09-20-1943 - Regular Adjourned , Vi u !!..., \,.I ..... -"",-::..." - ~ ) '-' u ~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON SEPTEMBER 20th, 1943. Meoting c~ll.Qd to ordor at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Council.mnn O.E.Southard. ROLL CALL. ~~yor Uouncil.man. uouncil:rn::m. <';ouncilmnn. Clerk. Attornoy. :Marshall. O.E.Southard. GeorgQ L.Bailey. Henry Stalnaker. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. David A. 'l'homn.s. Presont. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the adjourned regular macting of September l3th, 1943 were read whereupon Councilman Stalnaker moved that they be approved as read, seconded by vouncilman ~ailey and by vote declared uARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bil.l.s wore road: J .0 .Birch. Clerks M~iss. Cash. H.C.Colee. David A. 'l'hol!lns. F.C.cory. O.E.Southard. George L.Bail~y. Henry Stalnaker. Uouncil.man Bailey moved that those bills be approved, part of the minutos, seconded by Counci~~n Stalnaker c.;ARRIED. $9.75 2.00 2.00 12.00 4.74 1.00 1.00 1.00 be paid and and by Vote b <} Hk'1.d (i Q. declared REPORTS OF OFll"1:CERS. The <.;lerk reported that the Phone had been installed at the Marshall's House. Mr. Moore and Thomas filed work reports for the period Sept. 1st to 15 Incl. c.;OMMDNI CATIONS. Algttcr dated September 8th signedby Mrs. E.H.Lohman was read in full. ~his asked for the removal of 'fovm of Edgewater Sign in front of her property. Mr. Moore was instructed to measure location of sign and report his findings to the Ulerk. It was believed that this sign Was all on the Highway ~ight of v.ny:'and that pGrmission had been given by the tlighwl.lY Dept. to place the sign at this location. Attorney Gillespie was asked to answer the letter. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS. A RQsolution enti tllid" A RESOLUTION ADOPTI1~G THE BUDGET FOR ALL NECESSARY AND ORDINARY EXPENSES AND SPECIAL AIID EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES FOR THE TOWN OF EDGE~ WATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR BEGINING OC'l'OEER 1st ,. 1943 ,AND ElIDING SEP'rE:MB.MH. 30th, 1944." was rCiHJ.d in full. vouncilm..'1.n Stalnnlccr moved the adoptation of the Resolution, seconded by Councilman Bailey and adopted tho roll call vote being as follows: M.nyor vouncilmnn. O..ll:.Southard. Yes. <';ounciDlli'1.n. George L.Bailcy. Yes. Counci~~n. Henry Syalnnker. YQs. A copy of the Resolution is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Ordinance ~o. 118 ~ntitl.Qd "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF TAXATION FOR ALL PROPERTY IN THE TOWJ.f OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR A.D. 1943, PROVIDING WHEN SU(,'H 'fAXES SHALL BECOME DUE, AND BECOME DELINQUEl'fT .AND BE SOLD FOR NON-PAYMillNTI .AND PROVIDING FOR DISCOillITS IF PAID BEFORE MARCE 1st, 1944." was road in full. ~ouncilmnn bnilQY moved that Ordinanve ~o. 118 be passed upon first rQading, sQcondcd by Uouncilman Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Bailey movQcl that the requirement of reading Ordinance ~o. 118 on second roading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage, soconQod by <,;ouncilmnn Stalnaker and by vote declared unanimously vARP~ED. thereupon it was movod by Uouncilmnn Bailey, sceonded by Councilman Staln~ccr v "M. ~I' v . Ill- U'" .u u U Minutes of September 20th, 1943. Page 2. ORDINAlrCES.Continucd. THAT Ordinance No. 118 be passed and adopted and n roll