08-23-1944 - Regular ~ \wJ I V ,. ... I V ,/~ v ~ R:n:GULAR mTING OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THli: TWON OF EDGEWATER, VOLUBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA HELD IN V.I.A. OR TOvni HALL AUGUST 23rd, 1944. Mcetitlg was c~lled to Order by ~~yor-Councilman Henry Stalnaker ~ t 7: 30 P. M.. ROLL CALL Mayor-Councilman Henry Staln~cer Councilman G~orge L. Bailey Councilman O. ~. Southard Clerk Olive B. Parker Attorney J. U. Gillespie Supervisor Harry A. Moor~ Marshall David A. Thomas Present Absent Present Present Present Preaent Present RUDING OF MINUTES Minutes of the moeting of August 9th were read. Motion was made by Counci~~n Southard, seconded by Mhyor Stalnaker, that these min- utes be approved as read. Upon vote, this motion CARRI~D. BILLS & ACCOUNTS The following bills were read and presented: I. Wal,ter Hawkins $1.50 " Central Service Station 1.75 C. &" M. Motor Co. 1.2.5 Ardeth C. Robertson 1.21 J. S. Bates 1.21 Motion was made by Mayor Stalnaker, seconded by Councilman South- ard that these bill~ be paid. Upon vote, this motion CARRIED. OFFICER'S REPORTS The Supervisor's report was presented and accepted. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS The following Resolution was read by Attorney Gillespic:- "A ro:SOLUTION ADOPTIliG THE BUDGET FOR ALL NJi:CESSARY AND ORDINARY EXPENSES, A..lffi SPECIAL AND E>>TRA ORDINARY EXPENSES FOR T:'fm TOWN OF lillGEWATER, VOLUSIA COIDITY, FLORIDA, FOR TH~ YEAR BEGI~n~ING OCTOBER 1st, 1944 ~ AND ENDING S:Ji:PTEMBER 30th, A. D. 1945". A motion was made by CounciLman Southard, seconded by ~~yor Stalnaker that this Resolution be adopted as read and made a part of the minutes of this meeting. A Roll Call vote being taken as follows:-Mayor Stalnaker voting "YES" Councilmon SouthQ.rd votin€l "YES" and Councilman Bailey being absent, the Motion was declared CARRI~D. nw BUSINESS An offer of $60.00 each for lots 13 and 14, Block 'tB II Section 3, Highland Shores Subdivision from John B. Roche was accepted, and Attorney Gillespie was instructed to draw up a deed from the Town of Edgewater for these two lots. There being no further business to transact at this time, a motion was in order for adjournment. A motion was made by Councilman Southard, seconded by lhyor Stalnrucer that the meeting adjourn. Upon vote, this motion CARRIED and the meeting adjour at 8:05 P. M.. Mayor-Counci " Councilman George L. Bailey-Absent Councilrnun ...... ~- .. ~ ..... ATTEST: 0& (fj @J~ Town Clerk \.' .