07-25-1945 - Regular L . J ~ ~ ~ '...I I J .. REGULAR MrmTING OF T1IE TOWN COUNCIL OF 'l'HJi: TOWN OF li:DGEWATli:R, FLORIDA-, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL JULY 25th, 1945. ~~ting call~d to ordar by Vice Mayor UounciD~~n rlaumaartnor at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Street 60uncilman Councilman Councilman Clerk Attorney 'Suporvisor Marshall ' Stnlnnlmr B a~ar,tnc r Southrl.rd SpnriZo Gillespie l)rown 'l'hOllUlS Present. PrQsent. PrClilcnt. Present. Present. Present. Present. Mayor Vice M'lyor READING OF MINUTES Minutes of tho re~ular mOQtina July 11th and the special moetin~ July 18th, were read. Gouncil Southard .oved they be approved ~a read,secondcd by CounciL~n ba~artnor and by vote declared GARRI~D . BILLS AND ACCOUNTS The followin~ billa ware road; Offico expense 1.25 Ray Ballantyne 24.00 F. C. Cory 13.38 Councilmnn Southard moved that the bills be approved aD rend,paid and be made a part of those minutcs,secondod by Gouncillnan Ba~artner and by voto dQclarQd uARRI~D. Jacobsen manufacturinz Co. 11.63 D. B. Smith Co. 4.62 OFFIKiRS REPORTS Marshall Tho~a roported the li~hts at fark St. and the Hi~hway and Pine Bluff St. and Park Place wero out. Upon report to the ~lectric Dept. of New Smyrna Heach,they stated that Inmps were scarce but that the burnt out lamps would be replaced sa soon as new ones were available. COMMUNICATIONS Clerk rend a communication from Mr.G.~.White authorizing the Tcbwn to clean his property and send the bill to him. The Council directed the Clerk to write Mr. White and inform him,~hat the Oouncil had been mis- informed as to the condition of his property,but that if it became a fire hazard he would be notified. ORDINANCES. ORDINAlWE NO. 131;. entitled, AN ORDINAlWE A.MlJ:IIDIND S:U:CTION I OF ORDIHANCE NO. 117 OF THi: .1'OVIN OF ~DGEWA'.rER, FLORIDA SO AS TOPROH1Bi:T TH1i: SA~ OF BElCR AND VllNi ON SUNDAYS IN SAID TOWN ,was rend in full. Gouncilmnn Southard moved that Ordinance No.I3I be passed upon first reading,seconded by Councilman Baumgartner and by vote declared UARRI~D. CounciLman Baumgartner moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance NQ.I3I on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final pnssage,seconded by Gouncilman 80uthard and by vote declared GARRI~D. ihere upon it was moved by Gounci~~n Southard,seconded by Counci~~ Haumgartner,thnt Ordinance No. 13I be passed and adopted and a roll cnll vote being taken on this motion resulted as follows Mayor Councilmnn Gouncilman Gouncilman Stalnaker Southard l)aumgo.rtner absent. Jes. "J: e s . h I ~ v I ~ ... L \wi J lfiW BUSIUESS Counci~ Southard moved an extention of time to complete the tax Roll and calling the first Meeting of the li:qualization .board on Monday August 4th, at 7:30 in V.I.A. Hall. Seconded by ~oundilm~n Baumgartner and by vote ~.ARRIJi:D. Councilman Southard, at the request of Horace King, protested the placing of toilets in the corner of the barbecue stand us, in bis opinion~ it is against the regulations of the Board of Health. ~ouncil decided to ask Mr. Brannon, of the State Bonrd of Health, mo come to Edgewaterand advise the ~ouncil in this ~~tter. Mr Humphrys requested CounciDTh~n Southard to report that Mr. Uory and eight men hauled away a truck load of shell at 5o'clock on Sunday morning, also Harry MOore and Art Robertson testified to having seen trucks getting shell early that morn~ng. ~his was taken under advisement by the Uouncil. At the request of Attirney Gillespie, Uouncilman Southard moved to execute a new Deed, to replace the origional Deed, which had been lost, for Lot 13 li:-of the F.E.U.Railroad, Sheppard & Sanchez Grant. Seconded by Councilm~n Baumgartner and by vote declared ~ARRI~D. Uouncilman Southard moved 'we do now adjourn'. Seconded by Uouncilman baumgnrtner and by vote ~ARRIED, Time 8:30 P.M. Mayor counCilm.~ counci1man6 !P~r Councilman ATTEST. 'fawn Clerk