10-17-1945 - Special '-.., ~ v .....J I ~ .. - , \wi ~ MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA, TO ACCEPT PETITIONS OF CANIHDATES HELD IN V.I .A.HALL OCTOBER I7th,I945. Meeting called to order a~ 7t40 by ~~yor Counci~~n Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilmnn Councilmn.n Councilmp..n Clerk Attorney Supervisor Stalnaker .l:\.aumgartner Garman S:pargo Gillespie Brown Present Present Present Jresent Present Present PETITIONS. C~erk reported that there had been filed seven petitions as follows Robert JI.Fuller, Grant A.Gonyenu,:i.H .Lohmnn and Henry Stalnaker for member of the Town Council for the three year term. Olen O.MBtthews and A.R.Patch for member of Town Council for the one year term,this being the balance of the unexpired term of O.~.Soutfu~rd. James F.Godwnrd for the Office of town clerk. After petitions hnd been read and found in proper order and signed by the requisite number. of qualified electors; A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCILMAN .AlID TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER,FWRIDA,TO B:il ELECTED AT THE ANlmAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 6,1945', A1ID PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION .AND PRINTING OF l3ALLOTS FOR SAID Ji:LECTION. Mayor Councilnmn Stalnakermoved the Kesolution be adopted as read and that 5'5'0 Official nnd 5'5'0 ~~ecimen ballots be ~rinted,seconded by uouncilman Baumgartner and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED a rol call vote being taken resulted ns follows, .IlIiayor Counci1.mD.n Stnlnnker. ies. Couneilmnn Baumgartner. -::los. Councilman Garman. Yes. A RESOLUTION PROVIDIND FOR THE PRIlfTING OF THE BALWTS FOR THl!: SPECIAL .REFERENDUM EL[:GCTION TO BE H.KU) IN THE TOWN OF EDGE1i:ATER,FLORIDA, ON NOVEM- BER 6,1945' ,FOR THE PURPOSE OF RATI]'Y1NG OR REJECTIlfG THE ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF (l'HE STATE OF FWRIDA OF 1945' ENTITLED"AN ACT AUTHORISING THE TOWN OF EDGEWA'Th"'R,FLORIDA, TO ASSESS COSTS OF WT CLEANING,A1~ TRASH AND BRUSH REMOVAL AGAINS'f 'i'HE LM.'DS FROM iiliICW SUCH TRASH OR BRUSH SHALL BE CLEANED,-0R REIDVED,AND PORVIDING A METHOD FOR THE COLlECTION OF THE COST THEREOF BY ADDING THE S~ TO THE TAXES ASSESSED AGAINST SAID LAlIDS IN EACH YEAR AND 1m SALE 0]' sucm LA1ID FOR NOlf-PAYMENT THEREOF". and that there be printed 5'5'0 Official ballots and 25'0 Specimen ballots. Mayor Councilman Stalnaker moved that the Resolution be adopted nad 5'5'0 Official and 25'0 Specimen ballots be printed,seconded by Councilman Garman and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED, a roll call vote being taken resulted as follOWS, ..Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Stalnaker. Baumgartner, Ga:rman. Yes. Yes. Yes. ---- /' ~ . v v ....) I ~ ..) A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE P.RINTING..QF _.THEBALIDTS FOR THE SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOitN OF EDGEWATER,FLORIDA,ON NOVEMBER 6,1945 FOR THE PURPOSE OF RATLB'YING OR REJECTING THE ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATS OF FmDRIDA, OF 1945 ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE 'fOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, TO COMPROMISE SETTLE AlilD ADJUST DELINQ,UENT 'fAXES WHIl.'H ARE OR MAY BECOME IDlPAID FOR A PERIOD OF OVER THREE YEARS, AND PRESCRIBING THE METHOD V,HEREBY SUCH AD.JUSTMillNTS MAY BE lJADEIt, AND THE PRINTING OF 550 OFFICIAL AND 250 SPECIlmN BAlJDTS. Mayor councilman Stalnaker moved that the Resolution be a.dppted a.s read and that 550 Official and 250 Specimen..bb.116ts..:.>be printed ,seconded by (.;ouncilmnn Bnum.gartner and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED, a roll call vote being taken resulted as. follows, Mnyor Councilman Stalnaker. Councilmn.n Baumgnrtnur. Councilman Garman. Yes. Yes. Yes. Council.mm1 Garman moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by liouncilrrk'ln Barnn-o . gartner and by vote declared CARRIED. ~ime 8t30 ~.M. Mayor councilmtm~fi~ counCilmtmJJ;o~LU~ counCi~_'" -:0( .... .... - ATTEST: ~ .: ,,::: .' Aiw/~ /(~fO ~Wn: C~gf'k. . L--. _