03-28-1945 - Regular ~ I '-' ~ (.) I ~ ~ .~ .rLJ;GULAR IJ[UTI}'G O.l!' TH~ 110./.;:, CGUJ.'CI.L OJ? T~J TO ~..~ "'.,? "::JG":: I..T~J", Fill.:U~ , .. .!l....) I V. I. '. ~..',l...L "J.,' ,'f' tv J 28th, lG45. .,1cctinz called tv order "t 7:30 ? . oy .tl.r'H' G 'llY1cilrnnn Staluf'ker. RO LL CALL. ..1'Y ) I' C ')unc i In:v''' n C'>uncil,.l<.' 11 C{)unciln:ln L.:lerk Attorney 1:L'l.rs hall Supervisor l-Lenry 3t~tlm ker o ....:: ..:L)U tl:ln.rd J . J .J3n.uffi.'7nrtneI' Guy Spn.r~o J. ,...I .Gillcf')ic D .A. '1'hOl'1," S Ho.rry .&;\. Yo ') re :'rcsent. Present. Pre,;ent. Present. Present. Present. Absen;t.. RJ;~.J)I Tf~ .....,~ .L ucr:;S. 1"J.(;~inutc~; ff the llleetin(;;; of M:J.rch I4th,1945 wore rc::cl.Ji,!ovecl by Councilm~,n South<;l.rd that they be approved as reAd, scmmdecl by CGiuncilmrm Ba.um.:;:urtner and by v\., te clccln.rcd liA...UU";;l). .DILLS A-,-:}) ;GGOLJ1:~TS. l' )ved these 'l' 4"G .Brown D..A.ThJr1aEl by G iuncillnn i:) '"th::trcl 3ccondccl bills be npPiI!ovochnd j)aicl and by ,,)56.0r 10.00 by vouncilnan jj;;ll.lITlQ;[' rtnerthn.t vote cleclnrcQ ~L~rlI ~D. u. l'L I..)' ;J.) FUSI1~.~JJ. The questi m {.)1' )rivut(; Docks vms n"..nin br JU .,' t b(;[ )re tnc C"lunciLThc Clerk ~n~ ~sked if he had rny replies fron Oynars. : e replrtcd nono. rha G ml1cil decided t J .'-:'<' lea r survey )f the clocks. in 't ,.:,; nef'r future. 1'11.a Clerk \iCJs~.in~)tructad to send .: bill of ~35.00 to :':1' Colby f"r the clef,nin,:.; ('f his Lots nnd ['1St> t) sand tae chac'~ f)l~ ~5.00 received Dy thcl.'c'iil1 fr'Il t'w I'..bb ,t ~st, to f.r tile cle:-.nin..r \If tv,) Lots v.hich \.n..J included in Mr I31~ln.n!f> bill. l~:JC~.LL"^1:1"~OuS Bu:JE.J.:Sr:3. _cr.Br\J\d1 su"~estecl hnvinf1: f' ditch du ~t Onkric1"a St.t) dr'in. t 111.t Bact:i...l1 bc:f)re the r~:L11s CJ'la. 'l'hi("; \!!'"'S re.{crec: t t" J Gi.1"l ...) I'd f l' inve~;ti ~pti m "'P11t to re),)rt thoLe fincUn ,c" t) t e li.Juncil at the ncxt lcetin,. -,,::1' .0r).n 1:C...1 rte(l . briC. r; in nccC. f 1'0../' lr'j. G HU1C:Ll )-]'1 .:it, In,",l,cc~ 82id t~!l.t he \i:{~uld Gea .'1'. I))re :blut ,:.kin,' "['.c 1,(;Cas')fry 1'c')f'iro;. G,)uncil .~ '-:' 5, uthn.rcl lJrJ)C'f)ec: tr...a f ..ll()"I"in' l.)lan f')r 1'r:.:Ls:Ln ,. t,l'-' c ),,;t uf .3uildiE._ ::. e1'1.1i ts i,r all ~e)airs ~1.00 c" C ,nstructi.,m under fHOO.OO--- 1.00 Nav C,mstl'uction 1'1'.) 1 100.00 ttl$IOOO.()u 10.00 ~Ie' C0nstructj.)11 fr '" 1000.00 tt) 2000.00 15.00 :k'i. C~nstructir)n fro'] 2000.00 t) 3000.00 20.00 New ,";onstructi\Hl fro 1 3000.00 t) 4000.00 25.00 lk\', Construction -,-"1'01'1. 4000.00 to,5000.00 30.00 ~e~ construction ~rom 5000.00 toIOOOO.OO 40.00 ~ew constructi011 ~ro~ 10000.00 up 50.00 A :foe of ~1. 00 to be paid to em: 'lenber of the wonin ~ Board rlakin<2: l)relimJnn.ry investl ,n.tions ,;'nd a fee of ~p5 .00 to be P' icl to any I'1ember of the b~ard inspocti11~ the work under construction. such inspection to Erun.ranyee to the '1'own that the buildinC{ cOn.1)lieswi th the ter~:1S (if the Permit. After some cliscussi)n G"'lunciLJ.2n Svuth;'rd PlGved th:-t "..tt Jrney Gillespie be instructed to drf'.w up an Ordinr-nca coverin.~ th1ii"1 ;>lnn. Jecmdcd by v..HU1aillnnn .Jjf'W~1{7 rtner, '""nel by vo te daclnrc;cl v..~{..n.u.;:0. ~ , L I ~ ~ v I' ....; I ~ .... There beina; no further business liolmcilml1n Southnrd moved tondj ourn, seconded by liouncil~~n naumenrtner and by vptc dccl~rcd liJu~I~D. Time 8~30 l-.....:. ~~ -, k~yor Uouncilmnn ~~~~ ~ouncilll1nn ~ UoUnCilll1~1l cJ rfP'k'~Tr~ - " - ~~ -~ ~-_ ".1':r~'T" .:;d~. .--t~~ TOvilJ ct~rlK. / - J