09-26-1945 - Regular L- ~ \..,.., '-' ....; . v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL SEPTEMBER 2,9-,,1945. J ROLL CALL. Meeting called to order by Mayor Council~~n Stalnnker at 7~35 P.M. Mayor Stalnaker. Baumgartner. Garnnn. Spargo. Gillespie. Brown. 'i'homas . ~1treet Council~~ Councilmnn Councilman Clerk. Attorney. Supervisor. :Marshall READING OF MINUTES. Present. Present. Present.- Present. Present. Present. Absent.. The minutes of the regular meoting held September 12,1945 were read. Counci~~n Baumgartner moved they be approved as read,seconded by Councibnan Garman and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; J.O.Birch. Jacobsen Mnnufacturing Beauty Hest Cabins. 'l'.C .Brown. Councilman Baumgartner moved these bills be appnoved as rend, be made a part of these minutes,seconded by Councilman Garmnn vote declared CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS. 6.50 Co. 4.07 3.82 1.00 :pnid ,and and by Su~ervisor Brown reported that stop signs at street corners entering Highway were missing9'Supcrvisor Brown was instructed to investigate,- and report on the numbQr of signs needed. Mr. Brown saked permission to take shell from tovvn owned lot for use on the streets filling the holes where shall wns:takan with sand. Council approved of this. COMMUNI CATIONS. A letter was read from Mr. E. Y. Knipling regarding the use of D.D.T. MR. Kni~ling requested that a representntive of the Town come to Orlando to discuss the use of D.D.T.nnd the many problems that must be taken in to account. No nction was taken. Recomendations by the Board of Adjustment were read,a copy of same being attached and nk~de part of these minutes No,I t~~t the Council consider the nk~tter of flood control in highland Shores between the highway and the railroad A letter from Mr Olen O. Mathews regarding this condition is attached. Council Directed Mr. Brown and Mr. Allen to investigate and report at the next regular meeting. ~o.2 that delinquent taxes. due the Town be collected. Attorney Gillespie explained that real estnte becoming delinquent since I940 reverts to the County. After Gourt proceedings the renl estate is sold and the amount rea1ized from such sale is divided between the ~ounty and the municipality in which the real estate is located. On property becoming delinquent prior to 1940 the ~own would have to foreclose on such property and sell. ~hat trees by the residcnsc of Mr. Wilkinson,Mr.~'ec,nnd Mr. Smith be removcd,qucstion was rnised as to whether the trees were on private prop,' erty 0 not. ~o action was taken. That the Company operating the bulldozer post a Bond with the i'O~ to cover d~~ge to the roads if not put in the condition as found. ~o action _as taken. fI I iv '\ I ~ ." :.J c ~ .J ORDINANCES. A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING A PORTION OF THE tmEXPENDED FUNDS'JIN CERTAIN IT.KMS OF THE 1944-1945 BUDGET TO CERTAIN ITEMS OF' SAID BUDGET WHICH WERE OVER EXPElm.u:D .Am) APPROPRIA'fING THE BALANCE llEMAINItlG IN THE 1944-1-945 BUDGET TO REVENUES FOR THE YEAR OF 1945-1946 OF THE TOWN OF EDGE~.ATER, FLORIDA. The above and foregoing Resolution was in troduced by ~ouncilmnn Garman who moved its ndoption,which motion was duly seconded by Councilman Baumgartner and upon a roll call vote of the same was declared unani- mously carried and said Rcsolut~on adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewatcr,)j'lorida,at the V.I .A. hall in said fown on the 26th, day of September A.D. 1945, the vote of ~aid Council on said roll call vote being as follows: Mayor Councilman Stalnaker. Councilmnn Haumgartner. Councilman Gar~~. Yes. Yes. Yes. ORDINANCE No. 132 entitled AN ORDINANCE AME1IDING SECTION L OF ORDINANCE No. 104 Q)F THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA,ASAMENDED BY ORDINANCE No.I28 OF SAID TOV/1"i SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF ALL PROPRRTY OU RIDGEWOOD AVENUE FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Counci~~n Garman moved that Ordinance ~o,I32 be passed upon first reading seconded by ~ouncilman Baumgartner and by vote decL~red 0ARRI~D. Mayor Uouncilman Stalnaker moved that the requirment of reading Ordinance No.I32 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed on final passuge,seconded by ~ounci~~n Baumgartner and by vote declared unanimously ~ARRIED. Whereupon it was moved by ~~yor Councilman Stalnaker, seconded by Council- man Gar~~ that Oridance No. 132 be passed and adopted and a roll call vote be:i;lig taken on this motion resulted as follows; Mayor ~ouncilman Stalnaker Councilman Bn~artner Uouncilman Garman ORDINAlfCE No .133 entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING REVENUES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,VOLUSIA COUNTY,Jl'IDRIDA,FOR THE }j'ISCAL YEAR BEGINING OCTOBER I, 1945 ~l) ENDING SEPTEMBER #) ,1946, TO THE VARIOUd ITEMS OF THE TOWN BUDGET. Councilman Haumgartner moved that Ordinance No.I33 be passed upon first reading,seconded by ~ouncil~~n Garman and by vote declared ~ARRIF~. Councilman Garllk~ moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 133 on second~reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed apon final passnge,seconded0by ~ounci~~n Haumgartner and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon it liaS moved by ~ouncilman Garman , seconded by ~ouncilmnn Bn.um- gartner that Ordinance ~o. 133 be passed and adopted and a roll call vote being taken on this motion resulted as follows: Mayor Councilman Stalnaker. res. . Ca1.incilm..