03-05-1945 - Special . \ ~ ~ ~ v , \. . ~ '--' ~. ciP~c..;IAL J\Il~j1il'L,v OJ:'i 'l'lua 'l'0,,1'l COmrcIL O.l 'l'1i..J: '1'O..l'l Q}j' .a:DG.i1:'.fA'l'~H, ~'LORIl)A, R1!;LD Il~ V. I. A. HALL ON l~GH 5th. 1945. Meetinn- called to order r..t 2:(10 P .:i'L. by It.l.yor l,;ouncilmnn Henry ::>tnlnakcr. noL:W CALI.. l'.nyO r C.;;) unc i lman Gaunc i lm,'n Councilmn.n Clerk tlenry Stalnaker O.E.Southard J. J .B..unIei'rt.ncr G. C . d p:< r [; ., F'rcBent Present Present l'rcscnt The Council ~et te discussthe Pctitions for and ~1ainst the classing Jf places of business whcir!c wine and beer :-.re s~ld. After consider::;ble discussion .l\Il.ayor o'-luncilm::.n 8tf'llnaker m,0ved that nr) action be t;dccn and H.c.' Pcti ticlllS be laid on thc table until further notice . 8ec€lndc;d by l,;ouncilman BalUIl\rr-.rtner and by vot.e l,;ItH..tU.li:.D. l.l.a.yor Gouncilmnn Stnlnf'kcr TIloved that the 1'own of .Jld:e\!rtter contribut.e the StUn of $25.00 to the Bcd Cross. decondcd by Gounci lrnnn Hi' um~[1 rtner and by vote l,;~BRIED. 1,[ayor Cuuncilman St!' Innker moved tr') ndj 'Jurn , seconded by l,;()uncilmr>n t::iouthnrd ~nd by vot.e GAHRI~D. ~ine 3. P.M. li:;:tyo r .~ Uouneilm,'" ~~~~ Councilmun /--: ~( /' ~>. Uo une i lmon M Jr;3 fA"' AAA-(J' /M.k-{., - ~- -:::-- " ~1n~i~ AT'fEST: ~