07-18-1945 - Special ,. I \...; \..} I V . L, "--' .) I SFECIAL }~l'IlW OF 'r~ 'l'm.lf l,;C)U1{l,;IL Ol!' 'l'HJ.l: TO'I!\T 0; ~DG.u;-',A'fJi:R, :b'LO.rlIDA, lillLD LN V.I.A. tlALL JULY 18th, ,1945. Meetin~ called to order by Vice J:~yor vouncilmnn Baumeartner nt 7:30 P. M. ROOL CALL. Street l,;ouncilIJ,an l.iouncilrlan l,; 0 unc i l1:lUn l,;lerk' Attorney liil....trshnll .Jupervisor dtalnuker bn~artl1.er douthard Spnr~o llillespie -i'hoIn..'1.S brown ~\bael1t. . Present. Present. Present. l'resent. l'resent. l'resent. I.myor Vice J..;tt.yor Vi-ce L.ayor l,;ouncilmnn bnumcnrtner stated that the purpose of the 3pecinl 1Icetinz waS to consider the question of the Sundny closin;~ of places of business where 'fine and Beer are sold. . Vice Layor l,;ounci~'1.ll Hn~~nrtner then introduced Deputy Sheriff Gnlbrenth~ of ~ew 3nyrna Douch who waS D.ttendin~ the ueetin~ nt/the in-vitntion of the Town Council. Sheriff G;,lbrcuth c;ave a very instructive taDc,'i.hich brou:::ht to li~ht a nill~ber of facts ,not well kno'ln to the people of ~d~ewater,also thnt the ;J:ovm vms ~ettin~ a very bad reputntion. After J!1efiff u-albrenths talk, Vice Mrtyor BnunlCnrtner asked the opinion of the tOViTId people prGsent at the meetin". Mr.. Huettick,lJr.1!nrry .lJ.100re and others were in fnvor of Sunday closin~. ~:n.r. Cory and Itr. Buttery were in favor of complete closina; of nIl places of business. Vice :':ayor l:kl.~n,rt-.. nor then called for n stnndine vote of the towns peoJle present,who were in fnvor of ::Junclay closin~,thLs was so close to n unanimous vote that the ~"~ay"vote ~ns not called for. Councilman Southard mDved t~~t the oxistin~ Ordinance be nmended,so as to places of business where wine and Heer are sold on Sunday in' the 'fown of ..dld~ewater,seconded by vice ::.layor B3.~artner nnd a roll vote resulted as follows l..1n.yor l,;ouncilm.."1.n._ Bj~.nlp~':1.1~er Vice 1byor l,;ounciln~n Hnum~nrtner l,;ouncilman ~outhnrd Attorney Gillespie wns requestsd to draw up this ~Gndmcnt. Absent res Yes Uouncilman Southnrd mDved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Vice ~'1.yor Cow1cilman Ba~nrtner And by vote decl~red\ vARRI~D. Time 8:45 P.M. .Mayor: ~:::~:~ l,; 0 un C ~ l.mi.1. Vice l1.nyor .;,; -........ ATESIT-. 6 - -4 ~~ ~ Clc. ~ ---- - --.J