call being t~cen on this mo~ion resulted as follows: :Mayor Gounci~~n. O.E.clouthard. Councilm~n. George L.Bailcy.' Counci~~n. Henry Stalnaker. Yes. Yes. Yes. Moved by Gow1cilman Bailey, seconded by Gouncilman Soutbk~rd thut since the Ass<issment Roll has been completed by the Town Ulerlc, and has been duly examined and approvQd by the uouncil, Bitting as a Board of Equalization~ and has been duly submitted to Council, showing a total valuation of Real and Personal Property in said ~own subject to ~axation of Thr.ce~nuridredSQventacn Thousand Su:~' Hundred 'fwcntYJ Dollars, and the liouncil having considered the report of the Board o~ Aqualization, therefore said Assessment Roll be approved and confirmed as the Assessment Roll of said Town for the yoar 1943. A roll call vote being takon the same resulted us follows: Mayor Counci~~n. O.E.Southard. Gouncilman. George L.Bailey. Gouncilmnn. Henry ~talnaker. Yes. Yes. Yes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The triming of ~rees in front of the Fcc Property at New Hampshire Ave. and Riverside Drive wus considered. Mr. Moore was requested to again check on mQasurcmcnts to see if thh trees were on tho right of way. Gouncil ordered the Glerk to write Geo,D.Brinkerhoff advising that they did not insist that the rear of his property be cleaned but that they thought it would be more expensive later if he wished to have it done. NEW BUSINESS. Attorney Gillespie reported that the ~'inal decree in the B.B.Dick casa had been filed and granted. Gouncilman Stalnaker moved that the bill of J.U.Gillespie for services in the Dick Case, in the sum of $75.00 be paid and that ~he copy of the"Decrec of Dismissal" be made a part of these minutes, seoonded by GounciL1TI.un 110i ley and by vote declnred unanimously GARRIED. l't "was moved by.uouneilmt\n. Bailey, seconded by Counctl.m.c..'li1 Stalnnkcr. that the.' Uertificatc of Deposit No~ 63.in. the amount of ~400.40 .maturing"Scptcmber 30, 1943, accured interest ,8~00, be sUrrendered for a Certificate of deposit in tho wmount of $900.00 maturing September 30th, 1944 , the difference being made up as follows: $100.00 from the Permanent Improvement checking account and ~391.60 from the ~pecial ~'ore~lo>sed 'Property :b'.u:q,d., that _the__~or and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign Vouchars m4~ing the above transfers of funds: by vote this motion was declared unanimously CARRIED. Council.r1nn Southard moved that wo do now 'adjourn, seconded. _by. .GOM.Gi).JI~!-n Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. ~ime 9:14 P.M. 1fuyor Councilmun. .... ...... - - AttQst. ::;, -~ " Town ~ Co unc i..' ~ -- -;;..- .... _ _ r :...... ~.. t ,.., .." "'" b..... ..._ '-' ~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE b'T ATE or FLORIDA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF VOLUSIA." o IN CHANCERY. HO.. 9187 . PERCIVAL B. DICK" ." Plaintiff, t, . -va.- . L BIL~ FOR INJUNCT ION .~ VIALTER C.FULLE~ as Town Clerk, ." etc., t Defendant. .....--.--..------ -.... - --..... --....--.....-.... . ORDER OF COURT 'QISl!ISSIltG B CAUSE WITHOUT PRE~ICS. " The above entitled cause came on to be heard this d~ on Motion to Dismiss, Motion for Com- pulsory Amendment, and second ~otion to Diemi.1 tiled by defendant herein on July 31st, 1943, upot due notice to Herbert F. Fuller, Esq., heretofore attorney BS,_ t of record for plaintiff, George I. Fullertop, attorney ot record tor M.aintift, and 'rom B. Stewart, Esq_, attorneY' for plaintiff, aM the cause was argued by J. U. Gillespie, Solic:ltor tor ..