06-02-1942 - Regular - v ..~ . I....... '-/- . ,..-.. c -.- U'-- .-. v ~ REGULAR :MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORI~ IffiELD AT THE V.I .A.HALL ON JUNE 2, ~942. Meeting cal~ed to order at 7:34 P.M. by Vice Mayor Councilman George L.Bailey. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. Vice Mayor Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. Geill>rge L.Bailey. O.E.Southard. Walter C.Fuller. J.U.Gil~espie. Horace King. Absent. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of May 19th were read, whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as corrected, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. ~he following bi~s were read: City of New Smyraa Beach, V.I.A.Hall Lights to Clerks Miss. Cash. Southern Bell Telephone, Local service 320-W Councilman SOQthard moved that these bills be approved, paid as made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and ed CARRIED. May 19th $2...04 .50 2.66 read and be by vote declar- OFFICERS REPORTS. Mayor. No report. Clerk. A Cash Statementffind a statement of BUdget Appropriations was read for the month of May. Councilman Southard moved that these reports be approved and be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Counci~~n Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. The-bil~ for street lights for the month of June was reported as in error as all but thirteen lights were ordered turned off as ~f date }!ay 22nd, 1942 whereas bill was rendered for the full amount. Councilman Southard moved that the action of Council in ordering the Street Lights turned off, except those on Ridgewood Ave. ,be approved and that the Clerk take up with the City of New Smyrna Beach the correction of the bil~ for the month of June, seconded by Councilman Bai~ey and by vote declared unan- imously CARRIED. A report was read in full on Homestead Exemptions App~ications for the Tax Year 1..942. Councilman South~1Ld moved that the report be received and be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Bai~ey and by vote de- clared CARRIED. Marshal~._ &~eaning of Lot 32A had been chec~ed and that Joe Korsis would deduct the cost of cleaning this lot from his bid. Any action on bids was held over with Councilmen Bailey and Southard agreeing to see both. Bidders.. Reported hauling she~ and pla~ing on streets an~ was ordered to continQe. Report of Board .of Adjustment. That Mr. Blair had been elected Chairman and Mr. Leddin Secretary. The list of suggestions made by the Board to Council was discussed and par- ticularly those items not as yet remenided. Councilman Bailey agreed to see C.D.Bartlett about the overflow from his flow well. Councilman Southard moved that the Clerk be authorized to write to Nannie B. Corn Qi,vner of Lots 2 and 3, D .Foresters ReSub. requesting that she either repair or remove fence along the front line of her property to remove a hazard to traxel along Riverside Drive, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. The removal of large oak tree in fr9n\ of Lot 5 Mendalls Hawks Park was dis- cussad and an investigation was to~seeOwhat could be done as to its removal. The Board advised that their regular meeting was held at the Council Room on the second Tuesday of each month at the hour of Eight O'clock. ,. ~ -... -.......... . '. .. v . . " . (..) U u u 'W Minutes of the Meeting of June 2, 1942. Page 2. Officers Reports. Continued. The Marshall's Timn Reports for the month of May were discussed. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Chairman Southard of the Drainage Committee reported that all work had been completed but requested that the Marshall inspect the fizst bridge West of :the~~Ra:t1.road on Park Ave. This was ordered done. The Special Committee Oln Dimout at the North end of Highway reported three cars being stopped with improper lights and thought that further watching was not necessary. COMMUlITCATIONS . The resignation of J.S.Bates as Deputy Marshall was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that Mr. Bates resignation be accepted and that the Clerk write him a letter of appreciation for the co-operation rendered, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Aletter dated May 29th, 1942 from Chas. Thurmond, Supt. Electric Lines, New Smyrna BeacG ( City of) was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that the City of New Smyrna Beach be granted per- mission to trim trees on the street right of