06-16-1942 - Regular "\ -- - .. ........... . ,~, ....- : o0?I'- .. .. r V 0 U '" v '--' \..,/ REGULAR MEE'fI1fG OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, IlliLD IN V.I .A. HALL ON JUNE ~6, ~942. Meeting called to order at 7: 38 P.M. by Mayor liouncilman henry Stalnaker~ ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilman. liouncilman. liouncilman. Clerk. Attorney. MIl.liS/; A I-L rl.enry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. LT .L..l::Sailey. Walter U.Fuller. J . U. Gilles})ie. HORRe E" \'(. fiG Present Present. Present. Present. Present. ~€t-~~(f. ua- READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of June 2, 1942. were read whereupon Councilman Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman 8talnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS ~m ACCOUNTS. Ui ty of .New Smyrna j)each,13 Street Lights June month of ~ 33.1, 5.35 .75 1.45 16.3, 25.00 15.2.6 1.7, 2.63 R.H.Roesc Haynes Office Machine liO. r . Wa1 ta::r Hawkins. dalter v.Fuller, ~ew cl~a Abstract lio. D.B.Smith and Co. Clerks Miss vash. Marshall's Phone, one ha~. Salaries for June. Henry 'Sta~aker 1.00 O.E.Bouthard. 2.00 G.L.Bailey. 2.00 ~&lter C.Fuller. 60.00 Horace King. 100.00 R.H.Rush 2.50 Big Pine Gas Station,~avid A.Thomas 2.,9 Councilman Southard moved that these bills be approved, paid as read and" be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. CLERK. the- C~erk as Tax Collector raad a report on tha Collection of Taxes for the ~ax Year 1941. Councilman Bailey moved that the report be received and made a part of tho minutes, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared 0ARRIED. Report was made on letters written .New Smyrna Beach in regard to Street lights, Mrs. Hannie .B.Corn in regard to J!'ence, and.. W.S.Darley and Co. in rogard to shipment of Traffic Signals. The Clerk further reported thnt Lot 12, Block C, Section ~, Highland Shores Sub. had been sold to Phillip G. and Marcie A.Orr for a Cash consid~ration of '2.,.00 and thnt a deed had been signed. That George li.Burch had compl~t~d the payments on his contract to purchase Lots 17 and 18, j)lock l!.:, Section~, 1iighland Shores Sub. and that Deed had boen signed for these lots and for the ~est t of Lot 16, Block l!.:, Sec.l as this latter lot had been paid for and the purchaser desired one deed to cover all three properties. That there was on file the acceptance of Paul D.Leddin and \im. G..1:Ilair to serve as mnmbers of the .l::Soard of Adjustment. MARSHALL. That the bridge on Park Ave. just tiest of the. Kailroad had boen inspected and found to be all right. That the dradmage ditch on Park and Flagler AVQs. did not run off or drain. Oounci1man Bailey advised that the bridge was not wide enough for two cars. ,~_ ",.~::t: _~s_~.:-~::-, ~as." ~r~oreil +,. ...., q'e.~~~~J~~-.41:;:~~_~g_n ~~ sides (.f ~r~dge ~ G u o o -..;~ .. i' Minutes of Meeting of Juno 16, 1942. Page 2. Reports. Continued. The Board of Adjustment reported as fml1ows: ~. Complaint reoeived from J.S.Bates as to water from street draining on his property. Board suggested a ditch on the North side of Park Ave. 2. The oondition of lots north and south of lots 66C and 67 Fernald and Chadwick replat are a fire hazard to the Elwin Merrill Home. 3. Highland and Oakridge Aves. at their East end should be oleaned of tree trimi1'1gs 4. C.D.Bartlett overflow from well. He will permit Town to drain. This was to be taken up with the owner of the property laying North. 