10-15-1942 - Special ~ ~ -w c- ..~- ... ~ v U ~ NO 'f I G E . _NOTICll: IS :H1.GREBY GIVE:bT 'l'HA'l' 1'F...E 'l'OVlN COLTIrCIL OF 'l'HE 'l'OVlN OJ? EDGEVlA'fER, :B'LORIDA, 'i,ILL l1EET A'r THE V. I. A. . HALL IN SAID TOif/l\[ ON THRUSIlAY, 1'HE 15'rH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1942, at7:30 OtGLOGK, P.M. OF SAID DAY, FOR tHE PlJl:'{pOSE 0]' liliCEIVIHG PETITIOl-TS OF CA..'WID.ATES FOR THE OF)j"'ICE OF 'l'mn'T COIDfCILM:AN AND 'fOVhf CLERK, AND FURTHER FOR '1'HE PU1U'OSE 0]' ADOPTIJ:fG :HECESSARY lU!.;SOLUTIONS IN GOJ:ThiBCTIOH 'II'rH 11m 'l'OWN ELlliCTIOJ:.j. NO'l'IGE IS FU'LlTlfER GIYhlN TEAT 1'1m 15TH DAY OF OC'fOBER, 1942., \','ILL BE TBJ.!: LAST DAY UPON ';;}IThC1i PETI'i'IOllS TO BAV1!.i CANDIDATES I NAMES PtUlf'l'ED ON 'l'}ffi BALLOT AT THE REGULAR ErECTION IN SAID 'l'OVlU OF EDUE""ATER OJ:T nOVEMBER 3RD, L942., WILL BE MCEIVED. l'HIS lfO'l'ICE IS GIVEN Pu'RSUANT TO ACTIO:N- OF THE Tovar COUNGIL OF SAID '1'0'N1T AT 11'8 HEETING HELD OCTOBER 6'rR, 1942, AND PUROUAN'r TO THE GENERAL LAWS OF 'rIm b1AT.I!; 0]' :B'LORIDA. .... l'OWH 0]' EDGEWATlt~~LORIJ)A. Gouncilman. A.cTES'l' : ~~ '1'OVI11 Glerk. Dated at Edgewater, Florida, this the 6th day of October, A.D. 1942. ~ '- ,;1 . ....... ------. . - ~ l.J ~ \.I u u ~ SPECIAL MEETING OF TF...E TOV1N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGE1ifAT.ER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON OCTOBER 15, 1942. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.U. by Mayor CouncilIIk'Ul Henry Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. CALL FOR ]~ETING. The call for the meeting of date call is a part of the minutes of lJayor COlli1cilman. Henry Stalnaker. Present. Councilman. O.E.Southard. Present. COU~ib&~1. George L.Bailey. Absent. ~ler V/altor li..i!'uller. Present. A~~O ney. J.O.u~lLesp~e. Present. ~rsh~ll. J.o.~ates. Present. October 6th, 1942 was read in full, which the meeting of October 6th, 1942. PETITIONS. THE Clerk reported that there had been filed with him two petitions on October 15th, 1942 as follows; Henry Stalnaker for Councilman for a term of three years. ..alter C .]'uller for ClerIc for a term of one year. BUSINESS. A -Resolution entitled " RESOLUTION ORDERING .All AlmUAL ELECTIOn TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGE\lATER, FLORIDA, IN THE YEAR A.D. 1942, PH.E3CHIBIHG THE 1! THB AND PLACE FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTION; PRESCRIBING THE RULES BY \'fHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE GOVERlmD AND PRESCIBING THE TIMill THE POLIS SHALL BE OPENED AND cmSED, AND PROVIDDING FOR NOTICE OF SUCH. EMCTION." was read in full. Councilman Southard moved the man Stalnaker and adopted the adoption of the ~esolution, seconded by Council- Roll Call voten being as Follows; 11l'1.yor Councilman. Henry StalnaIcer. Councilman. O.E.00uthard. Councilinan. Heorge L.Bailey. Yes. Yes. Absent. A Resolution entitled " A RESOLUTION APPOINTIlifG A CIEHK AND THR.EE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE k'iVTUAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOVrN OF EDGEVlATBR, ]'LOiUDA, ON TUESDAY, THE 3rd DAY OF NOVEl,illER, 1.942." was read in full. CounciLman Southard moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by Council- man Stalnaker and adopted the Roll Gall vote being as follows; Mayor Councilman. Henry Staknaker. . Councilman, O.~.Southard. Councilman. George L.Bailey. Yes. Yes. Absent. It was moved by Councilman Stalnaker, seconded by Counci~'1.n Southard, that the Town Clerk be instructed to have printed 500 Official Ballots for the ~1nual Town Election to be held November 3rd, 1942 and that the name of Henry Stalnaker be placed tl1ereon as a candidate to serve as Town Councilman for the term of three years and that the name of .ialter C .Fuller be placed thereon as a candidate for the office. of Town Clerk to serve for the term of one year and that 200 Speciman Ballots be likewise printed, said Official Ballots to be printed on plain white paper and in the form prescribed by the laws of Florida and that the speciman ballots be printed on 1:1. paper of a different color tl1an 3aid offivial ballots; by vote this motion was declared CMlRIED. CounciL~n Southard moved that the meals for the Election Board be served by Mrs. David A.Thomas at her price of 60 cents cach, seconded by Uouncilman Staliliaker and by vote declared CARRIED. The "NOTICE OF ANIWAL TOWN ELECTION." is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, sceonded by Councilman Stal- naker ahd by vote declared CARH.IED. Time 8: 0 5 P.M. Mayor _?~- ATTEST: Councilman ..........~ ~ . ~ -'"' ~ u v v u ~ _NOTICE OF AN~~AL TOWN ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, under and by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, has ordered an annual election to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd (third) day of November, A. D. 1942, at the Town Hall, (otherwise known as the Community o~ V. I. A. Hall), for the purpose of electing One Co unc i lInan for the term of three (3) years, and for the purpose of electing One Town Clerk for the term of one year, or until their or each of their successors are duly elected and qualified. The polls for said election shall be open at the hours of Seven (7:00) otclock, A. M., Ef\<;;-reRN <S'l{\t('PRRD Time, and shall close at sundown on the day of said election.. Said election shall be held in snbstantial con- formity with the Laws and Rules applicable to General Elections held under the Laws of the State of Florida, and subject to the Ordinances of the Town of ~dgewater, Florida. ATTEST: TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLOR~D~ BYI'~~ --- _ _ Mayor. ~~: Town Clerk. , . .... ... \..; -- ~ :.. ",- . .. o .... .. u o u o CLERK~S CERTIFICATE OF ~OSTING. I, WALTER C. FULLER, Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that I gave public Notice of the annual election as ordered by the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, by posting three (3) copies of the above and foregoing Notice on the $txr~~d~day of October, A. D. 1942, said"Notices being posted in three different conspicuous and public places in said Town of Sdgewater, Florida, one of which said places was at the front door of the V. I. A. or Town Hall in said Tow n . ~itness my hand and the seal of said Town, at Eciigev/ater~ Florida, this StxTr;eltTtl day of October, A. D. 1942. ~ - --.. Town Clerk. ----------~-