08-02-1943 - Tax Equalization Board v ~ "0 .. ....... .. ... u~' U u MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HED) IN THE V.I .A. HALL ON AUGUST 2nd , 1.943. Meeting call.ed to ordar at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Uouncilman O.E.Southard. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Councilmnn. Uouncilman. Clenk. Attorney. Marshall. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. Henry Stalnaker. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. David A. 'fhoma.s . Present. Present. Prescnt. Present. "~PresQilt . Absent. READInG OF MINUTES. The minutes of the Board Meeting of July 5'th, 1943 were rend, whereupon Counci~~n Bailey moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Uouncil- man Stalnnker and by vote declared CARRIED. '1'he Clerk read the call for the Meeting o.s given in the minutes of the meeting of Ju1.y 5'th, 1943. BUSINESS. The Clerk read protests on Valuations as set,from A.M.Yarbuough and from Lilian Marsha.l.1 Morse. the Tax Assessor Qxplainedthat Mr. Yarbroughts property had been overhaulQd repaired and improved and therefore the increase from 1942 value of ~1.300.00 to ~1400~00 for 1943. It was further explained in the Lilian Marshall Morse property the Lncroase from ~2l85'.00 in 1942 to $2420.00 in 1943 was due to revised land value and to buildingsnot heretofore included. Councilman Bailey protested the valuation of $1100.00 for 1943 as against ~85'0.00 for 1942. assessed to Mrs. Emma R.Richards whom he represented. The Assessor explained that this increase was duo to buildings which were on the property as of January 1st, 1943 and which buildings were on the proporw for the most part of 1942. It was moved by CounciThman Bailey, seeonded by Uouncilman Stalnaker that the valuation of the property described as Lot 16 and N.7.2t of Lot 17., Block 1, Fuller and Settle Sub., assessed to A.M.Yarbrough be fixed at '130U instead of ~1400.00 as shown on the Assessment Roll., That the valuation of the property described as E.275" of Lot 1,Excl. S.lO' and Rip.Rts.,Ass'ra Sub. of Mendalls R.P. and the E.275'tof Lot 9 and iiip.Rta Ass'rs Sub. of G.Al.varez Grant assessed to Lilian Marshall. Morse be fixed at $2330.00 and $80.00 for 1943 instead of $2185'.00 and ~230.00 as shown on the Assess~nt Roll, That the valuation of the property described as Lot 22, Wi1kinson Sub. assem ed to Mrs. ElDIIln jj .Richards be .fixed at $85'0.00 instead of $1100.00 as shown on the Assessment ROll, . By vote this motion was declared UARRIED. Councilmo.n Bailey moved that we do now adj ourn. to -'meet ~on'.~eptomber,_6th, 1943 at' the' hour_.of .7: 3Q.P .M., ..seconded. .byA';ouncilman Sta.lnaker o.nd by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9 P.M. Town Clerk. fi Mayor Councilman. A~TEST: Lt~L~ Counc ilm..'1....'1.