11-04-1941 - Organization n I I r .'W,:'~..~,.I.. ~ '~'-:-.. J '--' ..... ....... '-- v ,- ...) '-' v MINUTES OF THE '.:ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE TOVlN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A.HALL OU NOVEMBER 4th, 1941. The Clerk cal~ed the meeting to order at 8150 P.M. ROLL CALL. Councilman. Councilman. councilman. Clerk Attorney. MarshaJ.~. O.E.Southard. Henry Stalnaker. G.L.Bailey. Wal~er C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. Horace King. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. whereupon the Clerk read the "Oath of Officen as subscribed to by George L. Bailey to serve as Councilman for the term of three years, as subscribed to by Henry Stalnaker to serve as Councilman for one year or the unexpired term of W.T.Goodyear, resigned, and as subscribed to by Walter C.Fuller to serve as Town Clerk for the term of one year. The Clerk read his Certificate of E~ection issued to George L.Bailey, Henry Stalnaker and Walter C.Fuller. Councilman Bailey moved that Walter C .Fuller act as chaiman Pro Tern, second,. ed by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. The Chairman anounced that nommnations w.ere in order for a Councilman to ' .... serve as Mayor for the next year. councilman Stalnaker and voted and counted by the Total votes cast two, Councilman Stalnaker was Councilman Bailey were nominated. Ballots were . Ohairman with the result as follows; Henry stalnaker received two votes, and declared elected Mayor Councilman. ~ominations were declared in order for Vice Mayor Councilman. CQUncilman Bailey was nominated. There being no further nominations a ba~ot being taken resulted in two votes being cast for Councilman Bailey, and he was declared elected Vice Mayor . n1l1n Chairman Fuller surrendered the chair to Mayor council~Henry 5talnaker. btP COMMUNI CATIONS. Aletter of Application dated November 4th was read from E.J.Miller. A~Eostal from George ~infree, Chairman, Defense Council dated Nov. 3, 1941, was read. ORDINANCES. A Resolution entitled" A RESOLUTION DEC~G THE TOWN COmWIL OF THE TOVm OF EDGEYlATER, FLORIDA, DULY AtID LEGALLY COl'fS'rITUTED A.L'ID ORGAlITZED UNDER TEE PROVISIOnS OF LAW APPLI CABLE THERETO. It was read in full. councilman Bailey moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by Council- man Southard and adopted the Roll Cal~ vote of the Council being as Follows; Mayor Councilman. Henry Stalnaker.YGs. Councilman. O.E.Southard. YGs. Councilman. George L.Bailey. YGs. A copy of the Resolution is attached and fo.rms a part of these minutGs. A RGsolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE OFFICIAL BANK DEPOSITORY Oll' THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, A..'W DIRECTING SAID DEPOSITORY TO HOlroR TIE SIGNATURES OF THE TOWN CLERK AND MAYOR ON ALL, CHECKS OF SAID TOWN. It was read in full. Counc~lman Southard moved the adoption of the Resolution, sGconded by council- man Bailey, and adopted the Rol~ Cal~ vote of the Council being as follows; Mayor Councilman, Henry Stalnaker. YGs. Councilman. O.E.Southard. Yes. Councilman. George L.Bailey. YGs. A copy of the resolution is attached and forms a part of thesG minutes. v \iiP ,,.... -~ - (..; v. o y Minutes Organization Meeting Nov,4,194l Page 2. NEW BUSINESS. Continued. Councilman Southard moved that the Clerks Bond be set in t~e sum of $3000.00 (Three Thousand DOllars.) and that the cost of premium ho;t..exceed $30.00 ~. to be paid after delivery, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote de- clared CARRIED. CounciDnan Southard moved that the Mayor issue a proclamation setting aside November lith to 16th as Civiliann Defense Week, seconded by Councilman _ , '. Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. An, Application for a permit to keep bees from Alex. Glaneuski was defered until the next meeting. The Mayor announced the appointment of Horace King to serve as Town lJarshall for the next year. Gouncilman Bailey moved the confirmation a.nd - appr~>1fal of.. , the appointment, seconded by Councilman Stalnaker and by vote declared CA..IlRIED. Council- man Southard not voting. 'rhe appointment of Fire Call Men was hetd over until the next meeting. Gouncilman Southard moved that the Clerk write a letter of appreciation to F.R.Renwick and W.T.Goodyear for the service they rendered to the ~own during their terms of Orfice, seconded by Councilman >Ba.il~y and by vo.te de- cl~red CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9:27 P.M. Ma.yor councilJna.n..'~ ~ F C ounc iL-rnan. ATTEST, --'- - -.... ::: '- /; / Councilman. "'7"-~7 .... "I C ? ~'J. ~/ "} , , /" ,0 ~ Clerk. / , " ""'. ~ '':- ~' ," ... ) '-' r '--" '....I .~ '-' Form 10 TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TOWN OF EDGEW A TER. I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the town of Edgewater, and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of a __To.W'..n......l.o.~.nL.i.\-m.an...............__..__.__....____...__ to serve for the term of __J.h.t:.~~____. years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. . ~4~-__L~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this~.~day of .W:o.~e..:m.b__e.~_______..__ A. D.'" 19_~~J NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. My Commission Expires ....._....