12-16-1941 - Regular pi . \...I 't: -~ .., \..I ...... ;-.. ~. ~ l..., ..,.; . v II REGULAR M&ETING OF THE TOWl'T COUNCIL OF THE TOW"li OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V.1 .A. HALL. ON DECEMBER 16th, 1941. Meeting called to: order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor \,;ouncilman Henry Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Councilman. Uouncilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. G.L.Bailey. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.G~lleB:Qie. Horace King. Present. Prese.nt. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes Qf the meeting Qf December 2nd, 1941 were read whereupon GQuncil- man Bailey mQved that they be approved as read, secQnded by GQuncilman SQuthard and by vQte declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The fQllQwing bills were read: Clerks Miss. Cash, ~7.80 ~hitney Hardware Co., i4Q05 Hamilton Sheet Metal WQrks, 1.2-5 The AutQ Electric Service. 8.93 J.S.Bates. 3.15 Salaries: Henry Stalnaker. 2.00 O.E.Southard. 2.00 G.L.Bailey. 2.00 Walter C.Fuller. 60.00 HQrace King. 100.00 Eugene Swiney. 1.00 Horace King, Telephone. 2.48 liew Smyrna Heach Nursery. 4.00 Haynes Office Machine \';Q. 3.00 Councilman Southard moved that these bills be approved, paid and be made a part of the minutes, secQnded by \,;ouncilman Bailey and by vote declared GARRIED. REPOR'rs OF OFFICERS. The Clerk reported that the following persons had consented tQ serve upon the Zoning Gommission: E.A.Lembeck. Edward J.Ryan. William Allen. It was reported by the Glerk that the samples of water sent to the Florida State Board Of Health on December ~th, 1941 had been tested by them and their report dated December 12th advised "We wou]d say that the sanitary quality of the samples of water submitted is gQod." The samples were taken from the .I!'low lfe~1s at Park Ave. and Riverside Drive and Park Ave. near the F.E.C. Railway. A.B.Wilkinson. JQhn Baumgartner. '.rhe Marsha.ll reported that Park Ave. had been repaired and that the ~1ater Tower on the ~mma Brad~ prQperty had been taken down and that the material had been stQred on the property. ORDINANCES. Ordinance number 103 relating tQ Occupational and Business Licenses was read and taken up section by section and discussed at considerable length. \,;hanges were made inseveral sections and the Attorney was requested to revise and to submit at the next meeting Qf Council. NEW BUSINESS. Mr. L.R.Turner cQmplained of the trash dumped in front of his property just East of Riverside Drive. The Marshall was Qrdered to investigate and to report. .. . v u _ u l.., .fC~ ~.. ~ v II Minutes of meeting of December 16th, 1941. Page 2. ~EW BUSINESS.Continued. Mrs. Anna Ro th the tear 1941. that her abode of Florida. objected to not having been granted Homestead ~xemption for It was explained taht she was not eligable due to the fact took that of her husband who was not a resident of the State the Clerk reported that he had an offer of $280.00 for Lots 6 and 7, HlockB, Section 2, Highland Shores Sub. provided an Abstract was furnish~d, the price being the price set by t,;ouncil but that the abstract would cost '30.00. Councilman Southard moved the the offer of Chas, F.McCormick for the purcha.se of Lots 6 and 7, .Dlock B, Sectlion 2, Highland Shores Sub. for the sum of ~280.00 with Abstract to be furnished by the fown, $100.00 down payment and the balance due June 1st, 1942 with interest at 6% per annum on the unpaid monthly balance, be accepted and that the Mayor and t,;lerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign a contract to purchase, seconded by Councilman Hailey and by vote declared unanimously t,;ARRIED. The Clerk reported an application to keep hogs on Lot 26 A and 26 B, Asstrs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant and the Marshall was requested to contact the adjoin- ing property owners to ascertain if there were any objections and to report at the next meeting. ~he Bill for one Blue Print of the town Map delivered to O.E.Southa.rd was ordered by t,;ouncil reduced to ~2.00 It is here recorded that the following citzens were present at this mectin~, Paul Ruby, t,;.D.Hartlett, Harry Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Rothe, L.R.Turner, Grant Gonyeau, Wm. G.Blair, Mrs. Dora Christenson, J.J.Baumgartner, Paul Brewer and R.E.Fuller. 00uncilman Southard. moved that we adjourn, seconded by t,;ouncilman Hailey and by vote dedlared uARRIED. ~ime 10:03 P.M. /' Mayor Councilman. # ---- i.;ouncilman. ~~TEST : t. Gouncilman7, town Clerk. -,