5.Tree in front of Woods-Smith property on Riverside Drive should be re- moved as it is dangerous to traffic. pe Hole at East end of New Hampshire Ave. should be filled up. ~. Holes in Highland Ave. near bridge should be filled up. 8. The emma Brady lots at the oorner of Riverside Drive and Ocean Ave. should be cleaned. The board asked that Counoil have a letter written them as to what would be done about these suggestions. COMMITTEE REPORTS. The oommittee on lot oleaning asked for further time whioh was granted. COMMUNICATIONS. A letter dated ~une 10, 1942 signed by E.J.Rynn, Zone Warden was read in full. The Fire Chief was asked to oall a meeting of all Special Police, Firemen and others to hear Mr. Henshaw on the duties required during Blackouts. The meeting was oalled for monday June 22, 1942 at the hour of 8 P.M. ORDINANCES. A Resolution entitled" AUTHORIZING THE DISBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN MONEYS FROM THE "SPECIAL FBRECLOSED PROPERTY FUND " OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA." was read in full. Counoilman Bailey moved the adoption of the Resolution, seoonded by Counoil- man Southard, and adopted the roll call vote being as follows: Mayor Counoilman. Henry Stalnaker. Counoilman. O.E.Southard. . Counoi lman. Geo rge L. Bailey" A Copy of the Resolution is attaohed and forms a part of these Yes. Yes. Yes. minutes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The matter of Truok Insurance was discussed after a report by the Attorney on letters reoeived from Ray S.Blinn dated June l3~h and L.H.Poorbaugh looal agents for the The Fidelity and Casualty Co. and the State Farm Insuranoe Companies respeotively. Counoilman Southard moved that a policy with ooverage of 5, 16 and 5 be taken with the Fidelity and Caualty Co. tho promium to be $25.00, seconded by Counoilman Bailey and by vote deolared unanimously oarried. The subjeot of oleaning lots 72 and 72A was brought up and Council deoided to inspect those lots. NEW BUS IN~SS. The condition of a dook a.t the foot of Bigelow Dr-ive was reportod in a danger- ous condition. The Marshall was ordered to plaoe a barrioade at the end of the dock on the ~and side. The Mayor reported an invi tationi,~o'.:llttend,la F.B. I. Sohool of instruotion at the Angebuilt Hotel in Orlando, on June 19th. Counoilman Stalnaker moved that the Town pay for the gas and oil for G.L.Bailey oar to take five persons to Orland.o to attend this school, seconded by Counc il- man Southard and by vote declared Carried. II...' . . ~ G .... . ......' . .... . u Q o u u Meeting held on June 16, 1942. Page 3. NEW BUSINESS. Continued. The Marshall reported that about Thirty Edgewater Children wanted to picnic at DeLeon Springs on June 20th, 1942. They asked that the Marshall be per- mitted to take them in the Town Truck. Councilman Bailey moved that the use of the Truck be permitted to transport the children and their parents to De Leon Springs on Saturday June 20th, 1942 that the Marshall obtain releases from the parents before going and. that the Attorney write the release~form, sooonded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard reported on a dangerous condition of the Highway on Sunday Evening June 14th due to broken light wires and fal~en branches from trees that he had assumed the authority to police the dangerous places band that the current had been turned off after two calls to New Smyrna. He also renorted the theft of his boat during the latter part of May. The matter of erecting a Dim your lights sign on the Highway towards the South end of Town was discussed with the result that Councilman Bailey was to find out the cost of the sign( Three feet by Four Feet.O building, lettering)and the Clerk was to write the Highway Department for the minimam distance it could be placed from the edge of the pavement. The suggested lettering for the sign was as follows; WARNING. ARMY ORDERS. DRIVE WITH DIM LIGHTS 20 MILES PER HOUR. The Mayor reported that Frances F.Wood had requested a rebate'upon the surrender of License No.8 Special, Distributing Advertising Literature.After a review of the Ordinances pertaining to'Occupational Licenses by the Attorney it was found that no rebate could be allowed. Councilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9:53 P.M. Mayor " " - - ,....... COUnCillM.n.~~ " .. -- ;. ATTEST: ~ Il,., Councilnv.m. L.r~ Town Clerk.