09-13-1943 - Regular Adjourned v v .'''"'J"- '-" --"\.,)' u ~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TO'NN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON SEPTE~ffiER 13'th, 1943. Meeting called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Mayor Councilm;;m O.E.Southard. ROLL CALL. Mayor Uouncilman. Uouncilrnnn. Counc11m....m. Clerk. Attorney. ~rshall. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. Henry Stalnaker. iVn.lter C.Fuller. .I.U.Gillespie. David A. Thom....l.s. Present. Present. Absent. Present. Absent. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meetings of August 17th, September 7Th and Sept.6th were re~d, whereupon Counciln~n BaileYJUoved thht they be approved as read, seconded by Co~cilmnn Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: , Fire Calls, David A,Thomns,Fire Chief. Jacobsen Mtftg Co. Clerks Miss. Cash. H . and '".B .Drew Co. Haynes Office ~~chine Co. \f.S.Darley and Co. City of New Smyrna Beach. Sou~hern Bell tel. Co. David A.Tho~~s.,1furshall. '1'.N .Stratton U.S.Collector Internal Revenue. Salaries for Soptember. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. valter C.Fuller. Ho.rry A.Moore. David A. Thomns. Uouncilnmn Bailey moved that these bills be approved, be part of the minutes, seconded by Councilllk~n Southard and CARRIED. ' $5.00 6.53 6.00 .53 5.95 1.87 35.19 3.48 12.00 4.50 3.30 2.00 2.00 75.00 60.00 40.00 paid nnd form a by vote declared REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mr. MOore reported that the Garage Drive lots were not a fire hazard. Mr. Moore was requested to see Mrs. Belle K.Smith about the Street to the lJorth of her property at R1verside Drive, and report at the next meeting. It vms decided that the Clerk should advise Mrst Smith that $1.50 would be deducted from the lain on Lot 5 ~est of Fernald 3treet to pay for signs destroyed when lots were cleaned, wh?n said lein wns paid. the question of trees in front of the Fcc property nt Riverside Drive and New Hampshire Ave. obstructing vie~ at curve of road was discussed. It was decided to further discuss this at the meeting of October 5th, 1943. Mr. Moore and Thomns filed work reports for August 15th to 31st. The Clerk was instructed to take up with Commissioner Beck the romoval of the tree trunk on Ridgewood Ave. near Evergreen street, the Clerk read his Finanical Heport for the month of August. Counci~nan bailey moved t~~t it be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Counci~n Southard and by vote declared cARRIED. U1~FIlnSHED BUSINESS. CounciLTD.an Bailey moved that the releases signed(Alley Claims)by Blanche E. Staln~cer, Henry Stalnaker,~alter A.Boone, Elizabeth S.Bacon, and David B. Smith be amde a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Southard and by'vote declared CARRIED. v -- - u .._O.W .u~ u v Minutes of September l3tht 1943. Page 2. UNFlIITS}nmD BUSINESS. The cleaning of the Brinkerhoff Lots East of alley was ordered held up until the meeting of October5th, 1943. the price to asked for Lots 3,10,6 and 7, Block C, 3ec.2, H.ti.Sub. was discussed ~nd decided that the price of ~300.00 for the four lots should remain as was decided upon at a previous meeting. ~he Clerk reported that C.C.Joodward had completed his contract to pur- chase and a dced for lots 12,13 and 15, BlockD, Sec.lt Highland Shores Sub. had been delivered to him. .NEW BUSIlfESS. Councilnk~ Bailey moved that Pentland and Robertson,C.P.A. be employed to audit the Books for the Fisical year ...G.9tober 1st, 1942 to oeptember 30th, 1943 for the Slun of ~60.00, seconded by Councibnan Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Counci~ Southard moved that the valuation of the fixed nS6ctstof the Town be approved as shown on list dated September 1st, 1943 which list is made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared cARRI~D. Councilmnn Bailey moved that the Sale of Lots 18,19,30 and 31, Block F, Section 2, Highland Shores Sub. for the cash sum of ~550.00 and the sign- ing of a deed for these lots by the lilllyor and the Clerk be approved and confirmed, sceonded by Councilman Southard and by Vote ~eclarod CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that the balance, at the end mf the Fiscal Year ending September 30th, 1943, in the Special Foreclosed Property Fund be allocated to and continued in this Fund, for the Fiscal Year begining October 1st, 1943, for the purposes stated in the Resolution passed April lst,194l establishing this Special Foreclosed Property Fund, Seconded by Counci~~n Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. . Counciblli~n Bailey moved that the take off service of the New