12-02-1941 - Regular . I . II ... ....... .- - .' ~ 4!. ", .- ~ '-' . \ ......,; V ...." " REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN CODNeI L OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V.1 .A. BALL. ON DECEMBER 2., ~94~. Meeting caJ.~ed to order at 7144 P.m. by Mayor Ceuncilman Henry Sta~naker. ROLL CALL. MaYQr Councilman. Councilman. Councilman. C~crk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. G.L.:Sai~ey. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gil~eBpie. Horace King. Presert. Present Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of November ~8th were read whereupon Councilman .South~r~ moved that they be approved as read, seconded by councilman Bailey and by vote dec~ared Carried. BILIS .AND ACCOUNTS. The follQwing bil~s were readl Sears Roebuck and Company. C~erks Miss. Cash. City of New Smyrna Beach. Southern Bell Telephone Co. Frank Lee. Wm. Mclane. J.S.Bates. Mrs. E. J .B eggy . Leo King. Geo. O. Guntharp. Councilman Bai~ey moved that the bills be approved, of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Southard and $ 6.33 19.74 77.27 2.66 $). ~~75 2.00 4.70 10.00 1.00 12.00 paid and be made a part by vote declared CARRIED REPORTS OF OFFI CERS . The Clerk rea.d his finanica~ reports for the month of November, Councilman Southard moved that these reports be approved and be made a part ef the minutes, sec.nded by councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. The C~erk reported that ; Seventy letters had been sent to Owners of Properties on the Highway re~uest- ing that they c~ean their lots. Aletter had been written Mrs. Emma Brady to remove water tank tower before Decamber 2nd and that a telegram had been received as of December2.nd. '!'hat the Packer Corporation had sent check as of September 29th for a"linense but that it was not enough to cover the cost for four bill boards and that subsequently they had removed al~ their boards from wathin the Town Limits. Councilman Bailey moved that the clerk be authorized to return the check of the Packer corporation to them, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. The Clerk further reported that he had been requested by George Minton, Depuw County C~erk to request of Council that they give a ~uit Claim Deed to the County Commissioners for Lot 13 East of F.E.C. Right of Way, Asstrs Sub. of Sheppard and Sanchez Grant, if Council didnot intend to pay the Saate and county Taxes which amounted to $239.9,. councilman Bailey moved that the Attorney prepare a ~uit Claim Deed to Lot 13 East of F.E.C. Right of Way and that the Mayor and C~erk be and they are hereby authorized to sign suCh a deed, seconded by councilman SOQthard and by vote decla.red CARRIED. The Clerk further reported that he had received from J.C.M.Va~entine,County SurveYQr, a certified copy of Map BQok a, Page 162., Dickts re-aub of DLxwood, Edgewater, Florida, forwarded to him at the request of Mr. Percival B.Dick owner of the property and that this completed the requirements of ~ounci~ in the vacation of Dixwood Ave. ~ J c ~ I . .- - , " .