03-17-1942 - Regular v I ,,' J,..... ... v u .~. I V o u REGULAR MEETING OF TEE TOWN COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FIDRIDA, HELD AT V.I .A. HALL ON MARCH 17, 1942. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Councilman Henry Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. G.L.Bailey. Vial ter C .1!'uller. J.U.Gillespie. Horace King. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear a report made by Mr. E.A.Lembeck, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Lembeck advised that each member of the Board was given a district in Edgewater to watch and to make suggestions from time to time that would prove of benefit to the Town. The regular order of business was resumed. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of February 17th were read whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; H.C.Colee Clerks Miss. Cash. Salaries for March,Henry Stalnaker G.E.Southard. G .L.Bailey;. ~alter C.Fuller. Horace Klhng. Councilman Sotitnard.moved that these bills be a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman CARRIED . REPORTS OF OFFI CERS . $1.00 4.38 2.00 2.00 2.00 60.00 100.00 approDed, be paid and be made Bailey and by vote declared The 6lerk reported that nothing further had been heard of the First AiQ Kits or the Traffic Lights ordered. The Marshall reported that the bees at the rear of Mr. Allen's property on New Hampshire Ave. belonged to Mr, Hoffman and that he would see Mr. Hoffman in refence to a permit. He further reported that there were no objections by the surrounding property owners whereupon Councilman Bailey moved that the Clerk be authorized to :iissue a permit, sG:::conded by Councilman 80uthard and by vote declared CARRIED. The Marshall reported a bad condition ad the property of the Marine Paint as a breeding place for mosquitoes. STANDING COMMITTEES. Chai~n Southard reported that he had been advised by Mrs. Olive K.Parker that she had no aut~ority to turn over to Council a key for the Bay View Hotel. Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to write Mrs. Emma C. Brady requesting that she authorize Mrs. Parker to turn a key over to Council sceonded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. v I U -.- .... -... . \ U u u Q Minutes of March 17th, 1942, Page 2 GOlmrillrrGA~IONS. . ~he Glerk presented a letter from the State Road Department dated march 9th 1942 with attached Map showing Sate Road No. 4 through ~dgewater. ~his in- formation was ordered filed in the Plat ~ook. u1'"FIlifI SHED B US I NES S . ~he Report of the ~oard of Adjustment was discussed item by item and it was decided to view the suggestions when a survey was made of lots to be clcan@ ed on ~hrusday March 19th, 1942 at one o'clock P.M. ~he report of the ~oard of Adjustment is attached and forms a part of these minutes. A discussion was had of Playground and it was decided to have the Marshall provide transportation to the ~aQch three times a week during the 3Qmffier months. Gouncilman Bailey moved that the Glerk purchase from the Smith Gompany at Utica, ~.Y. ~en(lO) Fig. 147 ~omb Nozzles for the ~awn's Fire Fighters, at a cost not to exceed ~15.00 plus delivery, seconded by Gouncilman Southard and by vote declared GARRIED. The Marshall aws ordered to gather up papers on tiighway. tic was also order- ed to fix the hole in Gakridge Ave. to prevent water standing in this hole. ~hG Clerk was requested to write to the Mosquitoe Gontrol ~oard in refer.r. ence to a pool of water on the East end of the ~leanor Marshall. Property at the corner of Hiverside lJri ve and Palmway. HEW BUSINESS. Councilman Bailey moved that the Attorney prepare a Resolution closing the Alley running South of the South line of t.ilkinson Street 150 feet between Lot 11 and lots 12,13 and 14 of 'ailkinson Sub. of Lot 16, Ass'.rs Sub. of G .alvarez Grant, Sec. 52, 'l'wp. 17 S.,R 34 E., secpnded by Councilman South- ard and by vote declared CARFuED. Councilmn.n Southard moved that we adj ourn, seconded by Gouncilmc'J.n Bailey " ,_ and by vote declared cARRIED. Time 9:17 P.M. Councilman. Mayor councilman.~ .... .......~ - -" Councilman. ~1!1rES'r :'""""-- Town Clerk. lJ . .'.... . "- . (.) Q I~ TOnN OF EDGE.'WATER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT . . . TO THE HONORABLE TOWN COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER: ATTENTION YOUR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT in regQlar monthly session held at Edgewater,llaroh 10/42., respectfully advise and do hereby submi,t to you for careful oonsideration/and for im- mediate aotion the following items: ITEM 1. ~~ (a)-Bad condition of back of sign owned by oity,Highway and Hamilton Drivo. (b)-Cuttings from trees piled up at junotion of Oak Rid- ge Avonue and Highland one block off Highway. (o)-Water hmle in turn of Oak Ridge back of j ~ . seal ITEM 2, (a)-Mosquitc__breeding,stagnant water pool along west boundary line of Riverside Drive, oft E.~furshall's prop~rtyl and north boundary line of J.F.Vallerio. (b)-Out-let,from C.B.Bartlott's flo\6i,";;'~.l.l .1;0:"'~'~-its crossing the boundary line and flooding'~.~allario's front yard lawn. (c)-Glean-up on Chadwick property, Connecticut Avenue. (d )-Bay View Hotel property of ~o.Brady(Mrs. )yard and- buildings in bad, ha~ardous oondition. (e)-Removal of tree in road--- IJrs, Wood\prop. (f)-Bad oondition of line fenoe between A.B.Wilkinson and Hotel on Riverside Drive. ~ ~~~. . seal ITEM 3, (a)-Bad hole on New Hampshire Avenue. 0 ~~.~. seal 0f30J;e;(~ ITEM 4, (a)-Property owners should be cautioned not to erect shacks or unsightly buildings along side neighbor's prop- erty, thereby curtailing the valuation of said properties. Town Ordinances must be *nforced. ~ W3. -. 11-- ().O~"'.~~ seal ITEM 5, (a)-Your special attention is called to enforce rules ~e- ~ 4-. gf.!;,dW J;he ~~n~.p~9E_ of.l?rush and trash on river front, CUl4.. Uf!. ,()-<.u;r;~ . ~ ~Uu~a../~eA;:z)~ ~ II / I.. ... _' . . . seal . Respootfully submitted by the Board of Jdjustment, this lOth.,day of Maroh,l942, ~. ,~ Attest: .1 tUJnI~ (le;". -'--07". .-Socretary. \