02-28-1945 - Regular PI . \..; R v '-' ..... "-' ~ ~ ~GU-,.J\.i{ "....;: ~'l'I.:.'lG o.,!' '1'l-.Ji; '1'0..._ Cl)J~il,IL 0) 1" ~ l' ,.1" J!' ~DG...f..A'1'~.d., 1?LOrUlJA, h"':';:;:;D L: V. I. A. ti:.~ O!J ]{~B:i3.U.A.ri.L 28tt'~,I945. },Lcctin::; cnllcd t~ order I't 7:30 F.l~.by l:hy')r C~)1lncilmnl Henry Stall1:lker. ROLL CALL M....l.yo I' Counc il l:'r~ Co un ci. 1 ~'1.''.n Council 1:'n Clerk Attorney ",r:, rshnll Supervisor Henry Stnlnpker O.J:.S0uth.rrd J. J . En u:'J.:.;nrtne r li-uy Spnrr:0 J.U.r.rillespie 1).A. Thomas Harry .~ .1.[0 0 re l'resent. l- resent. _ Present.. Pr(;sent. Present. I'rescnt. Present. R~..J)IHG 02? MINUT.~S. The r~inutcs ':of the meeting of 1'ebrurLry 14th, 1945 '\t1)ere read ,metion I'lt1.de by COllncilm.p.n 3outh:'1rel th."t the:y be rLpproved ns re['cl,sec0ndec1 by L.;..:lUncil':Ul.n '3:'mn..:rrrtner ~i:lc.. by v')te declared eARRrm. BILLS lLWD ACCOUl~TS. The fcllc:n, ine bills were reac.l: F.C.Corey D.A.ThJr1f's Council:11rU S")utharcl .iwvccl t'lrt these bills 1)e "~J)rIJvc-c~ f'ud p:->icl,sec0nelecl by CouncilI'lf'n b.'lu.'1s;r.rtner ["net oy v te declrrc'(l c:irried. ~5.32 9.50 l~POR~S OF uffFIC3rt0. Errshall 'I'lw l..'b reportc.d the siren cOPlin; lo~se fr') 1 t I.; 1)..>11 where it is held by only lne screw,sh,uld Je pttended to. ulerk waS instructed t~ cull ~~ fferris nttentifn t~ this. CO: 2ilUFI CATIONS.. A :Letter V,f'S rc: d fr.) '1 t 10 l,hi'l'>lbc:r Jf G1"T:1.erce infIX' '1.inn' tile r jwn Jf ~dzel~ter of n banquet tJ be held ~~X'ch ~th.1945. ~~ nqfion was taken. LJl,:FIlITShll;D :SUSIl~E.:3S. ::o\[ed by C.mncilman Hnum:,.rtner ,sec.mclc;d by MnY'Jr (,1uncilv::1Pn Stf'ln.' ::eI' thnt the Petitions for ..ud r~pinst the cloBin.' of rll plncee of business sellin,[. '..,ine and beer,nt IIP.i.i. ")n yreek dnys "nel frfrllIP.~il. on .3n.turcl~:y unti13 Ah:' m.' nd; Yifor t..e duratim of t .C' wrr,be 1;11cl m tie trble until ,~., rch 5th, when t'l1.ey ",fluld be d:Lscussed [' t :' s.Jeci:'l deetLn,;; )1' the i..-oul1cil. .Jecisi')!l to oe rendeI'ec1 nt trlC next rer;uJ.-:."r meetine; of the l,ouncil. By v'Jte t~is v.r,s clecl,~recl L.;AB..RI.l.m. (, ul1cilmn.n nllurr.gi'rtner re) rteCt thrt ,"r. Colby hrcl nu'thJX'izc;d tr..e cleanin..::; ~f his .Lots . C.Jll11Cil ':~l.n .00.11' ;.; rtl1.Cr ,~.:-::~t irtstrtlctccl t~ f'i11Cl S) '~:c )rlC t j d) tr'i.~ \>vI'k ;-,nel .'scertuin ttw cost. G..,uncil'1.'l.l1 .:3 JUtn:'I'd intr')clucecl the subject of the decks nlcn[iJ; the wnter fr()nt and moved that the vlerk write the owners to either put them in e;ood condi tion or teur them dovm, this w:,:,s seconded by L.;ouncilmnn 15Ct.urnr;rr.rtner and by VQtc decl~.red L.;ARRLID. u.u;\. BUSIN1~SS. Councilm..."Ul SQuthard sp0kc ef the Red Cro'iS drj_ ve which stn.rted Larch 1st, ~nel nsked the co-operftion of every perspn in ~daewrter to help ~d~ewnter ~o over the top- ~e nction was taken . SupervisGr . -f.)ore asked leave of ~~ce fer the months of ..,I..'1.rch and April, statini that 11.0 WQwld collect ths~us usunl on regulnr collectin~ days each menth. I.!ovcd by L.;ouncilmnn Southard ,seconded by C(juncili~l:Ul Bn~nrtneI' that this leave be grnntt'ed!!nd by vete was declared uA.t{RI~D. Moved by Councilr.1..'1n Stalnaker that the rown collect the waste paperon the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. this to be Civcn sufficent publicity so thnt ~owns People r~ty be informed of the sumc. ~his was seconded by L.;ouncilm...'1n Hnu~l1.rtneI' ['.,nd by vote declared UARRI.tiD. -' JI . '-" . ~ .. '---' '---' '--' v Supervispr Uloore recommended that the Town hu.vc fL trailer to cOlrry barrels. of w...ter to fires ,where in mn.ny cases , it is impess ible to .::;ct the truclc near enough te the fire t~ ~~ke the water available. wr BrO\TI1 rep~rted thu t lvrr Wilscn ,:1. former residentof ~dgewnte:r ,had. n. trnilcr fer sale. vouncillutJ.n ba~artner moved that, if the tr" iler could be bou~ht for $35.00or l.ess ,M..'1.rshall 'l'hOrJL1.S be o.uthorizcd .to buy it. This vm.s seconded by Councilmnn Southnrd and by VJtc declared G.-{RI:i:D. Gouncilman Stalnaker brought up the subject (,"If paintinG tne '1'0\111 GarageJ after so ~C: discussion vouncilman Southard muved that this be d0nq,secondc-d by vouncilpl1'n BAum~:artner and by vote declared vArl.tUJ.J::D. There bein~ no further business Gouncilmcon Southard moved to adj ;.)Urn , seconded by vouncilma,t} .J3r>umenrtner and by vote cleclr-rccl v\B.RI:IJ;D. 'i'ime 8. 35 P. }.~. ---- -~ ~ A}. T:;Ulcr;Y7 ----=" ~~y.r U.unci~'~ Ccuncilmnn. ~~~ G.unCilman.~ 1Jt.1'.~~ - ,. ATT1t:5T: _ ---J