01-19-1943 - Regular ....e ~ '- u ......., . .~ -.) u u o u u REGuLAR MEETING OF ThE TO~ COUNCIL OF 'lRE TO~rn OF EDGEWATER, .b'LORIDA, HELD I.N 'l'HE V.I .A. HALL ON JANUARY ~9th, ~943. Meeting called to order at:7:30 ~.M. by Mayor Councilman O.~.Southard. .KO LL (;ALL. Mayor Councilman. vonncilman. vouncilmnn. vlerk. Attorney. Mc'l.rs hal~. . O.E .Southard. \.7eorge L.Hailey. Henry Stamaker. Walter 0 ..b'ul~er. J . U. Gillespie. J.S .Bates. Present. Present. Present. Present Absent. Present. READIlW OF MINUTES. The minutes of January 5th, 1943 were read whereupon vouncilmnn Hailey moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Stamaker and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The: following bills were read: Southern Bell Telephone Co. Robertson Electric (;0. J!'ire Call1J,J.S .Bates J!'ire Chief Salaries for January. O.~ . Southard . George L.Bailey. Henry Stalnaker. Walter C.Fuller. J .S .Bates. Harry A.Moore. J.U.Gil~espie. Joe Scheit~e. (;ouncilman Hailey moved that these bills be approved, part of the minutes, seconded by vouncilman Stalnaker CARRIED . ~2.98 2.00 12.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 75.00 40.00 60.00 37 · 50 2.39 be paid and be made a and by vote declared OFFICERS REPORTS. The Mayor reported on Defense lighting in .New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater. The Clerk reported that the Incorporation proceedings for the town of Edgewater had never been recorded at DeLand. the Town Attorney and the Clerk were appointed a committee to see that theae proceedings were recorded at a cost not to exceed $15.00 ~he Marshall reported on some Battle running on the otreets and that the matter of damage had been taken care of by the Parties concerned. 'i'he Street Maintaince Officer aws instructed to claar .b'ernald Street South of .New Hampshire Ave. to Turgot Ave. and also to cut the brush back from all four corners of the intersection of Hotel and Fernald dtreets. Mr. MOore and Mr. Bates filed reports for Jan. 1st to 15th Inclusive. COMMITTEE REPORTS. THE Air Raid Alarm Committee through ~hair.man otalnaker reported that ~ew Smyrna ~each and he thought voronado ~each would cooperate with ~dgewater in procuring a oteam Whistle for installation on the ]'.E.C. Shops to serve as an Air Raid Alarm for the three vities. He also reported that the RaIl Machine Shop wou~d build the Whistle and that the .b'.E.C. would operate it. COMMUNICATIONS . A letter from A.H.Jo~y Air Warden for Post ~7 was read by the (;lerk. In the matter of the use of first aid kits loaned by the Town the Council ru~ed that these could be used for any emergency and that the Custodian of each kit was 'to keep these kits up as to supp~ies by notifing the Town Clerk of materia~s n needed. Also that those persons fincially able were to pay for the materia~s used. ~~ u u u. ~-lj' u () Minutes of January ~9th, 1943. Page 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. By motion made, seconded and carried. the clerk was mnstructed to notify the owner of Lot 207, Hawks Park Land (.;0. Sub. to clean sam.c wi thin ten days of the date of notice. .NEW BUSINESS. Councilman Stalnaker moved that the (.;lerk issue a permit to R.G.Smith to keep two hives of Bees on Lot 40 A, Ass'rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Council agreed to have Lots 11 and 13, J!lernald and l;hadwick replat cleaned at a cost not to exceed $10.00 the Marshall to supervise the l;lcaning, in con- nection with other lots which were posted and cleaned. l;ouncilman Stalnaker moved that we adjourn, seconded by C~unci1man Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 8:42 P.M. Mayor Councilman. ....... ---.. - - - ... ~ -:. ~ Councilnk"l.n. ATTEST: Town (';lerk.