10-24-1945 - Regular \....., ~ v . ~ ~ r I \..." \ REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF 1m TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FWRIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON OCTOBEH 24, 1945. Meeting called to order by ~~yor Counciblli~n Stalnaker at 7:30 P. M. .:. ..H..OLL CALL ~~yor Councilman titalnaker Councilman Baumgnrtner Councilman Gar~~ Clerk Bpnrgo Attorney Gillespie ~~rshall ThOrrk~S Street Supervisor ~rown Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. fhe minutes of the rQgular meeting held October 10th, 1945 and the moeting to accept petitionsof candidates were rend. vouncilman Baumgartner moved they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Garrrk~n and by vote declared vARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; 22.00 30.00 37. 50 ~yor Councilman StaLnaker moved the a part of these minutes, seconded by declared CARRIED. 'fony Ballantyne ~addell & Jackson Atto~y Gillespie tfenry Stalnaker J.J .Baumgn.rtner H. B. Garman bills be approved as read, vouncilmL~n Baumgartner and 5.25 11. 50 3.t6 dnd be mnde by vote REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor Councilman Stalnalcer reported having contacted vi ty Manager ]'erris of New Smyrna Hench and found that Stop Signs could be bought for a nominal sum, explanimg that a nominal sum ment just enough to rrk~ke the transaction legal. vounciblli~n Haumgartner moved that Mator Stalnaker be directed to complete the deal. Mayor Stalnaker seconded the motion and by vote declared vARRIED. Mr Brown informed the vouncil of his intention to paint the 'slo~ siens' on Ridgewood Ave. at the intersection of Park Ave. and requested the Mnrshalb to direct traffic while this is being done. vouncil so instcucted the ..hrshnll. the need of a culvert in front of the V.agner property, on.;.H.i:irorsided, was discussed . ~~ ~.Brown to attend to this. ORDINAliJ"CES . .RESQLUTION A RESOLrrrION APPOINTING A CLERlC Al~~ THREE INSPEC'rORS OF ELECTION FOR 'i'HE ANNUAL TOVr.H ELECTION TO BE HELD IH Tn~ 'llOIi'-N OF EDGEV1ATER, FLORIDA, ON TUEoDAY, THE 6th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1945 It was moved by vouncil~~n Stalnaker and seconded by vouncil~~n uarman that the above and foergoing rl.esolution be adopted by the 'fown co'uncil of the ~own ad Edgewater, Florida and be spread upon and rrk~de a part of the minutes of this meeting, heldthe 24th day od October, A, D. 1945. - J' u~ ....; I. V ~ \..." tho@,otion carried, the result of the liouncil being as follows; Mayor GounciDnan Henry Stalnaker les GounciDnan J. J. Baumgartner ~es Council~~n Harry B. Gal~~n les A Certiiic~teof Posting is attached and made 'a part of these minutes. A RESOLUTINN APPOIlITING A CLERK AIID TEME INSPECTORS OF ELECTION ]'OR THE SPECIAL REFEMNDUM EillCTION TO BE HELD IN '11ill TOWN OF ~DGEWAl'ER, FL01UDA ON TUESDAY, THE 6thDAY OF NOVEMBER,1~45FOR THE PURPOSE OF RATIFTING OR REJEC'fING T1IE ACT OF LIGGISLATURE OF FLORIDA ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING TIill TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOVIN OF DGEWATER, FLORIDA TO COMPROMISE, SETTLE AND ADJUST - ' DELINQ,UEN'f 'r~s WHICH ARE OR MAY BECOMEUNPAID FOR A PERI OD OF OV.B:H. 'l'HllliE YEARS, AND PRES CRIBING THE METHOD WHERE BY SUCH ADJUSTMENT MAY BE :MADE. II It was properlymovod by liouncilman btnlnaker and seconded by liouncilman Gannan that the above and firegoing Kesolution be adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewa ter, .Jj'lorida nnd be sp~ead upon and made a part of the minutes of this meeting,held the 24th day of October, A. D. I945. the motion carried, the vote of the liouncil being as follows; 1~~yor- liouncilman Councilmrm Counc i 1I11.'l.n Henry Stnlnnker J. J. Baumgartner Harry B Gnrmnn Yes' Yes 'lies. k Certificate of Posting is attached and ~'l.de n part of these minutes. A~~O~J!+A?.N APPOIlITING A CLERK ANTI THREE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION WOR THE SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEVlA'l'ER, ELORIDA on TUESDAY, 'fHE 6th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1945 FOR TrIE PURPOSE OF RATIFYING OR REJECTING T1ill ACT OJ!' THE LEGISLATURE OF FLORIDA ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN GOUNVIL 0]' THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA TO ASSESS COSTS OF LOT CLEANING,AND TRASH AIID BRUSH REMOVAL AGAINS'r THE L.A.-lIDS FROM WHICH SUCH l'RASH AND BRUSH SHALL BE CLEANED, OR RE1r0VED,AND" PR PROVIDING A ME'I'IIOD FOH TrIE COLLECTION OF THE COST 'fHEREOF BY ADDING THE S&~ TO THE TAXES ASSESSED AGAINST SAID LAlID IN EACH YEAR AIm 1'HE SAIL Oli' SUCH LAND FOR NON~ P A YMEIIT THEREO F . It w~s properl~jmovcd by liouncilman Stalnaker and seconded by liouncil~~n Ganlli'l.n that the above nnd foregoing Hesolution bo adopted by the Town council of the TOwn of Edgewater, .Jj'lorida and be spread and made a part ofn the minutes of this meeting, held the 64th day of October, 1945. ~he mo~ion was carried, the vots of the liouncil being as follows. ~~yor-liouncilm~n Councilmnn Councilm.an lienry S talnalce r J. J. Baumgartner Harry B. Garmn,n les ies leSe A Certificate of Posting is nttached and m~de a part of these minutes. Mayor Councilman Stalnaker that we meet on Monclny , .November 5th 1945 at 7 ,~. M. to prepare ballot,jHox, seconded by liouncilmrtll Gnrrp.an rmd by vote declared liARRIED. <..;ouncilm~n baumgartner movad that we do now ndjourn , seconded by Council- mnn Ga~~n and by vote declared liarried. 'l'ime 8.45 P. M. _~t~~~ ~/ ~ C crk ~ ......~ , ;;:; ~ -.....- ... ~~' \ " y "-" ~~Yor-counci~~~~ Gaune i lmn.n tf..f.. G a un e i lmrm J ~ ~ '-"" '-' ~ '-" '-" CLERK' S CERTIFICJ..2.~ OF POSTING ~ ~ I, GuY C. SPARGO, rown Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusic County, Florida, do hereby certify that on the ~ day of October, 1945 I posted three true and correct copies of the above and foregoing ReEolution; one of said copies being at the front door of the V.I.1:... or Town Hall in said Town, &nd the other two being posted in two other conspicuous and public places. 1945. Dated at Edgewater, Florida this24th day of October, A.D. ",/ /' .-/ /",,1 ~ I Town 01 ~rk ' ~ /"/ Y. 7,,':1 'J._[,.~I ,,/ ~ :-- c:: ~ - .. ~ :-- , " " ;;. , .;