Smyrna Abstraet tic.be continued for the Fiscal Year October 1st, 1943 to September 30th, 1944, at a cost of $25.00, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that 14 names as listed, be stricken from the Registration Book and that these names be posted in four Public Places, one of which shall be at the front door of the V.l.A.Hall, seconded by Council- man Southard and by vote declared CARRI~D. A copy of the list of fourteen (14) nnmes is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adj ourn, until,:Monday SepteinTner1'1 2Qth.,,~ 19A3 o.j; thc,hourl.of':7: 30 .P.';M., seoonded by:L Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. TLme 9:40 P.M. Mayor Councilman. ~---l~~~ ATTEST: .~. Go CI L t-'\ JH~ I '--- Town Clerk. \..; 'v ~' ~ TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK'S. CASH STA'rEMENT !i'OR THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1st to 31st. 1943. Cash on hand General Fund in Bank Total General Fund Delinquent Tax Fund Total Cash on Hand and in Bank 33l~9 .25 COLLECTIONS Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes. Interest on Delinquent Taxes Taxes not on Roll Licenses Fines and Forfeitures Fees Lot Cleaning Property Sales and Contracts Interest on Sales Contracts Sale of Real Estate. Collection of Federal Taxes. $ 2.28 .07 7.50 5.00 10.00 21.60 .36 550.00 1.10 Total Collections $ 597.91 ... Total to be Accounted for $3787.16 DISBURSEMENTS Streets Street Lighting Salarie s Legal and Elections Mayors Court Office Expense Emergency Fire Department Lot Cleaning Fines and Forfeitures Fees Special Delinquent Tax Fund Discount on Taxes $ 64.45 33.15 82.00 40.70 40.00 8.69 5.00 10.00 Total Disbursements $ 283.99 Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing Cash on Hand General Fund in Bank PerIn..'tnent Improvement Fund. Delinquent Tax Fund Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $ 19.08 $3370.94 100.00 13.15 $3503.17 Total $3787.16 Of the General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; Hr!Je.~/ifif/f'ilif#~iJ1IHJ#T/Fk##WN Special Foreclosed ATTEST: $703.64 Town Clerk - BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. FOR THE P~~IOD August lst to 3lst, 1943. ACCOUNT . APPROPRIATED . EXPENDED. UNEXPEIIDED , l. STREETS. $l400.00 $ 947.68 $ 452.32 2. STREET LIGHTING. 980.00 364.65 6l5.35 3. SALARIES. 1000.00 892.00 108.00 4. LEGAL ,A1)TD ELECTIONS. 300.00 296.25 3.75 5. MAYORS COURT. 650.00 574.22 75. 78 6. OFFI CE EXPEUSE. 300.00 268.76 31.24 7. EMERGENCY. 350.00 10.50 339. 50 8.. FalRE DEl' ARTMENT . 100.00 104.27 Ovcr4.27 9. LOT CLEAL'TING. 50.00 4.00 46.00 10. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. 100.00 100.00 11.. P ARKS AND PLAYGRO UliIDS . 50.00 2.04 47.96 TOTAIS .5280.00 $3464.37 $1815.63 ATTESTl ~c~ Town Clerk. v .' v 'U' ~ OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA To the Memmbers of the Town Council~ Edgcwater, Florida. Gentlemen; ~his is to advise that I have no Claim on that part of an alley abutting my property, which was recently vacated by the Council, and which is d~s~ribed as follows: North t of 15 Foot Alley South of Lot 12, Wilkinson Sub. of Lot 16, A$strs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant. ~herefore it is my desire and this shall be deemvd my consent to tthe Town Council executing a ~uit-claim deed for the entire alley to Edi th C. Willet, .r..r.Hcil, E .N .Sheffield whose propertios abuts the said alley opposite to my property. Very truly y,ours, .I:S lanche E. Stalnaker. Dated at Edgewater, ]'lorida, the ~~ Da.y of August, 1943. ~d,,~~ v 'U 'U' J OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA To the Members of the Town Council, Edgewater, Florida. Gentlemen; This is to advise that I have no claLm on that part of an alley abutting my property, which was recently vacated by the Council, and which is described as follow~; North t of 15 Foot Alley South of Lots 9, 10 and 11 and South of the 15 Foot Alley laying West of Lot 11, all in Wilkinson Sub. of Lot 16, Ass'rs of G.Alvarez Grant. Therefore it is my desire and this shall be deemed my consent to the Town Council executing a ~uit-Claim Deed for the entire alley to Martha E. Ke lly , M.E.Richmond,{Mrs.) , E. J .Harold, whose properties abuts the said alley oppositte to my property. y Stalnaker. Dated at Edgcwater, Florida, the 27th Day of August, 1943. u tU 'V' v. OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLU51A COUNTY, FLORIDA To the Members of the Town Council, Edgcwater, Florida. Gentlemen; This is to advise that I have no claim on that part of an nlley abutting my property, which was recently vacated by the Council, and which is described as follows: South -~ of l8 Foot Alley :North of Lots 27, 29 and 31, D.Forst@rs Replnt of Hawks Park Land Co. Sub, Sec. 33, Tv~.17S R.34 E. Therefore it is my desire and this shall be deemed my consent to the tovm Council executing a ~uit-claim deed for the entire alley to the subsequent Owners of Lots 28, 30 and 32~ the 'fi tlc of which now rests with the Trustees- of th~ Internul. Imp- rovement Fund of the State of Floridn, which properties abuts r the said allcYOPpositc to my property. Very truly yours, \<I.A.Boone. Dated at Ghardon, Ohio, the 9 Day of ~, 1943. fa$T a ;:l~~ \...J Q Q' J OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA to the Members of the to~n Councilt Edgewuter, Florida. Gentl.emen: This :ii.s to advise that 1 have no cl.aim. on thut part of an ul.l.oy abutting my property, which was recently vacated by the Councilt and which is described as follows: North t of. 18 Foot Alley South of Lots 24 and 26t D.Forsters Replnt of Hawks Park Land Co. Sub.,Sec. 33, Twp.l7 St R.34 E. Therefore it is my desire and this shall he deemed my consent to the Town Council executing a Q,uit-clo.im. deed for the entire a11ey to James J. and Susie Sherwood, whose property abuts the said alley opposite to my property. , ( Very truly yours, t~~~~tfJ~ E~zabeth S.Bacon. .,.., DntQd nt #0. ~ ~ JV-: the cot t Day of Augustt 1943. ~ ~O/l'" '" .., -!t~ ~ j u -0 .u OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA To the Members of the Town Council, Edgewater, Florida. Gentlemen; This is to advise that I have no cla~ on that part of an alley abutting my property, which was recently vacated by the Council, and which is described as follows: South t of 18 Foot Alley ~orth of Lot 20, D.Forsjers Replat of Hawks Park Land Co. Sub., Sec. 33, Twp.17S, R .34 E. Therefore it is my desire and this shall be deemed my consent to the Tovm Council executing a ~uit-claim deed for the entire alley to J.W.McGinnis whose property abuts the said alley opposite to my property. Very truly yours, Dated at Edgewater, Florida, ;J::::';.~thd~ (Y>>-r the ____ Day of August, 1943. ~ ~ 3 - /fr:!J u u , v tv. Fixed Assets t Septomber 1st, 1943. TOvffi of Edgewater, Florida. Real Estate. Lot 4 R - N.80' of 4 ~ and N.30' of Lot 4 S BUilding. Lots 7 and 8 Building Road Machinery and Truck. Grader. Drag. Truck. Mower. Furniture and Fixtures. Safe. Desks . Desk Chair. Table. Four Drawer Steel Filing Cubient. Steel Storage Cabient. Electric Fan. Heating Stoves.(3) Storage Room Shelving. Check Viritter. Dalton Adding lfuchine. Calculating Machine. Underwood Typewritter. 18" Remington TP2ewritter. Books and Binders. Two Hole Lever Punc3. Stapler. Ballot Boxes and Boo.ths. Two Drawer Steel File llWo Tovm Seals. Bates Numbering Machine. Fire Extinguisher. Wood Box File for Tt~ Sale Certificates. Map s;s and. PInt Book. Shell Streets. Strand Road Fill. Police Dept. EquiPmDnt. Small Tools. Fire Department EquiPmDnt. Street Signs. Totals . Value. Total. u o L942 Value $ 419.65 $ 684.86 $ 362.16 $ 96.00 $1300.00 . $4000.00 $ 50.00 $ 102.48 $ 115.10 $ 322.15 $7452.40 The 1942 Value is taken from the Auditors Report for the year October 1, 1941 to Septamber 30, 1942. $ 400.00 150.00 210.00 270.00 $10.30.00 (,. ojp 60.00 5.00 305.00 190.00 $ 560.00 $ 20.00 40.00 5.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1).00 3 :340.00 80.00 $1000.00 $3000.00 $ 40 .00 $ 30.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $63~O.00 u u .. , \.J 'U~ u o .-/ LIST OF N.AME:S OF REGISTERED ELECTORS STRICKEN FROM REGISTRATIOli BOOK OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWA'l'ER, VOLUSIA COUlffY, FIDRIPA, Thcr fo&lDwing names of registered electors have been stricken from the Registration Hook of the 'fown of Edgcwater, Yolusia. Gounty, Florida, by the To~n Counci~ of said fown at its regular adjourned meeting held on September ~3th, A.D. 1943. Jean E.Archumbault. Diana R.Anchnmbau~t. E .K..Boone. Adelaide R.Hoyt. John M.Hoyt. Essie HolsGnbeck,~Daceased. Mary A.Lembeck, Deceased. G . \! .Repp . . l\fu.rie Repp. a.S.Stoutenburg, Deceased. Fern Sargent, Deceased. Leonard G.Sargent. Pauline Vol~beding. Robert Yol~beding. I ~c~ Town G~erk. CER~1F1IATE OF POSTING. I, talter (j .:B'uller, 'i'ovm (jlerk of the Town of .b;dgewater, Volusia (jounty, Florida, hereby certify that on the 15th day of September, A.D.L943, I posted four true and correct copies of the list of names of Registered Electors stricken from the Registration Book of the Town of Edgewatcr, ]j'lorida, one ut the V.1 .A. Hall and one each ut three other Public Places in the Town of .b;dgewatcr, Florida. Dutcd at Edgewater, Floridu, this the 15th day of September, A.D.1943. ~<--.~. Town Glerk.