ways in Edgewater where such trees interfer with the electric light wires, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. A letter dated May 20th was read from Sidney H.Taylor in reference to cleaning lots 72 and 72A, Fernald and Chadwick Replat. It was ordered held over until the next meeting. Councilman Southard moved that the offer of Maybelle Lohman of $150.00 for Three Lots in Section Two, Block B,Highland Shores, be accepted and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and they are 3ereby authorized to sign a contract for purchase on standard terms and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign a deed conveying Lot 5, Block C, Section Three, High- land Shores Sub. to "E.H. and Maybelle Lohman for the cash sum of $75.00. seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS. Mr. Henry Kuhlhoff being granted the floor presented a letter from the War Production Board, Washington,D.C. File 167 in reference to collection of scrap materials. This was refered to the Defense Council thru J.U.Gillespie who was given the letter. An application from J.F.Vallario to keep four hogs on Lot 6, Ass'rs Sub. of G. Alvarez Grant was refered to the Marshall for a report and Councilman Southard moved that if the report was favorable the Clerk should issue a permit, Second- ed by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard moved that the selling price on Lot 12, Block C, Section 1, Highland Shores Sub. be fiXed at $25.00, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by Vote declared CARRIED. The question of property damage and liabillity insurance for ~he Town truck was canvassed from information given in letters received from L.R.Poorbaugh and Ray F.Blinn. The Attorney was requested to check on the coverage given by the policy. Councilman Southard moved that the Attorney prepare a Resolution authorizing the cost of the Garage built by the Town on Wilkinson Street to be taken from the Special Foreclosed Property Fund, total Cost $269.65, seconded by Council- man Bailey and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. The Clerk was instructed to obtain figures on the cost of $1000.00 Insurance on "Garage and contentst Aletter dated May 29th from W.Romer Smith,County Tax Assessor, in reference to supplying a copy of the County Assessment Roll for properties i~ the,Town of Edgewaterwas read in full and filed until next year when he a~vLsed 1t could be supplied. "'.. . . .. ~ G U II . ... " u 0 u- U . ,. . , I . <f: r. . r . . Minutes of meeting of June. 2, 1942. Page 3. Councilman Southard moved that we adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 10:1.2 P.M. -..... -... ......- -..... .... Councilm.an. . _ Mayor Council.man ~ ---. - , , :::./ ....... ........ " Counci lman . ,'">- -' , ATTEST t - Town Clerk. It is here rocordod that the following Citzens were present at the above Meeting; Wm. G.Blair, Ralph B.Millor, E.J.Ryan, Robart E.Fullor, F.R.Renwick, Henry Ku~lho~f and J.R.Wood. / G u . --0 v~ ,. .\.,.) o REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR ON HOMESTEAD EXEMP'fION .Al?PLICATIOlffi FILED :h"1()R THE TAX. YEAR 1942. To The Tovm Council, Town of Edgewater, Volusia County,Florida . One Hundred and four Applications for'Hom~tead Exemption, Two for Disabillity Exemption, and three for i1idowta Exemption arc handed you hercwit~ for your approval as to action taken by your T~ Assessor. These have all been allowed with the exception of one and part of another, both being for properties not recprdcd.. in the applicant's name as of January lst.1942. The applicants have been notified by letter. The total assessed valuation for the applications allovrcd for the year 1942- amounts to $124 7l5.00 The follo.wing table shows the total amounts of the Exemptions allowed for the years 1936 to 1942 inclusivCH Tax Year. Total No.of Applications. Total Assessed Valuation. % Increase over previous year. 1936 1937 1938 1939 194.0 1941 1942 6l 71 78 84 64 4.57. 81 660. 83 290. 93 655. 104 765. ll8 30;. 124 715. 26 2. l2 93 97 109 11 l2.9 5.4 The 1942 total is a 93.~% increase over the 1936 total. The following division of the applications allowed for the Tax year 1942-, may be made as follows: 50 pay NO Taxes on Homestead Prqperty. 59 pay sorne Taxes on Homestead or on other properties owned. Resspectfully submitted, . .~. Tax Assessor. Copy to Mayor Councilman,Henry Stalnaker. Councilman,O.E.Southard. Councilman,George L. Bailey.