-.. ~ ~ v '-' ~ V Page 2 of MInutes of December 2nd, l<J4l The Clerk reported that there had been no reply received to the letter written the state Bnad Department. He was instructed to Phone to DeLand in order to ascertain when some action would be taken. The Clerk reported a request for an analysis of the Flow Well Water at the Foot af Park Ave. and he was requested to write the State Board of Health in refence to the same. The Clerk reported the sale under contract of Lots l6~17 and 18, Block A, Section three, Highland Shores Sub. and Lots 17 and lti, Block E, Section One. A question was raised as to the boundries of Lots 16,17 and 18, Block A, Section Three and after a considerable discussion of the recorded Platt and property lines, t:ouncilman Southard moved that the Mayor and Attorney be and they a.re hereby authorized to employ a Surveyor to survey and check the boundry lines of lots 16,17 and 18, Block A, Section three of Highland Shores Sub., the expense of the survey not to exceed the sum of $30.00, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vo.te decla.red t:ARRIED. The Marshall reported that the mower wouldnot start and that it was either the condensor or the the coil. He was authorized to have it fixed and the Clerk to order any parts needed if the work could not be done locally. ~he Minton Dairy was requested thru the Marshall to return the Calicum Chloride borrowed rather than to pay for same. ~he Marshall reported that Mayor Swoope would have the railings on the Canal Bridge on Riverside Drive fixed as soon as the repair men could get to it. The marshaLL reported that Lot 35 AA hadnot been used since October 6th and asked that the lease be terinated. Councilman Southard moved that the lease of Lot 35 AA Ass'rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant be cancelled as of October 20th the rent having been paid to that date, seconded by t:ouncilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. The Marshall was ordered to repair a hole in Park Ave. West of the Railway. ORDINANCES. A revision of the Occupational Ordinance was discussed at lenght and with revisions was refered to the Attorney for redrafting. ~he Attorney was requested to draw and prepare a Zoning Ordinance in accordance with the recommendatioBS of ~ouncil as voted upon and carried in the election of November 4th, 1941. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Counci~ Bailey moved that the Marshall be and he is hereby instructed to t~e down the water tank and tower on the Emma Brady property at the North West corner of Riverside Drive and Ocean Ave. and to store the lumber on the property, seconded by t:ouncilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. The Clerk was instructed to answer Mrs. Brady'S wire and advise that Mrs. Ollie Pa.rker had not received any letter from her and tha.t Gouncil had ordered the Marshall to remove the Tower. NEW BUSINESS. COUNCIIJ~ Bailey moved that the Town contribute the sum of $12.00 towards the expenses of George O.Guntharp in attending the State RecreatiGna~ Conference to be held at De Funiak Springs during the two weeks periOQ and that this expenditure be charged to the Emergency Fund. seconded by Gouncilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. CCf)unci~ allowed a bill of $1.00 to Leo King for work done on Playgrowlds,. II I V' -. ) ~ V ~0' .. -'." I V " v v Page 3 Minutes of December 2, 1941. Councilman Bailey moved that the 1941 UQunty Taxes be paid by the U1erk on the following described Town Owned lots: Lot No. Block. Subdivision. 5 Knapp. 5' Raulerson. 1 and 2. A. Yelcka.Terr. 1 and 2. B. Yelcka Terr. 4 and 5'. 1. Hart. 3. A. Sec.1, Highland. Shoree. 5,6,7,8,9 and 10. D. Sec.l, Highland Shoree. 12 and 13. D. Sec.1, Highland Shores. 15'.16,17 and 18. D. Sec.l, Highland Shores. 22. D. Sec.l, Highland Shoree. ?-7 and 29. D. Sec.1, Highland Shores. 28. D. Sec~l, Highland Shores. 