12-27-1944 - Regular ~ ~ v L" J ~ ~ . v .. REGULAR WETIlfG OF TH.ik 'fOWlif UOUNCIL OJ!' Tl-uI: '1'0\,1,) Oli' ~DGI~\'.A'l'~R, ~'LO.cn2)A. HJLD nr V.I. A. .tlALL Ol~ D.lk.CE1ffiER 27,1944 Meetin~ culled to order at r/:40 P..M:.by lfuyor Councilman Stalnaker. ROlLL CALL. M:"lyor CounciL'U:l.n Stalnaker Councilman B[l.~nrtner Council~Ln Southard Clerk Guy Spargo Attorney Gillespie ,~rsha11 David ~ho~~s Street :3upervisor h.A.1JIoore Present Present Present Present Present Present Present :R:EADING OF MIlffiT:i5S. The minutes of the rea;u.lar mcetin:~ held December 13th, were rend. Ccun- cilm~n Southndd moved they be approved ns reud,secoonded by Councilman E3.u.I~n.rtner and by vote declared cfuLffiIJ~D. BILLS AND ACCOillITS. THe followin~ bill was presented; Edna rt.Southard- Councilmnn Bau..rne;r:.rtner that this bill of the rllnutes,s~conded by Council~ln CAR.~I.ED . li~yor Counci~Ln Sralnaker reported havin~ recieved the Town ~lerk~ ~ond. lfuyor Councilman Stnlnnker brou];ht up the 9:uestion of the In:arshull' s bond. 'l'he Town Clerk reported that it had run out. ~ouncilrnan Hau~artner moved that a new bond be taken out for the li:).rshal~,[md that the contract be given to .h":dn:). R.Southard ,seconded by Counci1IIl.'''l.n Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. The Clerk report,c;r h6l.vinZ pl~ced in the safe a Certificn.te of Deposi t for 2518.00 of which 918.00 was a ~ertific[' te of Deposi t that hncl matured October Ist,I944. 4,0.00 be flp])l"Ovecl,pr>id ['nd made n. part Southnrd and by vote declared RlilPORTS OF STPul\fl)nm cOMiiIITTRES. CounciLnnn BauI!li;<.l.rtner reported that he had contacted ....r. Brewer rc- ::;ardin2; rcpairine and repnintinQ; the siQ;nlii , nnd ti1J't ...{r. Brewer would do this work for an hourly rn te of I. 25. llJ.rlyor Gounci1man ;:; tn 1nnlcer moved that tne job be ;:i ven to lilJ.r. Brewer :'nd ~ounci1nlnn Jjnu.m~nrtner was instructed to inforill fr. Brewer of the decision of the Council, seconded by Councilmn,n Sauthn,rd and by vote dec1nrecl ~ARlnED. l-TE\. B US I:r .1:0 S . Attorney Gillespie reported that he hnd been approached on the question of a. bus service between New Smyrnr; Hench and the 'fown ofii:dGe'V,rnter and nsked for an expression of opinion of the Council of the Town of Ed,e\.ter ns to the advisability of such u service. After discussin~ rout os pnd number of trips an hour ,llfr. Gil1espi e 3r' idthe details hed not been worked ,)ut. ~he Council and citizens ~resent decided thnt,considerin: the ~as and tire situr.tion,it would be to the ndvantn~e of the l'own of ~d~ewnter to h~ve n bus service, The COlli1ci1 asked ~r Gillespie' to report their opinion n.s favorable. -",:r, Bartlett brou~ht up the subj ect of unfair t~xoo, 1; j.ch caused consider- able discussion. Nothinoi;, however could be clone about the :uritteI' until the :neet in:~ of t.l.C Town Council ns ;. n ~qunliza tion B onrd. 7.Tayor c.,ounci1mnn Stalnaker appointed counci1rnrm 80uthnrcl and ~ounc:Llmal1 3auJle:l.rtner us a COllliUi ttee to act wi th him in a survey of the docks a10n;; the river front. 'l'he object beil1J to devise some ~.Jeans whereby the owners can be made to ,ei ther repair tne docks or re'love th0se l)eyond repair. ---...-- ---- *' ~ v "-' \wJ I V J '-.., l'here beind no fuethcr business .l:...n.yor Gouncilrrnn >:Jtnlnnker .moved to rcdjourn, seconded by liouncilmnn uouthard .n.ncl by vote dccla.recl liA...'i..r.U .m. Time 8:30 P.M. Mn.yor ATT:lST: ~~4>~ Town erk. / ~