09-20-1944 - Tax Equalization Board ~ I ~' u ...; I ~ J SP:ECIAL ~ETIHG OF TOVm COlJUCIL .AS AN :iQ.UILIZATIOU BOARD, HELD IN V.I .A. OR TOWN HALL SEPTElm~R 20th, 1944. Moeting was called to Order by Mayor-Councilman Henry Stalnaker at 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL ~yor-Councilm~n Henry 3t~lnaker Councilman George L. Bailey Councilman O. E. Southard Clerk Olive B. Purker Attorney J. U. Gillespie Present Present Present Present Present The Board met to consider and canvas the valuations on the 1945 T~"'C Roll. The entire evening was spent in this manner ruld as there was no further business to trmLsact, a motion was in Order for adjournIllent. A motion was made by Councilman Southard, seconded by CounciDmLn Bailey that the meetin~ adjourn. Upon vote, this motion CARB1~ and the Board adjourned at 10:15 P. M., to meet again at 2l00P. M., Thursday afternoon September 21st, 1944. lk~yor.Councilmnn Councilmnn -- Councilmo.n , -- -:. -.. ATT~ST: 0, ./d~ A / !Jl~Vel. ~ Town Clerk