05-23-1945 - Regular ~ ~ ~ \..) I V .. '-" J .KEGULAR 1.:EJi.:l'Il:iG OF '1'ru '1'0\.11 uOUHUIL Oll' Ttl.J '1'O\H'l OF .w:DGEWA1'~R, J!ILORIDA, HELD IH V. I. A. tlALLlOH MAY 23, 1945. Mcetin" called to order by lV.iD.yor uouncilmnn Stulnnlfer at 7: 35 P. M. ROLL CALL LUlyor Counci1Iill.ln Councilm..'ln Councilman Clerk Attorney lJ.:arsha11 titreet tiupervisor tita.l1'lnker Southnrd .Jj ruuuznrtne r tipo.r{,1;o LTillespie 'Ihomns brown Present. Absent. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. H.EADI}fG OF 1D:NUTES. The minutes of the meetin" of May 9th were read. Gouncilman ba~nrtner moved that they be approved as rend, lileconded by .i.J.O.yor Gouncilm:.:m Stnln3ker and by vote declnred uARRI~D. BILLS ~D ACGOu~~S. The followin~ bill ~ns read; D. A. Thomas for men nnswcrin~ fire cn11 ~5.00 Councilwk~n Bnumgartner Moved that the bills be approved as read, paid, and be made part of these minutes, seconded by 1_'lyor Gouncilman ~tnlnwcer and by vote declared vARRI~D. OFFICERS ~ORTS. The Marshall presented his Hepart for period !.4:lY is t to .May 16th 1945. 1'he UursIk'lll reported huvin~ some nozzles that were the wrong size for the fire pmnp and requested they be sent back and nozzles of the correct size be ordered. vlerk wns instructed to truce care of this matter. Mr. brown reported rep1l.irin,:!; the brid~e on Ocean Ave.,n lnu''lber of soft spots in the rands and thnt aome of the street si.zns arc miss in". C01IMU1H CATI Ol~S A letter from Mrs. Kleist re~nrdin~ the replc.cing of the li~ht, at liotel Ave. and J!'ernnld .::it. Glerk wns instructed to write h.r. J!'erris and nsk him to install this light., A number of letters fron surroundin~ iowns exp1ninine their system of issuin" buildin~ permits and fees chnr~ed for same. Lhese letters were handed to .knyor Cow1cilmn.n dtulnnker who rend them to the townspeople present. After some discussion ll..'l.yor Gouncilmnn otnlnnker moved the adoption of the followine rates for buildin" permita; J!'or all repairs up to ~50.00 no permit required. For new construction up to ~50.00 a permit must be applied for at no charge. ~or new construction and repairs from .50.00 to ~500.00 fee is .1.00 "" II It " "~?500'.00 to ;p,- 500 .00 fee is ~2. 50 II" "n " ~2500 .00 up Lo cents per ~100 .00 seconded by vow1cilnmn baumenrtnnr nnd by vote declnred vluU1I~D. Attorney Gillespie was asked to draw up u new vrdinnnce to include these rates. ~-- to . . \..., v \...f v ~ ~ ORDIHAlWES A J:1.!i:80LU'l'IOH .l!'IXING 1'M U01J>ENSATIO.N 0]' fl'~ ~ iJPEHYISOR OF S1:lU:I.!a'::3 Ai'.n :dIGH\'AYS IN '1'~ '1'mf1~ OJ? .iI:DGE.!ATJ.i::H., Jj'LORIDA. 'i'he o.bove and force;oin~ Kesolution vms introduced by 1\.4'1.yor liouncilman .:>t::.lnuker who moved its adoption, which l'lotion :ns seconded by Liouncil- orn Haumeartner and upon U +011 cull vote the same was duly curried and said liesolution wc"s declnred adopted at u re~ular meetin~ of the said liouncil held at the v-. I. A. or Town tlall in said TOvm this 23rd day of 1Jay A. D. 1945, the vote of the Liouncil thereon bein~ us follows: hinror liouncilman 60uncilImln otalnakcr jj a 1.lm>Z art nc r Ye-s yes LiounciL~mn Hn~nrtner moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by 14'1.yor Counci1-~'1.n Jtnlnaker und by vote declared Li~1RI~D. ~ime 8:15 p. M. - .... Liouncilmn. 1lnyor IJouncil1Iu:: _ :"-. --ATTJil,,!: A ~h . ~ u~ rk J