. Moore 85.00 Olive B. Parker 20.00 Olive B. Parker 75.00 Office EX.t:Hmse .6.28 Henry Stalnaker 4.00 O. ~. Southard 4.00 David A. Thomas 50.50 Jessie Thomas 4.00 George L. Bailey 1.00 Louisa ~. Haughton 4.00 Florence Swiney 4.00 k1nie L. Vipperman 4.00 Cornelin S. Paul 178.68 Frances Woods 10.00 Guy C. Spar"o 75.00 John J. Baum~artner 1.00 Motion was made by Councilman Bawngnrtner, :6cconded by lhyor Syalnaker, that these bills be paid. Upon vote, this motion CAt"l..tlI~D. OFFIC~tS R~PORTS Olivo B. Parker read the Cash Report for the month of October, alao the Bud~ct Appropriation report. Motion was mdde by CouncilruaL Baumgartner, ~cconded by lbyor Stab1ukcr, th~t these reports bc accepted a~ read. Upon vote, this motion CArtRIED. l~\. B JSIliD:ciS A PETITION vms .l)rc:sQl1ted by Mr. Arthur ,Vells, iilie;ned by a num bor of the property O\VllerS of the Town, rcgardin~ the installation of a "as tank at P.l.rlc Ave., and the Rtdlroo.d tracks, by J. lc!. Stevens of l'TGW Smyrna Beach, Florida. After considerable discu~sion, it '/as decided that this Peti t.ion bo tftblGd until the next reguln.r mcetin~ of the Council. A Cor)"rm; t tee cornn.oaed of Harry Hur.a.phrsrys, R. C. Hue t tick and Arthur ~ie lls was n))ointed by r.~'1.yor-~talnaker to make inquiries re(;;nrding any inform- atiorn they could ~ather regardin& the safety or oKplosivibility of thc' .i!urticull1r lcind of gas to be stored in such a tank. This Com.nU ttee vms requested to make their re~ort at the next relulur meetiQ~ of the COlillcil. APPOr::rTI,DiCJT OF OltFI C~RS Ma.yor Stalnaker suggested that if there wore no objections, that David A. Tholfii"..3 be re-apIJointed as Town Murs.;hall and that Hurry A. Moore bc re-appointed as Street Supervisor,and that J. u. Bates be re-uYJointed us Chairman of Auxiliary Police. There were no objections rnised and these three/men were rc-appointed to the respective offices. Thcre beini no further business.to transact at this time, a motion was in order for adjourl~ent. Motion was made by Council~~n Bau~urtner, seconded by ~&~yor 3talnaker that the mectine adjourn. Upon vote, this motion CArffiIJ:i:D and the meetj.n , ndj ourne . 9: 45 P. Ii. ...... Councilm, 1l~yor-Councilr~~n " Councilm' ATTEST: ~~!J:7tP "-' '-' '-' '....I Form 10 TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TOWN OF EDGEW ATER. I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the. Constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the town of Edgewater, and that I will well and . faithfully perform the duties of a ............m........T.o:wn..C.o.unc. ilL"Ils-'U1.m.m..ooo...........ooo.... 000... to serve for the term of mJn..~~.~..ooo... years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. C:;~UU~~yl.~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this--8:t.hlaY of --mNO,v:CIp,bcx......m......... A. D. 19.M. 'ae~ ~. ~~~E OF FLORIDA. -- My Commission Expires ......000...........19.... ....., .....'-. , ....... '. ;;. "" '--' ~ '-' ~ Form 10 TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TOWN OF EDGEW ATER. I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the town of Edgewater, and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of a 'OOO-OOO"oooooo"~~~!!-_..~~.::~.~-..ooo...moooooooooooou.ooo.__.ooo..ooou..ooouu. to serve for the term of ooo...Qnetuhumu years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. d7k,x/~--u--u.. Sworn to and subscribed before me this._$.~hiay of ..u.~~1(_~~_~~E__h__OOOh___hh A. D. 19.~~.. /' t1J 'CO.~ ..._L......_..ll-:-:'..__........_......_........u._...._. N0rr-A.R.y-PUBl;~STb-TE OF FLORIDA. 0/ (1V(fVJ-0-c[ /)...JV - .. .-.., ...... ~ - My Commission Expires ___000.._000....___.19000. " :. \ ~ ~ v I '~ . .. v \..,I v CLERK'S BUDGET APPROPRIATION REPORT FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1944. FUND ..\. APPROPIUATION EXPEND..ID UN EXPEtJD ED STREETS ~500.00 93.19 1406.82 STREET LIGHTING 1040.00 73.95 966.05 SALARIES 1000.00 100.00 900.00 LEGAL & ELECrrION 300.00 300.00 M.aYOR'S COURT 650.00 52.50 594.80 OF]'ICE EXPENSE 300.00 13.29 286.71 EW~RGENCY 250.00 250.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT 200.00 200.00 LOT CLEANING 50.00 50.00 PERMANEN T IMPRO VEMEH T 100.00 100.00 PARK & PLAY GROUND 60.00 60.00 ,!t55450 .00 :~35.62 ;/Ji5114.38 --- ... '- ..... " NPTEST: (()~ 0. gcvJud ToVlln Clerk -- ..- ---.....- ~, V.a " , u v ,.., TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK'S CASH STATEI~NT FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER, 1944. Cash on hand General Fund in Bank Total General Fund Delinquent Tax Fund $5079.36 Total Cash on Hand and in Bank COLLECTIONS Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes Interest on Delinquent Taxes Taxes not on Roll Licenses Fines and Forfeitures Fees Lot Cleaning Property Sales and Contracts Interest on Sales Contracts 38.07 86.76 12.00 2'9 . 75 203.00 .98 Total Collections 370.56 370.56 DISBURSEMENTS Total to be Accounted for Streets Street Lighting Salaries Legal and Elections Mayors Court Office Expense Emergency Fire Department. Lot Cleaning Fines and Forfeitures Fees Special Delinquent Tax Fund Discount on Taxes J5449 .92 93.18 73.95 100.00 55.20 13.29 Total Disbursements ~'35.62 . 335.62 Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing Cash on Hand General Fund in Bank ~031. 44 Pcrm&nont Imp. Fund 97.65 Delinquent Tax Fund 2.76 Total Cash on Hand and in Bank ,,:5114.30 -" ---- Total $5449.92 Of the-....General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; ..... Spec ial }'Qrocloscd Proporty ]'und .iP'1017.01 ~Special DeJ:.fnquent Tax Fund ~ ATTEST(o~(/)"rJ~ Town Clerk - ---..... - - --- ....