11-18-1941 - Regular .. . - .~ .*:"'" .. . ~ II L) \...., ~-' ~. REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON NOVEMBER 18th, 1941. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Councilman Henry Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. G .L.Bailey:t' Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. Horace King. Present:; Present. Present. Prescnt. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutea of the Organization meeting of Nov. 4th and the regular meeting of Council o~ Nov. 4th were read, whereupon Uouncilwan Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; S.J.Colee, $1.45 Clerks Miss. Cash. .' .J 7.88 New Smyrna Beach Nursery School 4.00 Small's Insurance Agency 30.00 Salaries: Henry Stalnaker 2.00 O.E.Southard. 5.00 r :~.L.Bailey. 2.00 Walter C.Fuller. 60.00 Horace King. 100.00 F.R.Renwick. 3.00 W.T.Goodyear. 2.00 Horace King, Telephone 2.48 Bond-Howell Lumber Co. 2.2.5' Electric Service Co. 1.08 J.S.Bates. 3.76 ]j'ire Calls, Horace King, Fire Chief, 19.00 Councilman Southard moved that the bills be approved, be paid and be made a part of the minu~s, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED . REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The Clerk reported that T.C.Brown had completed the payments on his contract to purchase. and that a deed had been delivered to him for the West 135" of Lot 39A Ass~rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant. Attorney Gillespie reported that he had again written the State Road Dept.:: in reference to the location of the right of way thru Edgewater and that he had received a copy of letter written by C.P.Datson, Division Engineer of plans and surveys at Tallahassce to the Division Engineer, W.D.LeVeille, at Deland. He also a.dvised that he would write again to the Shell Oil Co. The Marshall reported that he had found no objections to Mr. Glaneuski's application for the keeping of Bees. Councilman Southard moved that the clerk be authorized to issue a permit to Alex. Glaneuski to keep not more than 20 Hives of Bees on Lots 1,2 and 3, Block C, Sec. lllhree, Highland Shores Sub., seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. The Marshall reported that he had cut seirerai':'pl:cperties for citzens. a.nd would give the clerk the amount of hours so that he could collect by sendi~ bills. It was further r~orted that a number of streets needed shell to fill hole~ It was also reported that Riverside Drive needed drainage tile South of Hatches Property. UOuDcilman Bailey moved tImat 4" or 6" South of Hatches property, the Ulerk Mayors approval as to cost, seconded cia-red CARRIED. Tile be placed under Riverside Drive to purchase material after having the by Uouncilman Southard and by vote de~ ~ / I I '"' - \.....,r I '--' ~ - . ~ f~ - "l":'-"" '-' ..~ v Minutes November 18, 1941. Page 2. Councilman Southard moved that Horace King be appointed Fire Chief, J.S.Bates Assistant Fire Chief, and that the following men be approved as Fire Call Men; RUFUS JOHNSON. CURTIS GIDDENS, ROB1!IRT FULLER. H.P.WILKINSOl'l. KAY IDFTON. DAVID M<JGINNIS. CECIL IDFTON. L.R.BAJ:,L.QTTYNE. GEORGE E. WEBSTER. J .R. WOOD. WI LLIAM J. DEASEY. and that the following system of fire alarms be adopted and approved; BRUSH FIRE ALARM. (hNE IDNG .Am) ONE SHORT. RIDGEWOOD AVE SOUTH OF PARK AVE. OlTE IDNG AND TWO SHORT. RIDGEWOOD AVE NORTH OF PARK AVE. ONE LONG AND THREE SHORT .VlEST OF SOUTH RIDGEWOOD AVE. ONE LONG .Am) FOUR~i' SHOR~ .EAST OF SOU'l.'H RIDGEWOOD AVE. ONE LONG .Am) FIVE SHORT. "!lEST OF NORTH RIDGEWOOD AVE. ONE IDNG .Am) SIX SHORT. EAST OF NORTH RIDGEWOOD AVE. HOUSE FIRE ALARM. THE SAME AS THE .ABOVE EXCEPT START WITH TWO LONG INSTEAD OF ONE. This motion was seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote was declared CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS. Aletter from George O.Guntharp requesting Playground Equipment was read. UNFINISHED BUSmNESS. The clerk was instructed to write Mrs. Emma Brady alowing two weeks time for the Water Tank ana Tower to be removed from her property at Ocean and Riverside Dr. The Clerk was instructed to send a letter to owners of unimproved property along Ridgewood Ave. to co-operate with the Town by cleaning their lots. NEVI BUSINESS. WILLIAM G. BLAIR spoke relative to widening Riverside Drive .thru Palmetto Park Sub. to a 50' road instead of 30'. Both he and Mrs. Dora Christenson agreed to sign easements for a 20' litrip on the east side of the present road. Attorney Gillespie was requested to draw up the easements. Mrs. Christenson asked that Palmetto street in Midway Park Sub. be opened up by providing aoooss to this platted street. William Allen spoke ~~TRccupational licenses and there ensued a discussion ,._~ of some considerable,as to contractors and craftsmen. ~ The Attorney was requested to prepare an ordinance to coverrand require a license from all craftsmen. Councilman Bailey moved that Mr. Guntharp be authorized to obtain prices on playground equipment and on Tennis Court and report to Mayor Stalnaker and that the Mayor be and he is authorized to approve expenditures up to a total sum of One Hundred Dollars, seconded by Gouncilman Southard and by Vote declared unanimously CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that. the <.;lerk proceed to have street signs com- pleted up to the ten posts already ordered, seconded by Gouncilman South- ard and by vote declared <.;ARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that the Glerk and the Mayor be authorized to sell lot 20, Fernald and Ghadwick replat, for the sum of $6'O.,OO~JCash the purchaser to pay the 1941 County Taxes and Recording Fees for Deed, second- ed by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED Councilnk~ Bailey moved that the Glerk be authorized to purchase two oil heaters for the office at a cost not to exceed $10.00, seconded by Gouncil- man Southard and by vote declared UARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that we adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bailey an by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:27 P.M. " l., " - .... ::. ~ ATTEST: . V \...... .... ':.'- - , "-' ;:::- -..... ..... , -'- ,~ ~ ""(; ... .,.,. - I V v " ~ Minutes of Meeting of :November 18, 1941. Mayor Councilman, Town Clerk. Councilman. Councilman. 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