12-01-1942 - Regular ~.. c, ..., t~ -~-~~~ <3 u u u . "~"'w REGULAR MEETING OF THE 'rOWN COUNCIL OF 'l'RE TOWN OF EDGEVlATER, HELD IN V.1 .A. HALL ON DECEMBER ~ftt, 1942. Meeting' ca1~cal to'~lorde.r at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Councilman O.E.Southard. ROLL CALL. Mayor Gouncilman. liouncilman. Gouncilman. U1erk. Attorney. Marsha~~. O.E.Southard. Present. George L.Hai~ey.Present. Henry Sta~nalcer.Pre.sent. ~a~ter C.Fu~~er.Present. J.U.Gi1~espie. Present. J.S.Bates. Present. READING OF MI NU'fES . the minutes of tae meeting of ~ovember ~7th, 1942 were read whereupon Counci- manSta1naker moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman ~ailey and by vote dec~ared CARRIED. HILLS AND ACCOUNTS. / The following bi~s were read; whitney hardware Go. .90 Hond-Howe~,~ Lumber GO. u.89 City New Smyrna Beach. 3,.19 liounty Tax Col~ector. 230.23 liounty rax Collector. .8~ Glerks Miss. Gash. 2.00 J.S.Hates. 1~.77 Tom Brooker. U.OO O.~.Southard. ~.67 Councilman ~ai~ey moved that these bi~~s be ~pproved, be paid and be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED . REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Mayor reported that the dock was in need of repairs in order to be used by persons desiring to fish from it. ;fhis question of repairs was discussed and it was agreed that repairs should be made at a cost not to exceed $2,.QO. ~he Clerk his report on Budget Appropriations and a Cash Statement for the month of November. Councilman Bailey moved that these reports be amde a part of these minutes, seconded by liouncilman Stalnaker and by vote dec~ared C~ED. fhe Clerk reported that E.li. and Maybe1~e Lohman had completed their payments on a contract to purchase Lot 1~" Block B, Section two, Highland Shores Sub. . and were now entitled to a deed to this lot. ~he lilerk reported writing the several letters requested by liouncil and one oft~,~ddressed to J.li.Manning was refered to Attorney Gt~espie for a follow up letter. The lilerk was instructed to write Wm. Farley, ~st. asking that their lot be li1eaned to prevent a fire hazard. Also to enquire of i.J.O'hagan if he wou~d sell shell on his lot. The Clerk was alao to wri te the Schoo~ Hoard requesting that the School Bus Zone Signs be repaired. ~OM1WNI CAT I ONS . The U1erk read a letter from Mrs. D.li.williams re~uesting a credit of '3.00 This was allowed by liouncil on her lot cleaning bill. UNFINISHED HUSINl!:SS Councilman Sta~naker moved that the Marshal~ go ahead with having the Turner Iota c1eanedp seconded by Councilman ~ailey and by vote declared CARRIED. - -- ( u --- ..- u .~ ."'0 ~ -"- 10 u. u Minutes of JJecember ~st, 1942. Page 2. UNFINISHED BUSI~ESS.uontinued. The O~erk was instructed to write the Trustees of The lnterna~ Improve- ment Ftmd and request them to have lots ~~ and ~3 , ..I!'ernaId and vhadwick Kep~at., c~eaned in order to prevent a ~ire Hazard. vouncilman ~ai~ey moved that the (j~erk be authorized to issue a Permit to JI'.O.lrory to keep one hog on Lot 8, JI'ernald and Chadwick Rep~at, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CAHHI~. ~EW BUSINESS. The vouncil approved of a ~etter written JJavid K.McGinnis aboutr the danger- ous condition of a Garage Apartment located on his property. Councilman Bai~ey moved that the following Fire (jal~ Men be approved by Counci~, Pau~ Brewer, li. .R..Brewer, l!:ugene Swiney, H.ay Bal~antyne. ira Gr~Jnh~, tl.P.Willinson, Jol~y Lofton,. David 'fhomas, (jhar~es Smith, Curtis Giddens, Richard Smith, A.H.Jol~y, seconded by Counci~n Stalnaker and by vote dec~ared (jARRIED. The C~erk brought to Counci~ attention a ques.tion raised by the Bank of ~ew Smyrna regarding the signatures required on checks drawn on the Delinquent 'rax Fund Account. it was shown by the (jlerk that, ~. A Resolution unanimously adopted by l,;ounci~ on January 18th, ~938 required, ~Al~ checks or warrants on the Delinquent Tax Fund Account shal~ be signed by the town C~erk of the: Town of Edgewater, JI'lorida, alone, and that the ~ank of :New SmlU'IIa, as oftioial:' depository of said town of l!:dgewater, JI'lorida, be and it is hereby authorized to honor al~ checks and warrants so drawn on said ~und.