10-22-1941 - Regular -0 . \..I- -~-s. , '\.1 ':.r., .. ( ~ ,."c--... ....). I V ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOVlN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I.A. HALL ON OCTOBER 22, 1941. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.m. by Mayor Counciman F.R.Renwick. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Co unc ilrmn . Counoilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. F.R.Renwiok. W.T. Goodyear. O.E.Southard. walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. Horace King. Present. Absent. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of Oot~ber 7th, the adjourned meeting of the Equalization Board of Ootober 16th and the Called Meeting of Counoil held on Ootober 16th were all read in full. Counoilman Southard moved that the minutes of eaoh meeting be approved as read, seconded by Counoilman Renwiok and by vote deolared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills w.re read; J.O.Biroh, printing post oard tax statements 10.00 printing tax reoeipts 5.00 Jaoobsen M'f'g Co. 2.35 Central Eleotrio Co. ~1~17 Clerks Miss. Cash. 1.70 Horaoe King, Telephone. 2.48 Salaries, F.H.Benwiok 6.00 W.T.Goodyear. 1.00 O.E.Southard. 6.00 Walter C.Full.r, month of Ootober. 60.00 Horaoe King, month of October. 100.00 William All.n. 4.00 Bond-Howell Lumber Co. 2.45 New Smyrna News, Ballots and. supplies. 8.15 Munioipal Finance Officers Association. 5.00 J.S.Bates, Gas and Oil. 6.08 After a discussion the bills were tabled until later in the W,eflRi at whioh time Councilman Southard moved that the bills be paid/and !Ie made a'.'.. part of the minutes, seoonded by Councilman Renwiok and by vote deolared unanimously CARRIED. At this tim. the regular order of business was set aside and J.T.Robertson spoke. He requested of Council taht they take under oonsideration an ord- inance to prohibit the placing of a cow pasture within a definite distance of a residence. Mrs. Dora Christenson ,spoke and oomplained of the taking from her residence , during her absence, of a water pump and other goods and furnishings looat- ed in her house at Hamilton Drive and Riverside Drive. These were taken r~. recently and' during the time sinoe she was last here in 1938. The Marshall was requested to make an investigation. Mr. E.W.Ginter presented the audit of the Town's Reoords made by Pentland and Robertson, C.P.A. by reading the report in full. Councilman Southard moved that the audit of Pentland and Robertson be aocept _ ed and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Renwiok and by vote declared CARRIED. The Regular Order of Business was resumed. COMMUNICATIOBS. A telegram dated Chioago, Oct. 19th was read and is made a part of these min- ute s . Council~an South~rd moved that action,on removal of water tnnk and tower locatwd on the Emma Bxady property at Ocean Ave. ~nd Rive~side Drive, be defered, . '- \. ----~ . - . j ..-.... ~... . '\.. .-:--' \..." V '\ V ........; \...I '-'" Minutes of meeting of Ootober 22, 1941. Page! 2. COMMUNICATIONS. continued. until receipt of letter, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. BRDINANCES. Ordinanoo No. 162 entitlod n AN ORmINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF TAXATION FOR ALL PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, FOR TEE YEAR A.D. 1941, PROVIDING WHEN SUCH TAXES SHALL BECOME DUE AND BECOME DELINQUENT AND BE SOLD FOR NON-PAYMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR DISCOUNTS IF PAID BEFORE MARCH 1st, 1942." was read in full. Councilman Southard movad that Ordinanoe No. 102 be passed upon first reading, seoonded by Councilman Renwick and by voto declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 102 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final pass- age, seconded by Councilman Renwiok and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Whereupon it was moved by Counoilman Southard, seconded by Counoilman Renwiok, that Ordinanoe No. 102 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows; Mayor Councilman. F.R.Renwick. Councilman. W.T.Goodyear. Counoilman. O.E.Southard. Yes. Absent. Yes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Councilman Southard moved that Edward J.Ryan be given permission to remove an Orange Tree ~ocated on the right of way of Bigelow Drive West of the corner lot designed as No. 24, Blook F, Seo.2, Highland Shores Sub.,soconded by Counoilman Renwiok and by vote deolared CARRIED. , NEW BUSINESS. .. Counoilman Southard moved that the New Smyrna Abstract Co., be retained to furnish their take off servioe for the year Ootober 1st, 1941 to September 30th, 1942 for the sum of $26,00, seconded by Councilman Renwiok and by vote deolared CARRIED. The clerk having presented to the Town Counci~ the completed Tax Assessors Roll of the Town of Edgewater for the year 1941, duly certified and consist- ing of Pages 1 to 33 Inclusive, it was moved by Councilman Southa.rd, seconded by Councilman Renwick, that said Tax Assessment Roll be confirmed and approv- ed and that the Tax Collector proceed to collect out of the Real and Personal Property shown thereon, the amount of the Taxes shown thereon as provided by the Laws of the state of Florida and the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, and by vote the motion was declared unanimously CARRIED. . Coun'cilman Southa~ moved that the Clerk purchase a new chain for the mower and also repair parts for the old Chain, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared ~IED. The Clerk was instructed to write a_letter asking property owners along the Highway to clean vacant lots. Councilman Southard moved that Mrs. David A. Thomas be employed to furnish ten meals for the Election Board at a cost of $5.00, seconded by Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilrpan Southard moved that we adjourn, seconded bj' Councilman Renwick and by vote declared CARRIED. TLme 10145 P.M. Attest: TGWn Ca._e~k. Mayor Councilman. JRR~ Councilman. ~~441/ councilman~ .. -J . I V J. ~ ~ . ,;:: .r"'A , ...) . ~ II ..... ~ ~ '~ ~ "k . ~ ,/ \ 1201 J SYMBOLS , CLAss OF SERVICE - This is a full....ate. (52) DL=Day Letter Teleg..am or Cable- UNI 0 N NT=OvcmlghtTelcgram f,ram unless its de- = erred character is in- tC = Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- Nt T = Cable Night Lottet ceding the address. , -- R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON .J. C. WILLEVER .... Ship Radiogtam I' PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICEMPRESIOENT WESTERN l'h~ling time.sh~W!1 in the date -Ene on tele~am~ and d~YJette~s is ST A~pARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination JNP35 28 NT= CHICAGO ILL OCT 19 - --- - "....".... W A L T E R F U L L E R=- :TOWN CLERK EDGEWATER FLO~ 4()/1 0 . -- I.lLI Ci" 20 AM C 27 . :KINDLY DEFER ACTION ON WATER TANK AT BAYVIEW FOR ONE WEEK PENDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR REMOVAL LETTER FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN ILL AND HAVE HAD OTHER ILLNESS IN MY HOME: :MRS EMMA C BRADY~ THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FRO~I ITS PATROI\S CONCERNING ITS SERVICE -- .I",~,~ - _~!'U,~t N.1 " .....~ -. . If Ll :::"'~"'-/)~ f" r ,_ ~ (j ~ \J -It, ~ ' . ~fU\lrkfJ' I~__' ./ _ - - r__ 0 'Jc> ! ~r:--' {, rl' ~' 'l:~rrr-, I \. 0, I '. ' .,., O~ ~-1i=.. r~ 'I ~~ <-1 , ---......