-m .l:Saumgartner. les. Councilman Garman. Yes. ORDINANCE Iro. 134 enti tIed; AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RATlli OF 'l'AXA'l'ION FOR ALL PROPEH'l'Y IN 'l'1ill TOWN OF EDGE~ATER,FI.DRIDA,FOR THE YEAR A.D.I945, PROVIDING WHEN SUCH TAJCij;S BEcOME DUE AliID BECO:MJ!} DELH-lQ.U1!lNT AlID BE ~OLD FOrt ~0~4PAYMENT;AND PROVIDING FOR DISCOUNTS IF PAID BEFORE MARCH 1,1949. Mayor ~ouncilman Stalnaker moved that Ordinance ~o.I34 be passed upon first reading,seconded (jouncilman Baumgartner and by vote declared ~ARRIED. Councilm~n Baumgartner moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance ~o.I34 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage ,seconded by (jounciJ.m,'.:m LTarman and by vote declared unnnimously CARRIED . ~hereupon it was moved by (jouncilman .l:Saumgartncr,seconded by ~ouncil~~n Gn.rmn.n thn t Ordinance lio.I 34 be pas sed and adopted and a roll call vo te being tween on this motion resulted ns' follows; M.."tyor Councilmnn Councilman <i 0 un C illlk'l.n Yes. Yes. . Yes. Stalnaker. Bawngnrtner. Garman. les. res. :ies. L . v v ..... .....; ~ o J Councilman Baumgartner moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilmnn Gnrmnn and by vote declared t;ARRI1!:D. Time 9:15' P .:M. Mnyor CO~Cil~ counCi~~- counCi~~._' ~/ -- ~- ATTEST: '::!- - - - . , - . " ''- 4%~~ . wn Cl. k / .. \....;r J L-..__ . I V ., ~ J \.-;- '-' U i Edgewater Fla. Sept 25, 1945. Special Meeting of Board of Adjustment. Meeting called to order by Chairman Brown at 8 PM. Roll Call Presen:h Mr Brown Mr Allen Mr Corey Mr Garman Absent Mr Anker , Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. , Motion made by Mx Corey and seconded by Mr Allen that th Council communicate with the proper authorities of the Florida East Coast Railroad with a view of correcting th Flood condition in Highland Shores and inadequate draina e due to old ties and refuse in present ditch, also the gr de lowered at the approach to the tracks on Park Ave. A com munication from Mr Olen 1~thews regarding the flooded co - dition in Highland Shores between the Highway and F.E. R il- road is attached. Motion made by Mr Allen and seconded by Mr Corey that al. delinqu~nt taxes be collected. Carried. The Board c~n f give definite instances in which taxes are not paid. l Motion made by IvIr Brown and seconded by Mr Allen that Oa~ and Pine trees by Mr Playters Wilkinson's residence, Aue_ tralian Pines on New Hampshire and Riverside Drive in ft.o~t of Mr Bob Fee's residence and Oak trees on Riverside DrJvp in front of Mr Smith's property be removed. ". , Motion by Chairman Brown andseconded by Mr Allen that~he : Council insist on a Bond being posted by the Company 6per-~ ating the Bulldozer-before they do any more work in the '~ town of Edgewater. / Application for Building Permit #246 by Mr Davis~Dfth re~d. Owing to an error of the Street on the copy the ~ecretary WaS instructed to have 'the Twon Clerk correct Same. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM \ Secretary Copy to Town Council " / / // .J / ...- /"" -~ ~.../ /' ( / -- 1 ~ f . ~ ! . Edgewater,Fla. Sept.25,I945. Mr.T.C.Brown,Chairman; Adjustment Board,City of Edgewater; Edgewater,Fla. Bear Sir; I would like to call your attention to the flood condition that exists in Highland Shores,in that area between the highway and the F,~ ~ Railroad. In view of the fact that the present so called mosquito contraL ditch is inadequate to handle the water in this watershed~namelY from the cemetery to the south canal-and ad~ to this, the large amount of w~~ that is now finding it's way into this watershed from the Model Land Co. properties west of the railroa.d,those of us who have homes in this area are faced with a serious health problem. The water recently came within fifteen fee$ of my house an~ my neighbors were completelY inundated.As you know,all of us in this area useshallow wells to obtain wa>>er for home consumption. Also we have Septic ~anks with drain fields for sewerage disposal. With water as'much as a foot deep covering some of our yards,it goes without saying what can happen. My neighbors and I would sincerely appreci~te anything that you and your committee could do for us. Yours