01-24-1945 - Regular ~y ~ I '-' ~ \.J I U I J R.\i:GUL'\R lEETLTG 0]' '.L'M 'l'OW.N cOLEICIL OF THlE TO.r..~ 0}i' .Il;DG~','/AT~d, FLORIDA. H~LD nr V.I .A.HAuL ON JAN"UA..~Y ~4 ,1945. 1!cctin~ cnllocl to )rder by Mn,yar council'11n.n Staln:l.kcrn t 7: 35 P . ",I. ROLL CALL. ~~yor Councilman li.~tnlnnker. Gouncilmr1.l1 O.E. Southnrd. CounciL~~n J.J.Bn~ngnrtner. Clerk. Guy Spar~o. Attorney J.U.Gillespie. Supervisor.H.A.~oorc. },ibrshnll. D.A.Thom..'l,s. Present. Present. Absent. Present. Present. Present. Present. KJ:.ADI:-TG 01!' TIn ..,:rNUT,;,~3. The Minutes of the reJulrr meetinzheld Jununry IOth.I945 \1ere read,Council- man Stnlnakerrnoved they be approved as rertd, seconded by liouncilr,1an Southard and by vote v'.RRLm. '3ILLS AND ACCOmnS. The followin~ bills were rend: D. A. Thomn.s: 57.00 10.00 JJ:c1 n[1. Southc- rd. Sa~aries.Jnnunry. Henry Stalnnker. 2.00 O.E.Southard. 2.00 J.J.Hn~~artner. 2.00 J.U.Gillespie. 37.50 Guy Spnrzo 75.00 Harry A.Moore. 85.00 D. A. Thomas. 50.50 Office ~xpense. 1'90 Motor Vehicle Commissioner 2.25 'vCounciln1"1,n Southnrd moved th:l.t these bills be npprovec1, be pnid and made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman StnlnnJccr n11(l by declared C.t'~mL~D. be vote hEPORTS OF O'J?FICERS. ;,:4,1.rsho.ll ThOIlk'l,S and ...itrect Supervisor 11...00re filed their reports for the first half of January. The Clerk reported recievin~ the Mnrshalls Bond. Cor~fr!ID<"'I CAT IONS. A let t~~r v,as rencl frvPl J.B. ]'Grris s t;;ting tiln. t because of Government rel-- ulations,no new lishts could be installed for the durntion und possibly S011lO of the cxistin,z li~hts mi7ht have to be eli};1inr~ted. A card was received from the Chnnber of Commerce acknm,;lede;in::; th~ pny- ment of $20 .00ct'or membership. A letter was read froTa Mr. Cclby,expressing unwillininoss to h~ue his lots clonned unless others were obli~od to do the snme. lhe Clerk was instruct- edby,the liouncil,to write to ~r.celby again and give hiM ten days in which to have the lots cleaned ,otherwise the Town "auld hClYO them cler-med nnd bill him for the lab ,H. lUi:J BUSINESS. CouncilJrlD.n Southard brouc;ht up the questL1n of the }l'"',):3ibili ty of eLtend- in~ tho zGnin~ boundry so that the Dalrymple proper~y might come within the business zone. dtatine that there was n pOSJiolc purchaser for tne ill8.ce if this could be done. Councilman Stnln:"kcr moved 'Llnt Attorney Gillespie dr'-LVi u,p an ordinance to per1'11 t the c;xtendin,:' of tne z<me limit to include this property. ~econded by 60uncilman Southard and put to vote and c,AIDUJJ.:JJ. /" L \ ~ w . I V II "," .... ~ ~ "NJi:" 3t.;JLJJ:SS. COHT1lillJED. Attorney Gillespie was directed to draw up n resolution nllowina; the Tovm of .H:d"evm,ter to cuncell nIl taxes prior to the yeftr 1936 providing nIl subsequent t~xes were paid. Art Robertson ."ppeo.rcrl before the l.;ouncil to mr1.ke f'1. compl:1.int a~ainst .:innie and David l!'runason Voho opperntethe ::!:clgewo.ter 1n:r;J..After hen.rin~ reports of lJarshall Tholill1.S and Supervisor Moore Thc; Council decided to hold a specia.l 1...eeting of the Council on l!cmdny Janun.ry 29th.1945 and sunl1'Tlons !.:.innie :Lnd David FrC"'nsson to appear and show why their licGYlse should not be revolkecl. Attorney (jilli:;spiCV1as clir~;ct.ed to draw up summons for Minnie nncl David Fr;:m:3son nnd the, \l.it~li1:S.Sc;Sl \nn.!'wd by Art Robertson to nppe~T b~!ore the Council on }fund~y Janu~ry 29th.n.t 7.30 P.. -. in Y:1 .A.HalJ.,.i\ Rufus Johns'1n,Harry l..Ioore, Geor();e '..ebsterand Vlnltar Gidclo"s l.;ouncilman i::>outh,'.rd ~p-0rtcd a su~c~esti0n TI1.'1.cle by Hobert J!lee to the '"' effect tnn t the Ed;Si:;wa ter (; 1bcrs of tne .New S~.1yrrJ.n. Chanber of COnl.Y:J.erce or:;nnize an ~dgcvmter Chrunber of Lommerce. The iclc:u was discussed but no rction was taken. CouncilmnL. South;rcl moved that ,"<e adjourn,seconcled by c"ouncilmnn St:lnn.ker nnd b) v0te c"nrriod. ~'yor CO\mCilW~~1.~~~ . ~~ _#- /" CQUnCiDu;1n. ~ uoun~im~ct-J13~~ Attest: 4_~~ ~wn G arlc. /* \...r '-' ...., ,J EDG~V{ATER, FLORIDA, JANUARY 26th, 1945. To David Fransson and Minnie Fransson, Edgewater, Florida. WHEREAS complaints have been made to the Town Council of the 'Town of Edgewater, Florida, at its regular meetin,; held on Wednesd~, Janua~y 24th, 1945, that disorderly condact in violation of the OrdiaQnces of said Town has been permitted to take place by you in the sandw~ch and drink stand operated by you in said T~1n, which said disDoders have taken place during the past two weeks; NOW, THEREFORE, you are hereby Notified that the Town Counc il of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, will hold a special meeting on Mond~, the 29th day of January, 1945, at seven-thirty (7:30), ~. M., at the V. I. A. or Town Hall, in said Town, for the purpose of considering said complaints and determining whether I or not the Town Licenses held by you for the operation of said busine sses shall or shall not be revoked; ,at said time and place you will be given a full opportunity to show cause why said . licenses shall not be revoked. g~j-4~4r Town (/Clerk. "" .