16,17 and la. E. Sec.l'-Highland Shores. 4,5' ,6 and 7. B. S ec .2, Highland Shilres. 9,1l.,12,13,14 and 15. B. Sec.2, Highland Shores. 8. D. Sec.2, Highland Shores. 17 ana 1&. A. Sec. 3, Highland Shores. 5'. C. Sec.3, Highland Shores. 19,20 and 21. C. Sec.3, Highland Shores. Lot 35' AA, Ass'rs Sub. of G.A1vaeea Grant. Lats 35' W to 35' Z Incl. a.nd tho.se portions of Lots 35'-0 to 35 V Incl. N. of the Okeechobee Branch of F.E.C., Ass'rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant. Lot 1 excl. W.75t of S.ll0', Edgewat~ Highlands Sub. Lots 6 and 7,. Edgewater Highlands Sub. the total amount of taxes amounting to $160.02 discount being $6.40 making a net amount of $15'3.62, this motion was seconded by Uouncilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Vouchers 3790 and 3791 were issued in payment of these Taxes. Councilman Southard moved that we adjourn, seconded b'y Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10 l5'O P.M. Mayor Councilman. / 4-.' , .,. Councilman. ,'" .... counCilman.~~ l ~. ~ ::-- -" -~ -~ " ATTEST: , Town Clerk. /- ~~... N '.' U .... v ""'.""'40(11 U ~ TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK I S CASH STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 1.st to 30th. Cash on hand General Fund in Bank Total General Fund Delinquent Tax Fund Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $1906.17 COLLECTIONS Current Taxes Delinquent Taxes Interest on Delinquent Taxes Taxes not on Roll Licenses Fines and Forfeitures Fees Lot Cleaning Property Sales and Contracts Interest on Sales Contracts Miss. Income. Real Estate Sa1.es. $1.796.40 4.25 5.65 19.00 5.50 97.00 1.05 9.00 60.00 Total Collections $1997.85 Total to be Accounted for 33904.02. DISBURSErJiENTS Streets $ 16.81 Street Lighting 75.23 ~ Salaries 74.00 Legal and Elections :..56.25 Mayors Court 102.48 Office Expense 42.51 Emergency 8.00 Fire Department 19~OO:' Lot Cleaning Fines and Forfeitures Fees Property 5.25 Special~ Tax Fund .25 Discount on axes 71.16 Tax Adjustment ~.18 Parks and Playgrounds .58 Total Disbursements $ 482..70 Cash on Hand and in Bank at Closing Cash on Hand $ g44.45 Ge neral Fund in Bank $261...47 Delinquent Tax Fund 1.5.40 Total Cash on Hand and in Bank $3421.32 Total $3904.02. Of the General Fund in Bank there has been set aside for; ~~#1W#i1#/rII1 Specia1. Foreclosed Property Fund. ATTEST: 'A - I ~/ II V~C.-~. $583.53 Town Clerk ..... - - -- PI \..., A 1\"'" !lI~ ". . tt~\4" . . 1:"" 1. .~ ,~~ t,T#. . \..., Qo.~ , .. "'~ o. V' , ~ .t~} /f ~,f ~., . : l IL i: ., JIlL . IlJf "...t ...-- ...... -.. ,..) J J 'f~~ . . V III ~ hO;I{U"' t:f# ~\O vori... NOVEMBER 1st to 30th. _UI ,;;;Jt,t "t' t ~ ...... 1- r rn l'lf)\;..OO a. "f/{ I:~ ,.J" { ',~ j 7T'~ . ?lr;.Uij )..., ' .4 ..n '. . ":, t ~... d.... .r \ 0 . ~!!,. jOv.Of.i 4.1,." "" "0": '.... _, :''i "N) . 5 .~4. ,J\) u,~ 6.~~" -!{; 1- ~j.~~:.~..{,"{} ~l'J:.-;'~l. ~.~. r... 9.un ,'1.,;.. 10 ,~ :II ,." ,.'.'''') ~". .. ',J.1. .~ .~ ,). ~ 11. ~o ,,_ AT7i'..i T. ~ ~~~ .'f~' ~ ... . . ',. 1.." t~. .~"ll') ---~ . :IV "'" 't tl ~ ,..." . an-,. 300.uO ,:'""1', "'t)'!' \0 /..''>> r If . 1..)1';.0<.\ . .,.. -, -... ~ Il ". 50_00 \.f , 1" . . 1oo..0v .- ~ . .2VV.,..".1 ........... 1 'I' . . ~ ",1'31'-> .0') TtJ :<1 " '" ..; . . ..v .~ .... tr ~Jf~~~~1 ~ $ 48 .46 L5'9 . 4.6,- 147.00 ..63.0, 204.96 145.03 18.70 31.8, 8.,8 $ 818.09 ~.tf '~t J 1 l~"'",,'r ( 'l , -~- "~1"'--'-' $ 901.54 824. ,4 66)'.00 236.9, 1045.04 129.97 281.3,0 68.1, 5'0.00 100.00 191.42 $4491.91