__________19.... ~ottry ~~ll.c, ~bt~ bl ~Iorldl at I.f., --1SIlOIJ UPlf. June 12, J~L '--' ".,. ...,I ~ Form 10 TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TOWN OF EDGEWATER. I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the town of Edgewater, and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of a ..~.w.n.....c..o.lA.n.~J.m.o.n.___.___..................___........___. to serve for the term of ..G.b.e....______ years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. ~uu.uu uu uuu.uu.u.u.u..uuu. Sworn to and subscribed before me this_~_~.day of ..t(D_'l:..."!.:r.~..k_~_~...._.._. A. D. 19H.l ~.'-~().. " ..____.__..._.._..J.~.__......_....~.~~.... NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. My Commission Expires ........---......._.19.... Notary Mile, State bi fiorfda d 1Jr~. ~ ~miKj~ e.xpiri6 ~une 12, 1942.. I f ~ '-' , "'wtI I .....,.; Form 10 TOWN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA OATH OF OFFICE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, TOWN OF EDGEW ATER. I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the town of Edgewater, and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of a uTo-w-nu--lle:r._Ku__m_____mu_muu____________m____m___m to serve for the term of _a_h.~_________ years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. ~~um Sworn to and subscribed before me this_4_~.day of _}{t;?_~_!?._m_'k.e.~________ A. D. 19_~J ([2. ". () , , -------.-...------------- ------ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA. My Commission Expires _m______oo_oo_____19m_ NMary MHc, glale 61 riorida at largb, My eomtnlSilon oxpiras June 12, 1 S~2. ". ~ -..... I U . .; o o v . u NOVEMBER 4th, 1941 I, Walter C. Fuller, Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, do here- by certify that at the Annual or General Election held in said Town on November 4th, 1941, j;eo~e. l. B ",,'t) p u received the highest number of votes ~ cast for the office of Town CounciJ.man~for the term of three years from the date of said election, and has taken and subscribed to the Oath of Office as required by law and by the Ordinances of said Town, and I do here- by therefore certify that the said Geo~ e L. Bo;>.' L~ ~ is duly qualified as such Town Councilman for a said three (3) year term. ~. Town Clerk - ...... .J' -- -----v ~ I U [ (j v u o NOVEMBER 4th, 1941. I, Walter C. Fuller, Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that at the Annual or General Elec- tion held in said Town on November 4th, 1941 , ijpn...~ S to.' l'"\ ? ke.r received the highest number of votes cast for the office of Town Council- man for the term of one year from the date of said election, or for the balance of the term of W. T. Goodyear, resigned, and has taken and subscribed to the Oath of Office as required by law and by the Ordinances of said Town, and I do hereby therefore certify that the said fun..~ st~))o'\ ~\.<.~V"" is duly qualified as such Town Councilman for said term. --- - ...- - -- TownClerk - , -.... " --- ~ v . - ..... '- - .-.:: -- . I V v -.-.-- l..,. u Q NOVEMBER 4th, 1941 I, Walter .C. Fuller, Town Clerk of- the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, do hereby certify that at the Annual or General Election held in said Town on November 4th, 1941, W ~\ -t ~ ~ c..""F lA ) \ e. yo- received the highest number of votes cast for the office of Town Clerk for the term of one year from the date of said election, and has taken and subscribed to the Oath of Office as required by law and by the Ordinances of said Town, and I do hereby therefore certify that the said W(\,-\-~ ~ ~ :t. \.A.\ \p v- is duly quali- fied as such Town Clerk for said one year term. -... /' - " Town Clerk v r U .......-. ...... ~~. .. "' J u l.J <-' WHEREAS, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States has summoned the citizens of our country to take steps for the defense of our lives, our property and our national institutions. AND VffiEREAS, in this connection the President has stated, "In this critical moment of our history, all of us, from all walks of life, all shades of political opinion, all races and creeds, must organize and train ourselves - to defend ourselves. "And when we join together to, defend our local community we add strength not only to our local community but to our national community as well - we help to fortify our whole union." AND VffiEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of November, 1941 has authorized its Mayor to issue the following procla- mation: NOW THEREFORE, I, Henry Stalnaker, Mayor, do hereby desig- nate the week of November 11, 1941 to November 16, 1941 as Civilian Defense Week in the Town of Edgewater and urge the citizens of Edgewater to observe said period as Civil- ian Defense Week and to cooperate with all Federal, State, County and local authorities in all programs connected with the observance thereof, to the end that the purposes as expressed by our President be carried out as completely as it is within the power of our people to do. IN WIT~mSS WHEREOF, I have set my hand at Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida this 5th day of November, A.D. 1941 and have caused the Corporate seal of the Town of Edgewater to be hereunto affixed, attested ,by its Town Clerk. ~ ~:;;;;;~ ~ .0 R.---- .~ - :, ~ " u Town Clerk u