~f'gnt1ant.; none ot eoun8elf~ Plaintiff appearing, and it appearing to 'the Court that thG ground., stated in Defendant's Moti8n to Dismis8 tiled on ,.aid Juiy 3lat, 1943 are well taken, and the Court having dply considered the same, now, there'Gee, it is hereupon ORDEUED, ADJDDGBD AND DECREED I I That the above entitled cause be and the '"', ....- "...\ rt. '-' .. . . v ...., ~-, ~ ~ -' ... anL1e 1u bernby disui..le.Cd, without preJu.dlco. Anc.~ 1t tli'i'\..h\..'.' Uv1-'uarinc to ",hc ...:ourt tt4\t tile P:"'l.; nt,~ f~ bt. .f,~ ~, ....~..c..,..... .....'. t.. ~ :l~ 1. :1:;... Itl"S O~: the Court t:.~ m 0:/ ;~~.19 t J ~;h t<:...lG.')~'l,;.C(. thl;~lh'!:enr'ant. on (,~coun,. t/. t:.~ u1...1 oJ': \I\..~t~-~) ~1. j..iu'd b~r J :'r.1Jltitf to be , ~ 4:....-1.. I'. · ~... 10...... J ....~,~, 1;, J tt! t. nt,,, .1.: . ,,, ':.u.. :; ." i ~f'\o..\ 111thout p:.'eJu~..:1( 0, 1t i:l f"m:'Ulv..."' Cvdot"edl1',t: DoCl"GQd that the Oleri: 0:: 1.1.0 \,;1rmJ,t Court ~ one. te1:J h(~"'~h:r o.uthor1zed to ro:fu..l.. ~..~ Np~ t:J t:..f; ploiatiff t.Ic ofiill s~ ot: $29.10) lo~;J :::'~ ell :tG~ ....:, ..i1'':' 1>0 l1",c., t.ho 0 d.<' Clel'k "ror Me r..: C&... v...! r.; J. ',i,: me rS:J (~n~ pt'.yir~, Ot.~ tl c nnnn, and for hie 1, , ; ., .. ~,..II I....';,.#J 1~' !J.lh'l...; ::,;~IJ. l' core' U\:: ttd.n 0~(\or. ... .. ,~,..'I' ......' ~~ "......-. "I,' .t~ ~t,'.~." "..... '\n ."ft ^t "h' - b........... '.I ".... 'I ". _ ) - I 1\," I If\ A~'..:.;~ '" v. .1'1, "'.-QJ ..... tr r I ., .J ".1'" ,,,", , ... "_.' 'u., ,l)~..'ol .....~,..J .. ,."'"....., 1.. ',41\1 7~.' .; II.' ~ ,if' ei:-C'11t thin ih' '.,. ".p .....It... '.'\"" 1 ( Jf:". \, ~ '. J. ~, . ,~ .", , . .) (Signed) ~9r~e '.im._~.f.2..W.J,... Ci' '011.1 t JwlCi'. - '- '" ....--.;. ,...................... -~ "~;, ./' .--- .....,.,,~ .........._..AI'.P.. c, .~ <V U ~'- .. ........ '" IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT in and for VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA I, I. Walter Hawkins, Clerk of the above styled Court do hereby certify that the foregoing is a tme and correct copy of ............__DE.CRE.E...'OF....D.I.SMI.SBAL............__.__................... . .... ...uu.n...o... un _........... n................... n.. n..... n. ..____.......... u.. __............ n _ _ _ _. _.. _............. un. _. n __. _ _ _.. __................. n _ n _ _.. _.......... _. _ _ _ _. _............... n._............... in the case of ..............................P.E.RC.IyAL....B........DI.CK........................................................................................................ ...............................................__.__..................__............................_...... vs........WAL.T.ER....C.~ ....PULLER,.....To.wn....Cle.rk Town of Edgewater, etc. &.....Ex...O.f.f.l.c.lo.....Tax...C.olle.c.tar....afI.N o. ..9187-..--........--......as the same appears of rec- ord in.............Chancery. ...Qrder.......................________.............. Book .......9.0__....m' Page..-321 m.....' Public Records of V olmia County, Florida. WITNESS my hand and official seal at DeLand, Volusia County, Florida, this __...1.5th........................day ofm.................__Sept.emb.e.r......................., A. D., 194..3m____ (Seal) I. WALTER HAWKINS, Clerk Circuit Court, V olusia County, Florida BY...>>t..o-J.L...~,;tlAtr^-....... TI!NNo\NT PRI NTlNG ce.. 2000 2-41