06-27-1945 - Regular
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iUi:GUL.n.R .jl":;TE~G O.i!' Tb.~ 'l'O~iN COUl/elL O.l!'
1'ID l'Oia~ Ojj' ..ll.DG~";.r\.T.>i:R, E'LORIDA, H.Jii.LD 11; V. I. A. Hri..wL
TT'nn.).,~ 1.., r 9'/1 ~
tJ U.1.\J...w. \....w.,..J.. ").
':':ceting callcd to order by Vice 'hyor tJouncilmnn bau.'TIQ;artner p t 7: 30 P.M.
" "-.....yor
Vice ]\:"1.yor
Co unc i l:nrm
ci treot
Ru;.ADIUG OF .lii:Il'fUT..ti:b.
Ef'u.~D.rtnor .
..)p ar;;; 0 .
.b rown.
Present ."'-
The minutes of the rCoZular li1eatin~ of June ~th., 1945, ,were rend.
Councill~.....n vouthurd moved that they be npproved as road,seconded by
Vice in.ay-or CounciLn.nn Btl.u1!l~urtl1er Dnd by vote declared tJAilln.f.l;:J.
The followin~ bills \. ere read;
J.B.Bates 11.79
~.C.Cory 106.67
V.D.holsenbeck 24.00
Council~.....n Southard moved that the bills be npproved as read, pnid and'
be m..'l.dc n part of these m:Lnutes ,seconded by Vice Mayor lJouncilnmn
bnum~artner and by vote declared lJ~RRI~D.
O..?i!'I CJJ::l{S ~PO.H.TS.
1t'1.rshn.ll Thomas reported thnt he hud c:l.ll"d on the tenants of the
brid~et :b'erreria property and that they had lrc:l.tly improved the apperrmce
of the place.
Attorney Gillespie reported havin" hncl a cull from 1':r:J...:> .Eates ,who
complained of the draino.~e conditions in wet we:l.ther in front of his
property. lJolLncilIIU:1n ..)outhard vms instructed by the tiouncil to invasti~:Lte
this Matter. _" and see what could be done tm relive the condition.
Attorney Gillespie o.L;o reported that he h:.ld been nsked to bring before
the tJouncil,the subject of dred~inc the chanel by the U.S.Govement and
~le spoiln~e thut ~ould be available. The Clerk Rend n letter to l~"yor
Gouncilman ;:)talnaker on this sane subj eet. .L t WI'..S decided by the \..iounc:Ll
to \. ri te all 0 ners of propll!rty on the river for permissLon to dur:lp this
1flJ.jhhlspoila~e to fill in low r.nd l11tl.rilhy pln.ees and straL:htcn the shore
line v.here ever pos sible.
Clerk repoted the take off service: of the Hew Sm.yrna Abstrn..ct tJo ViaS in
effect for 1944 but could find no rt"'jord of this company bein~ pnid for
this serviee. Councilman Southard moved that a check for ~50.00 be sent
the lkw Smyrna Abstract lJO for .L944 and 1945 service ,seconded by Vice
~.4.'l.yor Ba~n.rtner and by vote declared IJARRIJJ::D.
fur. vlhite Mosquito Control ~upervisor appeared before the 60uncil of
the Town of .u:d~evm.ter,!1.ncl requested the coopll!ration of the Town and the
peo~le of the ~own in the mlim~innt~on of breedine 9laces of the ~osquito
lIr. ./hi te reported findine unfavorable conditions in a nUl'uber of pl.....ccs
in the Town. VOice ".:.....yor Jjaum~nrtner :moved thnt two collections a IJ.onth
be ~'l.de from July 1st To October Iat,seconded by CounciL%~ oouthard
and by vote declared CARRL!:D.Thc tJlerk vms instructed to post n. notice
on the bulletin board at the }ost office to this affect and to send
notices to the .tln.ytonalTcws Journal and The ])Tcw Snyrnn. Jje:l.ch .Ne\V8.
Mr. Brown reported that the l'lay~rouncl project was prorressin~ favorably
he nlso reported n. serious oil leak in the truck m.otorand that he had hOl.d
the necessary repairs ~'l.de.
- ,
vO~.1,;lfl'n u, ~1'10No,) .
Uetter from I .L.Lovelnnd requestin~ Lie 'l'own of JJ:d;:;;evv[1. ter to talce
so.ne nction towurd clennine: the lots west of his property as he con-
siders theu to be u fire huzzurcl.J.he vlerk was instructed to write the
owners of this proJerty and describe the need of thicr cooperation in
hnvin. thc..ie lOTs cleaned or n.uthorizc the Town to hnve them clenned.
The vlerk '!Ins nlso instructed to write ......r. .Lovelnnd and infor~ hin of
whnt nction the 'I'own could tnke in this matter.
0RDIlfAl\fCES .
..i\. .d..J.:d0l..UT ION GRA..~TI1\[G WJ.VE 0]' \B8.i.n,jC~ 1'u ........AYOH Cll u:W1 L..:JJJ ILi,amy
...) T ALl\& ~rl .
'1'he nbo~e nnd fore~oin;; ..3.esolution v(US introduced by Councilr.J.un douthr'rd,
\,ho moved i.ts adoption, which motionvms soconded by vouncilm..'1.n bnmngnrtner,
and upon u roll cull vote the srune wus tmanimously curried and said .
Hesolution wus declnred adpoted ,at n. re~ulnr meetinll of the 'I'mi'll Council.
of said Town hel.d nt V.1 .A. ~or Town l"tnll this 27th dny of June ,A.D .1945',
the vote of the Council thereon bein~ ns follows:
...~ayor Councilmml
Uouncilm~n Soutlli~rd.
CounciDnnn nnumgnrtner.
A R.J:SOLU'J:1Ol'l AU'l'li.O.ttIl1AG .1i}'.uJ: Ojj'.b'1u1AL D];PO..:>1'l'OrlY uF 'l':~ '1'0\.1~ O.b' .i!lDG_~,,~..T"';R,
b'LOiU.JA '1'0 1iOl~Oll u1i.EUlG OR '..Ju.-lli.tJ..yl' 0,) 0]' .::JAID TO\.N \,}IEN 81 GN.il:D BY Tfuj; VI C.u;
1rAYOH. DURING THj] At1.:il!:lJC~ G.b' 'J.'!-'~ .r.lAYO.tl.
The nbovc nnd foreeoin" rtesolution was introduced by Uouncilmnn Southard,
who moved its adoption, which motion wns seconded by vouncilr~'1.n bnum-
gnrtner ,und upon D. roll cn.l.l vote the sl1.ne WOoS carried unnnimously and
said Resolution wus duly declared adopted at u rc~ulnr mcctin~ of said
~om~ vouncil held ut the V.I.A. hall in said To~m, This 27th day of June,
A.D.I945',the vote of said Uouncil thereon beinG as follows:
A~yor UounciLmnn
U 0 un. c i lnutn
.tS a Ul:'1.'! ar t n e r
uouncil1m.n oouthard Lloycd we do now adjourn,seconded by Vice l'layor
:Brt1.l!!~artl1c::r and by vote declnred Ci~I..J:D. 'l'i!'le 8: 5'0 P .1,:[.
l.~~yor l,;ounciL.nn
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