--" 2.. That a Reso~ution unanimoUB~y adopted by (jounci~ on November' 3rd, 1942 required" That the ~ank of .NeVI Smyrna, at .New Smyrna ~each, Florida, be and it is hereby designated as the Official ~ank Depository of said Town, and Lt is hereby authorized and directed to honor the signatures of Walter C.Ful~er as Town Clerk of said Town, and of O.E.Southard as Mayor of said Town on any and al~ checks of said Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the withdrawa~ of moneys of said fown on deposit in said ~ank. This Kes- olution is to be effective for the period of one year, beginning from the date hereof." 3. That to the best of his knowledge and belief no (jounci~ since January 18th, 1938 had considered changing the method of proceedure outlined by the Resolution passed at that tDne making' only one signature necessary on check drawn on the Delinquent Tax Fund the reasons therefore being set forth in the Hesolution. Hence he had followed .this Resolution. 00unc1l considered the facts presented and unanLmously decided that here- ~~ after the signature of the Glerk and the Mayor should be required on al~ checks of the Town of Edgewater. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Councilman Sta~aker moved that the Traffic Light at the intersection of Hidgewood and Park Aves. be placed on 0aution for each day for two weeks, seconded by Councilman ~ailey and by. vote dec~ared (jARRIED. Councilman Btalnaker moved that we adjourn, seconded by l,;ounci~ ~ailey and by vote declared CARRIED. time 9:U P.M. Mayor Councilman. . ... - - .. " AT1'EST: ~~. Town Glerk. c rr~., . -- .;~- 'v v w TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK'S CASH STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF 140VEMBER 1st TO NOVEMBER ~th Cash on hand General Fund in Bank Total General Fund Delinquent Tax Fund Total Cash on Hand and in Bank ;P.LIj,;,S.5j COLLECTIONS Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes Interest on Delinquent Taxes Taxes not on Roll Licenses Fines and Forfeitures Fees Lot Cleaning Property Sales and Contracts Interest on Sales Contracts Miss. Income. ~191a.09 10.89 6.24 27.25 12.00 15.75 8.00 57.00 1.05 16.75 Total Collections $2073.02 Total to be Accounted for $4071.85 DISBURSEMENTS Streets Street Lighting Salarle s Legal and Elections Mayors Court Office Expense Emergency Fire Department Lot Cleaning Fines and Forfeitures Fees Special ~ft/WftiFIiiHA Fore.Cl.P.F. Discount on Taxes Parks and Playgrounds. 77.50 33.15 86.00 63.75 51.77 59 · 97 15.00 4.00 10.00 2.00 230.23 84.40 2.04 Total Disbursements Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing Cash on Hand General Fund in Bank $ 719.81 Delinquent Tax Fund Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $ 120.39 '3218.50 1:3.15 #3352.04 Total . $4071.85 Of tpe General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; Spe cial ~#IiiIiJ#i1IiItJi!iI Foreclosed Property ]'und. 00.00 ATTEST: ,~ Town Clerk c .~ u . - , u mQ'J" ~2.~P.ROPRli~flcm~. ... . ~--c u :.J B01~'t tc~ the period: ~ovember ~Bt to ~ovem.ber 29th, 1942. '900tJJ~., ~. 1;;. tr...t8 . 2. ,'V....' LiSh'l1D&. 3. . 11larlee. ". LaIDl aDd tSl ";O",10118. ,. . "la701'8 Jo~'. 6. Oftloo ~neD88. ,. "'-1'8'8..07. 8. 'lJ'e J..8pa!'tmellt. 9. Lo\ cneull18. 10. ftth3&D8at !n>>roYemOD'$ . 11. Para. an4 r'ln7grovnAe. ~s. ~;1<...;)11~1~ .';D. $~400.00 980.0Q, ~Ooo.oo 300.00 650.00 300.00 350.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50 . 00 ....17 . i5280.00 Ai~t\lS': ~C ~~ !CMD ,a4Jrk. (.) .' ;.a. tJJ ..lill,:'! . .J y $197.'7 66.30 ~68.00 64.00 105.58 133.47 5.00 15.45 4.00 2.04 $761.4~ iJlII" 't-'l11D lID. $U02.43 $ 913.70. 832.00 236.00 544.42 166.53 345.QO 84.55 46.00 100.00 47.96 '45~8. 59