01-29-1945 - Special '" I L J . ~ " '--' u ~ SP.J:CIAL MEETEm OF TH"J!: 'l'OWN GOU.NGIWF 1m TOWN OF EDG.:sJATER, FIDRIDA. }Ll:LD IH V.I .A. HLLL OU J.Ai',UAr\tf 29 th,I945. .i\,';:eetin~ called to order by l.'fayor Gouncilman Stalnaker at 7: 30P .N.. ROLL CALL. J!tnyo r Council-y'n Councilm..'l.n Councilman L-lerk Attorney St:'tlnnker Southard Bnu.:n.;;nrtner op:'l,rgo Gillespie Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Mayor cauncil.l1lZl,n Stlllnnker explained the object of the "leetin~ - which was t:Q consider conrplaints made U2;ainst Minnie and :;)avid Fransson in the cQnduct of their business at :Edgewnter Inn, and to aive them :;t chance to show cause why their license should not be revoked. .,~arshQll l'holI1.D.S reported having received complaints u;J;ainst .J.i:d~ewater Inn. He had been suspicious of the conduct at Ed~evv[1.ter Inn but hnd never seen positive evidence of wrani doing. He was cnl16d on January 22,1945 because of disturbances caused by two sailors fightin~ in front of Art Robertson,' s plac~ . The sailors had been drinkin!~ and had come from Ew~~ewater Inn. They entered Art Robertson!s plnce and assaulted Mr. Robertson. he, called the ~hrshnll. The lfurshnll found the sQilors fi~htin~ and attempted to taka cne of the su;hlors into mistody but .:Ers :B'ranssnn rncl the other sailors interfered. Unrry Moore h6lped him to get the sailor into his car and he took him yO his base at l{O\Y Smyrna Bertch. harry Moore, Rufus Johnson, \.0.1 ter Giddons iind GcorEe ~.vcbster ,Jr. corrobo- rated the }~rshalls report. 1!'rank Osborn reported ho.vin,; heard the 'nost filthy ::md profane lan~uaJe v/hen passin~ :!:dgewater Inn. Mr. nnd'Irs. .f!'ransson were then called . They pleaded innocence. They had never had nny trollble ,did not serve drinks 10 persons alreudy under the influn,nce of liquor ,did not allow liquor brought on the premises, their dauzhter,who is under age,never served drinks over the bnr,and ,in fnct they operated a qui~t,orderly place. Mrs. Olive Purker, a frequent visitor at Ecleewn.ter Inn,testified that she had never seen any disturbnnce nor had heard any loud or profane lnn,,;u<'{~e. After clue consideration the (.;ouncil warned .i'.l.r. and. rrs. .b;rnnsson thD.t any further complaints would mean the cancellation of their license to do business in ~d~ewater. .M..'l.yo r ,.. ATTEST.~~~~ ,. n (.; 'rlc.