10-25-1944 - Regular -- " I V ~. , '--" , \., '-" ~ ... . "" . ~ " l~GULAR MEETING OF THB TONH COUNCIL OF THE TO.VN OF~EDGBi'{AT~R, VOLUSIA COUNTY, :lnORIDA HELD IH V.LA OR TOWN RALL, OCTOBER 25th, 1944. Meet ing w~s ROLL CnLL called to Ordor by M~yor-Councilmun Stalnaker at M~iyor-Councilmun Henry St'lln'lker Present Councilman Georgo L. B~ Icy Absent Co u nc i 1m 9.n O. .B . Sou thn rd Pr e s en t Clerk Olivo B. P~rkor Present Sunervisor H~rry A. Moore Present M'.\.rsh<,tll Dllvid A. Thomas .i~bsen t 7 : 40 P. M. H.,J. ,:U I IJJ 0 l ],a FUT ~ S Minutes of tho rloeting of Octo bor 11th were ro ld. !lot ion 1;1[1:.S m'1do by Councilm.m Southqrd, seconded by ;\~:1yor Stllln.'l';:er, thd,t those minutes bo aooroved ~s rondo Uoon voto, this motion C~rlRI~D. ~inutos of ~ SP3CL~L ~2TIflG which w~s held October 18th, for the nurnose of accopting Pet it ions of C~ndidntes for the office of Town Clerk and Town Councilman to be electod in tho 3lection of November 7th, 1944, woro ~lso ro~d. Motion W9.S made by ~Qyor St~ln~ker, seconded by Council- man Southard th'l t tho sa minu tes bo lJ.cconted. Upon vote, th is mo t ion CALLn~D. OFFICER'S REPOnTS The Supervisor's roport w~s presented ~d accontod. The Clerk ronorted that the Tax cards had beon m~de out ~nd wero ready for mailing. ORDIRAlJCES .l1 tt orney Gille snio rond Ordinance #126, be i ng an "ORDINAlJC~ ?ROVIlJIHG FOR THE RATE OF TAXA1'ION FOR BLL PROPE3TY 111 TB.2 TO NN OF EDGE.iATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR A.D. 1944, PROVIDING ;\~EN SUCH TAXES, SHALL BECOMB DU~, AND BECOME DELINQUENT AND BE SOLD lPOR NON-PAYMElJT: AND PROVIDIIlG FOR- DISCOUNTS, IF PAID BEFORi~ J~ltillCH 1st,' 1945". Councilman Southard moved that Ordimmce #126 be passed upon first read ing, se c onded by M~yor Stalnaker, ~nd by vote decl~red CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that tho roquirement of re~din~ Ordinanco #126 on second re~ding bo waived and that said Ordinance be plaoed upon final passage, seconded by Mayor Stalnaker, and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon it w~s moved by Councilman Southard, seconded by MQyor Stalnaker, th~t Ordin~nce #126 be passed and adopted and a ROLL CALL being t~kQn on this motion rosulted as follows: .M:ay'or Councilman Henry Stalnaker "YES" Councilman Georgo ~. ~a~ley~ AESENT Councilman o. ~. S'outhurd~'YESlt Attorney Gillespie also road ~nRESOLUTIOH APPOnJTING A CLERK AND THRE~ INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR l'HE ANNUAL TO~VH EL~crl'ION TO BS HELD IN EDGE WATER , FLORIDA, ON TJESDAY THE 7th DAY OF NOVlZMBER, 1944". Motion was made by Councilman Southard, seconded by ~~yor Staln~ker, that this RESOLUTION be ado'!'ted as rend. A ROLL CALL be ing taken on this motion resulted as :follows: :M2yor Councilman Henry St~ilnaker "YES" Councl1m~n O. E. Sou thard "YES" Councilman George L. Bailey Absent wheroupon said RESOLUTION was doclared adopted.A cony of this R3S0LUTION is attached hereto nnd becomes. a nart of these minutes. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS The following bills were presonted:- .' .J.'jO." Birch for Town printing ;)3.75 Jacobson Mfg. Co. Mower repairs 3.95 Motion was ~de by Mayor Stalnakor, seconded by Councilman Southard, that these bills b~ paid. Upon vote, this motion CMtRIED. ~ f t . v ~ L, \..I '-tJ \..,I ~ ... NEfl BUS IlJESS Counoilman Southard made a suggestion that tho Council authorize tho payment of a sum of money to the Clerk in consideration of hQr taking he~ime to help her successor in office in becoming familiar with the ~own reoords and accounts. A Motion was made by MQyor Stalnaker, seconded by CounCilman,~outh2rd, that an amount oqual to her salary for tho month bo paid to herior this servico, said sum to be drawn on the Emergency Fund. Upon vote, this motion CARRIED. Council authorized that Pentland & Robertson, of Daytona Boach, Florida, ba notified that the Town books be audited. Attornoy Gillespie stated that ho would telephone thorn the following day and give them this information. Thero being no furthor businoss to transact at this time, a motion was in order for adjournment. Motion was made b9 Oouncilman Southard, seconded by Mayor Stalnakor, that the moeting adjourn. Upon VQto this motion CARRIED, and the meeting adjournod at 8:30 P. M.. Councilman l~yor-Councilman .- ~ .... Councilman George L. Bailey AbsQnt AT1'EST: . ~0.~ Town Clerk. .....- - ~i , I I \ . ~.~- .. ~ \.. . \ ~ \.I _. . '...J CL"':'~;l\.',j CJ~RTIJ'lC:'\.TE OF PO[iTlHG . I, OLI'rZ B. LLlr3;:Z, Town Clerk of the Town of Ed~ewater, Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that on the __~6th____day of October, 1944, I posted three (3) true and correct copies of the above and fore.;:oing Resolution; one of said copies being at the front foor of the V.l.A.or Town Hall in said Town and the other two(2) bein~ posted in Two (2) other conspicuous ?nd puolic places. Dated at Edoewater, Florida, this _~Q.:t.h____ day of October,A.~.1944. ({)~ ~. g~ Tovlin Clerk.