07-26-1943 - Regular Adjourned u u ~.r/'.: U u~u (.) REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETIUG OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FWRIDA, HELD IN V.I .A.HALL ON JULY 26, 1943. Meeting called to order at7:37 P.M. by Mayor Councilman O.E.Southard. . ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Councilman. Co unc i lmrl.llll. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. Henry Stalnaker. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. David A.ThoIIlr.'ls. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Absent:; . READING OF llINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of July 12th and of July 20th were read whereupon Councilman Stalnaker moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Counci~ man Bailey and by vote dedlared Carried. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: Stallings-Jenkins Co. 3.45 Clerks Miss. Cash. 8.05 Gerson Garage. 13.5~ Councilman Stalnaker moved that these bills be approved, be paid and form a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED . REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Mayor reported that the County had been hauling gravel from the right of way of Riverside Drive and that he had stopped the hauling pending the establishment of the fact as to whether Riverside Dn~ve in Edgewater is or is not a County Road. He also reported that the Town was rated in Fire Insurance risk the same as a open country and that due to the fact we paid two men to fight fires and that the Town had some Fire fighting equipment, that we were entitled to a resurvey. The Clerk was requested to write the National Board of Fire Underwritters, c/o South.astern Unddrwritters Association,P.O.Box 5048, AtL'lnta - 1, Ga. and request that the Examiners visit Edgewater. Mr. Thomas and ME. Moore filed reports for July 1st to 15th Inclusive. Mr. Moore reported numerous requests of the Citzens that he use the Town Mower in cutting their properties. Council ordered that Mr. Moore decline such. work because the machine was needed and kept busy on cutting the Streets. UNFI~--rSHillD BUSINESS. The Clerk wasrequestcd to write Geo. D.Brinkerhoff and Walter A.Boone and give them the prices for cleaning their lots. Also to write Mrs. Richmond that the Occupational License would be issued with her consent in the name of the StroutRBalty Agency, Inc. liEW BUSINESS. Councilman Stalnaker moved that the Attorney drnw up an ordinance permitting the sale of Wine and Beer on sundays between the hours of 8 A.M. and 7 P.M., seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared unanuously CARRIED. Councilnk~n Stalnaker moved that. the Mayor and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign a ~uit Deed to an l8t Alley running cast from Ridgewood Ave. to Fernald Street and located North of Lots 20,23,2~,27,29,3l,33 and 38 in D.Forsters Replat of Lots 277 to 316 Incl. of Hawks Park Land Co. Sub., Sec.33, Twp.17 S ,R.34 E., seconded by Councilman Bailey ond by Vote declared CARRIED. u u ....... c Q~~~ U J Minutes of July 26th, 1943., Page 2. NEW BUSINESS ,Continued. Councilman Bailey moved tl~t the Tovm pay one half the cost of the Marshall's Telephone (Local Service charge), seconded by Councilman Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that number of hours of work of the Street ~~intainenoe Officer be set at 44 Hours per week, sceonded by CounciDill~ Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. It was moved by Counci~~n Bai1ey,seconded by Councilman Stalnaker, that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to have cancelled as of Record, County Tax Sale Certificates om Properties which were o\Yned by the Town of Edgewater, but which have now been sold to others: these certificates to be in accordance with a list dated July 26th, 1943 and which list forms a part of these minutes. By vote this motion was declared unimously CARRIED. Councilman Stalnaker moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Counci~~n Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 8: 55 P.M. Mayor Councilman. ~~~L' counCi~~~ -~'- Councilman. -:- - ....... ATTEST: Town Clerk. u Certificte .Number. 6228 Part. ~-- ('....... 25892,Part. 6235",Part. 25906,Part. 25946.Part. 5641. 25090. 2641. 2643 ,part. 7174. 25870. 7863. 25875. 6223 ,P art . 25886,Part. 7308. 25895. 6236,Part. 25907 ,Pa.rt. 7328. 3414. 7342. 5997 · 25986. u "CS c.J . . . ~ u LIST OF COUNTY TAX SALE CERTIFICATES m BE CANCELLED AND PARTLY CANCELLED. JULY 26th, 1943. Sale of For Tax Year. Description of Property. Aug. 3,1931 1930 Lots 10,12,13,16,17 and 18 Blocle D, Sec .1,Highland Shores. Snme as ab ave. Aug.7,1933. 1932. Aug.3,1931. 1930 Lots 16 and 17, Block E, Secti-on,lHigh1and Shores Sub. Same as above. Aug.7,1933. 1932. Aug.7,1933 1932. Lot 5, Block 0, Sec.3,High1and Shores Sub. June 6, 1932. L931. Aug.7,1933. Aug.5,1940. Aug. 5,1940. L9t~20, Fernald and Uhadwick Replat of Hawks Park Land lio. 1932 1939. Same as above. 1939. Lots 12 and 13, Hlock B,Sec.2, Highland Shores Sub. Lots 11,14 and 15,Block B,Sec.2 Highland Shores Sub. Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Yolcka Terr. Sub. July 1,1929. 1928. Aug.7,1933. June 6,1927. ~ug.7 ,1933. Aug.3,1931. Aug.7,1933. I .~. ..".. .. i '\ 1932. 1926. 1932.. 1930 . Same as above. Lots 4 and 5, Hart Sub. Same as above. Lots 11 and 20,Block 0,Sec.1, Highla.nd Shores Sub. 1932. Same as above. 1932. 1930 . L932. 1929. 1933. Lot 15,Block D,Scc.1, Highland tlhorcs tiub. Same as above. June 2., 1930, 1929. Aug.7,1933. Aug.3 ,1931. Aug.7.1933. June 2,1930. July 2,1934. Lot 18,B1ock E,Sec.1,Hogh1and Shores Sub. Same as above. Lots 17 and 18,BL.A,Sec.3,tl.S. Same as a.bove. June 2, 1930. 1929. June 6, 1932. 1931. Aug.7,1933. 1932. Lo t 15, Edgcwa tor Highlands Sub Samc as above. Samo as above.